SNL Transcripts: Walter Matthau: 12/02/78

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 4: Episode 7

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


December 2nd, 1978

Walter Matthau



Tom Davis

George Coe

Don Novello

Brian Doyle-Murray

Rosie Shuster

Alan Zweibel
Programming IdeasSummary: Fred Silverman (John Belushi) wonders how his poorly-developed programming ideas have failed on NBC’s programming schedule.

Recurring Characters: Fred Silverman.



Walter Matthau’s MonologueSummary: A humble Walter Matthau tells the audience about his week with the cast.

Super Epoxy-DentSummary: The dental adhesive strong enough to pull you on a helicopter by your teeth.


The Bad News BeesSummary: Coach Buttermaker (Walter Matthau) gives the bees on his team a pep talk after Alan (John Belushi) buzzes off.

Recurring Characters: Bees.


Olympia CafeSummary: A Coca-Cola salesman (Walter Matthau) talks dim-witted Nico (Bill Murray) into switching the Olympia cafe over from Pepsi.

Recurring Characters: Pete Dionasopolis, George Dionasopolis, Sandy Dionasopolis, Niko Dionasopolis, Mike Dionasopolis.


Daughter’s Old Bed

Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Bill MurraySummary: Laraine Newman reports on the death of a slain gay leader in Chinatown. John Belushi rants about holiday depression.

Nixon’s ComebackSummary: Richard Nixon (Dan Aykroyd) seeks the help of a conspirator (Walter Matthau) in an attempt to make a political return.

Recurring Characters: Richard Nixon, Pat Nixon, Julie Eisenhower, David Eisenhower.

Woman to WomanSummary: Connie Carson (Gilda Radner) interviews teen model Vanessa Lake (Laraine Newman).

Recurring Characters: Connie Carson.

Garrett Morris performs “Dalla Sua Pace”Summary: At Walter Matthau’s insistence, Garrett performs “Dalla Sua Pace” from Don Giovanni.

Government Surplus StoreSummary: The owner of a government surplus store (Walter Matthau) tries to comfort a young customer (Larane Newman) after she returns some unneeded canteens.

Recurring Characters: Vesna Shegula.

Network Battle of the T’s & A’sNote: Repeat from 10/07/78.

Mr. Bill is LateSummary: Spot is burnt to a crisp before Mr. Bill is ready to do the show.



SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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