SNL Transcripts: Mardi Gras Special: 02/20/77: Gary Weis Down South

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 2: Mardi Gras Special

Mardi Gras Special

Gary Weis Down South

[ art card: “Gary Weis Down South” over photo of Gary Weis ]

[ dissolve to film, a montage of Dixie-related signs over traditional Dixie music ]

[ wide shot of Dixie TV, zoom forward ]

[ close-up of Dixie truck as it rolls westward on the street ]

[ Dixie ]

[ zoom on Dixie Stove Works sign ]

[ close-up of rotating Dixie & Associates sign ]

[ zoom on Dixie Parking Service ]

[ zoom on Dixie Bearings, Inc. clock at 6:10 ]

[ Dixie Trucking 94 ]

[ three unidentified Dixie signs ]

[ close-up of Dixie Auto Parts sign ]

[ two unidentified Dixie signs ]

[ unidentified man pulls open his shirt to reveal a Dixie Beer t-shirt ]

[ close-up of Dixie Art sign ]

[ unidentidied Dixie sign ]

[ close-up of Dixie Male sign ]

[ close-up of Official Shop Service Dixie sign ]

[ close-up of Dixie 45 Beer on Tap sign ]

[ zoom to close-up of Dixie Mill Supply Co., Inc. sign ]

[ close-up of Dixie Welding & Metal Day & Night Service sign ]

[ close-up of Dixie Auto sign ]

[ alternate Dixie Mill Supply Co., Inc. sign ]

[ upward angle of Dixie Hotel sign ]

[ quick montage of 14 of the Dixie sign we just saw ]

[ dissolve to applauding revelers in the street, zoom to one upbeat male with SUPER: “Smokes Mardi Grass” ]

[ fade ]

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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