Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 4: Episode 9]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
December 16th, 1978
Elliott Gould
Peter Tosh
Bob & Ray
Dave Wilson
Mick Jagger
Paul Shaffer
Yvonne Hudson
Brian Doyle-Murray
Jim Downey
Tom Schiller
Andy Murphy
Al Franken White House Lawn Special Event
Summary: President Jimmy Carter (Dan Aykroyd) and his daughter Amy (Laraine Newman) ceremoniously unlight the White House Christmas tree in order to conserve energy.
Recurring Characters: President Jimmy Carter, Amy Carter.
Elliot Gould’s MonologueSummary: Elliott Gould tap dances and sings “Christmastime in Harlem”.
Rovco All-Flammable Christmas Tree
The WidettesSummary: The big-butt Widette Family (Dan Aykroyd, Jane Curtin, John Belushi, Gilda Radner) celebrate Christmas with Uncle Jerry (Elliott Gould).
Recurring Characters: Betty Widette, Bob Widette, Jeff Widette, Tammy Widette.
Peter Tosh & Mick Jagger perform “Don’t Look Back”
Mommie DearestRecurring Characters: Joan Crawford, Colleen Fernman, Katharine Hepburn, Clark Gable, Cary Grant.
Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Bill MurrayRecurring Characters: Roseanne Roseannadanna.
The Spirits of Christmas
Bob & RayTranscript
St. Mickey’s Knights of ColumbusRecurring Characters: Frank Leary, Jack Neehauser, Francis Jacko Leary, Jr., Sister Serena.
Peter Tosh performs “Bush Doctor”
Christmas Tree SalesmanSummary: While the Christmas tree salesman (Elliott Gould) is lured across across the street by a prostitute (Laraine Newman), homeless Honker (Bill Murray) manages to make a sale for a mother (Gilda Radner) and her little girl (Gilda Radner).
Recurring Characters: Honker.