Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 4: Episode 7]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
December 2nd, 1978
Walter Matthau
Tom Davis
George Coe
Don Novello
Brian Doyle-Murray
Rosie Shuster
Alan Zweibel Programming Ideas
Summary: Fred Silverman (John Belushi) wonders how his poorly-developed programming ideas have failed on NBC’s programming schedule.
Recurring Characters: Fred Silverman.
Walter Matthau’s MonologueSummary: A humble Walter Matthau tells the audience about his week with the cast.
Super Epoxy-DentSummary: The dental adhesive strong enough to pull you on a helicopter by your teeth.
The Bad News BeesSummary: Coach Buttermaker (Walter Matthau) gives the bees on his team a pep talk after Alan (John Belushi) buzzes off.
Recurring Characters: Bees.
Olympia CafeSummary: A Coca-Cola salesman (Walter Matthau) talks dim-witted Nico (Bill Murray) into switching the Olympia cafe over from Pepsi.
Recurring Characters: Pete Dionasopolis, George Dionasopolis, Sandy Dionasopolis, Niko Dionasopolis, Mike Dionasopolis.
Daughter’s Old Bed
Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Bill MurraySummary: Laraine Newman reports on the death of a slain gay leader in Chinatown. John Belushi rants about holiday depression.
Nixon’s ComebackSummary: Richard Nixon (Dan Aykroyd) seeks the help of a conspirator (Walter Matthau) in an attempt to make a political return.
Recurring Characters: Richard Nixon, Pat Nixon, Julie Eisenhower, David Eisenhower.
Woman to WomanSummary: Connie Carson (Gilda Radner) interviews teen model Vanessa Lake (Laraine Newman).
Recurring Characters: Connie Carson.
Garrett Morris performs “Dalla Sua Pace”Summary: At Walter Matthau’s insistence, Garrett performs “Dalla Sua Pace” from Don Giovanni.
Government Surplus StoreSummary: The owner of a government surplus store (Walter Matthau) tries to comfort a young customer (Larane Newman) after she returns some unneeded canteens.
Recurring Characters: Vesna Shegula.
Network Battle of the T’s & A’sNote: Repeat from 10/07/78.
Mr. Bill is LateSummary: Spot is burnt to a crisp before Mr. Bill is ready to do the show.