SNL Transcripts: Michael Palin: 01/27/79

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 4: Episode 10

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


Bit Players:

January 27th, 1979

Michael Palin

The Doobie Brothers

Don Novello


Al Franken

Tom Davis

Jim Downey

Andy Murphy
State Of The Union 1979Summary: President Jimmy Carter (Dan Aykroyd) delivers the State of the Union Address despite his discomfort during a bout of hemorrhoids.

Recurring Characters: President Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Tip o’Neill.



Michael Palin’s MonologueSummary: Michael Palin promises that tonight’s is a near-perfect show, with the exception that no one provided him with non-wool socks.


Nerds Piano LessonSummary: Mr. Brighton (Michael Palin) gives Lisa Loopner (Gilda Radner) another piano lesson, and now tries to work his charms on Mrs. Loopner (Jane Curtin).

Recurring Characters: Lisa Loopner, Todd DiLaMuca, Mrs. Loopner, Mr. Brighton.

What If?Summary: A panel of experts ponder the notion of What If Superman (Dan Aykroyd) had landed in Nazi Germany when he fell from Krypton.

Recurring Characters: Joan Face, Adolph Hitler.


The Doobie Brothers perform “What a Fool Believes”

Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Bill MurraySummary: Bill Murray interviews Woody Hayes (John Belushi) during “Celebrity Corner”, then sits idly while the volatile former coach beats up his wife (Gilda Radner) during a game of Chess. During his sports report, Chico Escuela (Garrett Morris) advises athletes to keep their eye on the ball. Father Guido Sarducci (Don Novello) comments on the Pope’s recent visit to Mexico, then itemizes the bill for the Last Brunch.

Recurring Characters: Chico Escuela, Father Guido Sarducci.

The Adventures of Miles CowperthwaiteSummary: Miles Cowperthwaite (Michael Palin) begins his upbringing as a drool handler for Lord Pinkney (Dan Aykroyd).

Recurring Characters: Miles Cowperthwaite, Captain Ned, Hodo.

The Doobie Brothers perform “Taking it to the Streets”

Name The BatsSummary: Contestants (Gilda Radner, John Belushi) are locked in a barn and forced to give first names to flying bats in exchange for cash prizes.


The Franken & Davis ShowSummary: With help from Laraine Newman and Gilda Radner, Al Franken and Tom Davis preview their new Communist pornography programming.


Mr. Bill Goes to CourtSummary: Mr. Bill is summoned to stand trial at court after Sluggo claims spot bit him on the leg.



SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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