SNL Transcripts: Buck Henry: 11/19/77: Little Chocolate Donuts

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 3: Episode 6

77f: Buck Henry / Leon Redbone

Little Chocolate Donuts

Written by: Al Franken & Tom Davis

Announcer…..Marv Albert
…..John Belushi
Other Runners…..Tom Davis, Neil Levy

[ open on John Belushi, Decathalon Champion, preparing to do the Olympic high jump on a sports field ]

Announcer: John Belushi is on his way to a gold medal in the Decathlon! They’re setting the bar at seven feet – here’s his approach.

[ John Belushi runs toward the bar. Quick cut to John jumping over the top of the bar. Quick cut to John landing on the grass. ]

Announcer: He got it! Belushi’s won the gold, now he’s going for the world’s record!

[ cut to John Belushi running a long-distance sprint against other runners; he wins the race, and his fans crowd around him ]

[ cut to John seated like Bruce Jenner at his breakfast nook ]

John Belushi: [ as he holds a lit cigarette ] I logged a lot of miles training for that day. And I downed a lot of doughnuts. Little Chocolate Donuts. They taste good, and they’ve got the sugar I need to get me going in the morning. That’s why Little Chocolate Donuts have been on my training table since I was a kid.

[ cut to John Belushi going for the gold in the pole vault ]

Announcer: Little Chocolate Donuts. The donuts of champions.

[ dissolve to audience wide shot, zoom in on applauding woman with SUPER: “One Jump Behind Us” ]

[ after repeat on 04/08/78, dissolve to audience wide shot, zoom in on woman with SUPER: “Peaking” ]

[ fade ]

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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