Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 3: Episode 7]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
December 10th, 1977
Mary Kay Place
Willie Nelson
Andy Kaufman
Tom Davis
Jim Downey
Al Franken
Tom Schiller
Mitchell Laurance
Neil Levy
Alan Zweibel Pep Rally
Summary: Cheerleader Mary Kay Place rallies the cast to perform “SNL”‘s peppiest show ever.
Mary Kay Place’s MonologueSummary: Mary Kay Place reads an entry from her 8th Grade diary.
Hey You!Summary: Woman (Gilda Radner) garners attention by using the perfume for one-night stands.
More Insects To Worry AboutSummary: Dr. Haskell Lack (John Belushi) tells Jane Curtin about insects that burrow behind contact lenses and about funny ants.
Total Womanhood Meeting
Willie Nelson performs “Whiskey River” & “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain”
Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Dan AykroydSummary:
Married In A Minute!Summary: In 1960’s New York, single young women visiting the city are lucky when it comes to money, housing, careers, and husbands.
Andy Kaufman
Bad MusicalRecurring Characters: Leonard Pinth-Garnell, Ronnie Bateman.
Mary Kay Place & Willie Nelson performs “Something to Brag About”
The Story of ChanukahSummary: Bobbi Farber (Gilda Radner) explains the origin of Chanukah to her neighbors (Bill Murray, Mary Kay Place).
Recurring Characters: Bobbi Farber, Larry Farber.