Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Mardi Gras Special
Gary Weis Down South
[ art card: “Gary Weis Down South” over photo of Gary Weis ]
[ dissolve to film, a montage of Dixie-related signs over traditional Dixie music ]
[ wide shot of Dixie TV, zoom forward ]
[ close-up of Dixie truck as it rolls westward on the street ]
[ Dixie ]
[ zoom on Dixie Stove Works sign ]
[ close-up of rotating Dixie & Associates sign ]
[ zoom on Dixie Parking Service ]
[ zoom on Dixie Bearings, Inc. clock at 6:10 ]
[ Dixie Trucking 94 ]
[ three unidentified Dixie signs ]
[ close-up of Dixie Auto Parts sign ]
[ two unidentified Dixie signs ]
[ unidentified man pulls open his shirt to reveal a Dixie Beer t-shirt ]
[ close-up of Dixie Art sign ]
[ unidentidied Dixie sign ]
[ close-up of Dixie Male sign ]
[ close-up of Official Shop Service Dixie sign ]
[ close-up of Dixie 45 Beer on Tap sign ]
[ zoom to close-up of Dixie Mill Supply Co., Inc. sign ]
[ close-up of Dixie Welding & Metal Day & Night Service sign ]
[ close-up of Dixie Auto sign ]
[ alternate Dixie Mill Supply Co., Inc. sign ]
[ upward angle of Dixie Hotel sign ]
[ quick montage of 14 of the Dixie sign we just saw ]
[ dissolve to applauding revelers in the street, zoom to one upbeat male with SUPER: “Smokes Mardi Grass” ]
[ fade ]