SNL Transcripts: Mardi Gras Special: 02/20/77: The Krewe of Apollo Ball II

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 2: Mardi Gras Special

Mardi Gras Special

The Krewe of Apollo Ball II

…..Jane Curtin
…..Penny Marshall
…..Cindy Williams

[ dissolve back to SNL’s reviewing grandstand at the corner of Bourbon and Canal streets ]

Jane Curtin: And now back to Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams at the Apollo Ball.

[ dissolve to Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams at the Apollo Ball, in the Hyatt Regency ]

Penny Marshall: [ loudly ] Hi! Here we are, back at the Apollo! [ Cindy shushes her ] I’m sorry. [ in a softer voice ] They’re just about to introduce the Queen – the eighth Queen —

Cindy Williams: — of the Apollo.

Penny Marshall: We have missed all the hand maidens, and the three out-of-town Kings and Queens. [ fanfare blares ] But, here she is – here comes —

[ dissolve to live footage of the Queen walking down the aisle ]

Cindy Williams: The Queen is going to be wearing a floor-length, gold silk gown with chiffon overlay, encrusted and bejeweled — oh, with silver and amber on gold — ohh, she’s beautiful.

Penny Marshall V/O: She’s getting a standing ovation, as well deserved.

Cindy Williams V/O: Yes. With a collar of a combination of plume, made of scented feathers, and a crown, the same as the King.

Together V/O: Hi!!

Penny Marshall V/O: Hello!

Cindy Williams V/O: Isn’t he something? He’s something, isn’t he?

Penny Marshall V/O: What?

Cindy Williams V/O: He’s something.

Penny Marshall V/O: We must stand — we must stand for the Queen.

[ dissolve back to Penny and Cindy standing up and clapping ]

Penny Marshall: There’s a lot of scented feathers coming out of the Queen’s side. Many feathers.

Cindy Williams: You missed a costume made of yak fur, earlier —

Penny Marshall: Say bye. Bye. Goodbye, from Apollo.

[ dissolve back to Buck and Jane ]

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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