Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 4: Episode 17
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
April 14th, 1979
Milton Berle
Ornette Coleman
Paul Shaffer
Brian Doyle-Murray
Texaco Star TheatreSummary: Because Mr. Television himself is hosting tonight, Garrett Morris, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and John Belushi re-create the opening for the Texaco Star Theater.
Milton Berle’s MonologueSummary: Although he wishes he had all night, Milton Berle performs five minutes’ worth of jokes and one-liners from his nightclub act.
The WidettesRecurring Characters: Betty Widette, Bob Widette, Jeff Widette, Tammy Widette.
Rock ConcertSummary: Don Kirshner (Paul Shaffer) and his daughter Karen (Gilda Radner) introduce effeminate disco band The Village Persons (Garrett Morris, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi) as they perform “Bend Over, Chuck Berry”.
Recurring Characters: Don Kirshner.
Weekend Update with Jane Curtin & Bill MurraySummary: Chico Escuela (Garrett Morris) plays for the Mets. Rock critic Z Jones (Laraine Newman) ponders the derivative nature of Elvis Costello.
Recurring Characters: Chico Escuela.
Launching Pad with Buddy Pine
On The SpotSummary: Joan Face (Jane Curtin) interviews sleazy amusement park operator Irwin Mainway (Dan Aykroyd).
Recurring Characters: Joan Face, Irwin Mainway.
The Farber SistersSummary: Bobbi Farber (Gilda Radner) and her baby sister Sylvia (Laraine Newman) visit their father (Milton Berle) in the nursing home.
Recurring Characters: Bobbi Farber.
Milton Berle’s Japanese Writers
Ornette Coleman performs “Times Square”
Milton Berle sings “September Song”Transcript