Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 4: Episode 20
78t: Buck Henry / Bette Midler
Olympia Cafe
Pete Dionasopolis…..John Belushi
George…..Dan Aykroyd
Nico Kardopita…..Bill Murray
Female Customer…..Gilda Radner
Sandy…..Laraine Newman
1st Cop…..Garrett Morris
2nd Cop…..Buck Henry
Mrs. Larrimore…..Jane Curtin
Pete Dionasopolis: [into phone] Hello, OlympiaRestaurant. … [yells to George, the cook]Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!
George: Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger![throws a patty on the grill]
Pete Dionasopolis: [into phone] No, no fries. Chip!… [yells to Nico, the counterman who doesn’t reallyunderstand English] Chip! Chip! Chip!
Nico: Chip! Chip! Chip!
Pete Dionasopolis: [into phone] What to drink? … No,no Pepsi. Coke. We switch! … Okay. [yells to Nico]Coke! Coke! Coke!
Nico: Coke! Coke! Coke!
[Sandy the waitress, with no customers to wait on,sweeps the floor with a broom.]Pete Dionasopolis: [into phone] Uh, ten minutes, allright? All right. [hangs up]
Female Customer: [enters cautiously through the frontdoor – the “CLOSED” sign faces the street and thewords “TAKE OUT ONLY” are scrawled on the taped-upglass] Hi, Pete.
Pete Dionasopolis: [joins her by the door] Oh, we’reclosed today, honey. I’m sorry, we’re not open. Only”to go.”
Female Customer: Oh, I-I know. I just stopped by tosay I was sorry to hear about the fire.
Pete Dionasopolis: Yeah.
Female Customer: How did it start?
Pete Dionasopolis: [looks uncomfortable] Ahhhh …Sparks, I think, uh…
Female Customer: Yeah.
Pete Dionasopolis: [shrugs] I don’t know.
Female Customer: Well, uh, do you have any insurance?
Pete Dionasopolis: Oh, sure, I got insurance.
Female Customer: Oh, good.
Sandy: [pauses in her sweeping] Yes, it’s a good thingNico came home from the movies early, you know, thefireman, he say that, uh, if he come ten minuteslater, the whole place would have burned down.[continues sweeping as Pete and the customer move tothe counter]
Female Customer: Aww … Well, uh– [sees Nico’sbandaged arm] Oh! Is that how he burned his arm?
Pete Dionasopolis: No, he burned it while he– He was- he was hitting the alarm box, on the glass.
Nico: [mournfully] Yeah. [puts lids on some Cokes andbags them]
Female Customer: Well, um, when you fix the place up,ya gonna do anything different?
Pete Dionasopolis: [points] Sure, we gonna have a bigsalad bar over there, then we’re gonna knock down thewall for more tables.
Female Customer: Oh.
Pete Dionasopolis: Yeah, it’s gonna be real nice. Whatto go?
Female Customer: Oh, uh, I’ll just have the usual.
Pete Dionasopolis: [yells to George] Cheeseburger!
George: Cheeseburger!
Pete Dionasopolis: [yells to Nico] Coke! Chip!
Nico: Coke! Chip!
Pete Dionasopolis: All right.
[Two police officers enter, Pete joins them at thedoor]1st Cop: Well … we knew that a little thing like afire would not keep you guys closed.
2nd Cop: I think we’ll have two large Cokes to go.
1st Cop: Yeah, and some chips.
Pete Dionasopolis: Coke! Coke! Chip! Chip!
Nico: Coke! Coke! Chip! Chip!
2nd Cop: Yeah, it doesn’t smell much different inhere.
Female Customer: No. Smells like burnt rubber, doesn’tit?
2nd Cop: Yeah, it might even smell a little betterthan usual.
[Nico brings the cops their order and they head outthe door]2nd Cop: See ya.
Pete Dionasopolis: [with a dismissive wave] Yeah,yeah, yeah.
Female Customer: Hey, uh, Pete, you forgot to taketheir money.
Pete Dionasopolis: Policemen don’t pay!
Female Customer: Why not?
Pete Dionasopolis: It’s bad luck!
Female Customer: What is it, some kind of Greeksuperstition?
Pete Dionasopolis: It’s an old superstition. If youdon’t give a policeman free food, they won’t come whenthey need you– when you need them.
Female Customer: Oh ho!
George: [hands customer her order] Cheeseburger.
Female Customer: By the way, could I have some ketchupwith this?
George: Sure. [gingerly picks up a charred plasticketchup bottle by the thumb and forefinger and handsit to her]
Female Customer: Well, that’s all right. [drops itwith disgust on counter]
Pete Dionasopolis: [rings cash register] All right,uh, two twenty-eight, honey.
Female Customer: All right.
[Mrs. Larrimore, a woman in a trenchcoat enters.]Mrs. Larrimore: Uh, Mr. Dionasopolis?
Pete Dionasopolis: [joins her at door] Maybe yes,maybe no.
Mrs. Larrimore: I’m Mrs. Larrimore. I’m the adjusterfrom Universal Insurance Company.
Pete Dionasopolis: Ah! Please come in! [guides her toa stool at the counter] I – I am Pete Dionasopolis.You know, I’m sorry, but maybe I thought you were fromthe Health Board, you know?
Female Customer: Well, bye everybody! And, Pete, I’mlooking forward to seeing the new salad bar. [exits]
Pete Dionasopolis: [uncomfortable at mention of saladbar in the presence of the insurance adjuster who isbusy pulling out a folder with paperwork] Oh, heh hehheh. [to Mrs. Larrimore] Ah! You want something todrink? Coke?
Nico: [thinks an order has been made] Coke! [Petegives him a look, Nico fixes a Coke]
Mrs. Larrimore: No, thank you.
Pete Dionasopolis: All right. Look what happened to mybeautiful restaurant! Everything is gone!
Nico: [puts a Coke on counter for Mrs. Larrimore]Coke. [But nobody is paying attention]
Mrs. Larrimore: Is this the first time you’ve ever hada fire in your restaurant?
Pete Dionasopolis: No, uh, ’bout five years ago, I hadone when I was with another insurance company.
Mrs. Larrimore: And what was the cause of that fire?
Pete Dionasopolis: [We get the sense throughout hisexchange with Mrs. Larrimore that Pete is not exactlybeing honest with her] Unknown, uh … They think itwas maybe sparks.
Mrs. Larrimore: Oh, I see. Now, would it be possiblefor you in the next few days to make a general list ofitems that were destroyed or damaged in the fire?
Pete Dionasopolis: Sure! [has the list ready, reachesfor it on counter] Yes. Here it is. [hands list toMrs. Larrimore]
Mrs. Larrimore: [impressed] Oh! You’ve already doneit.
Pete Dionasopolis: Ah, yes.
Mrs. Larrimore: [scans the list] Ahhh!
Pete Dionasopolis: Everything! All my plates, all mydishes, everything is ruined — everything!
Mrs. Larrimore: [reads the list] Five hundred dollarsworth of paper napkins destroyed in the fire?
Pete Dionasopolis: It was a two year supply, you know,we lost them all. Oh ho, gee, boy.
Mrs. Larrimore: Two hundred dollars for picture ofSpiro Agnew?
Pete Dionasopolis: It was autographed!
Mrs. Larrimore: Oh, okay. Uh … I don’t see anypersonal items here. Did you lose anything like, uh,oh, umbrellas or golf clubs or anything like that?
Pete Dionasopolis: Yes!
Mrs. Larrimore: What?
Pete Dionasopolis: Uh … golf clubs.
Mrs. Larrimore: Golf clubs?
Pete Dionasopolis: Yeah.
Mrs. Larrimore: And, uh, what would you estimate thevalue of the golf clubs?
Pete Dionasopolis: Uhhhh, it’s hard to say, uh …
Mrs. Larrimore: Two hundred?
Pete Dionasopolis: Four.
Mrs. Larrimore: Four hundred dollars? They must havebeen very good clubs.
Pete Dionasopolis: Ah, yes.
Mrs. Larrimore: Did any of your, uh, your employeeslose any personal belongings?
Pete Dionasopolis: Yes! Everybody! Everybody![gestures for the other employees to gather around,they join him]
Mrs. Larrimore: Everybody lost something in the fire?
Pete Dionasopolis: Mm, yes.
Mrs. Larrimore: What?
Pete Dionasopolis: Golf clubs.
Mrs. Larrimore: You all lost golf clubs in the fire?
Pete Dionasopolis: [nudges a reluctant Sandy to playalong, nods to Nico and George who nod backuncomprehendingly] Yes! Yes. Everybody. You see, weall golf together, you know, that’s why we have tokeep them here.
Mrs. Larrimore: Oh, what a shame.
Pete Dionasopolis: Yes, well …
Mrs. Larrimore: Well, I’m going to have to have thenames and addresses of all your employees. [to Nico]Uh, why don’t you start? Your, uh, last name first.
Pete Dionasopolis: His name is Kardopita. Nico. [Sandyand George move off as Nico stands grinning andnodding] Uh, here, I’ll write it for you. [takes penfrom Mrs. Larrimore and writes name in her folder]
Mrs. Larrimore: Oh, good. And his address.
Pete Dionasopolis: Oh, he lives here. He lives in theback. He sleeps in the back.
Mrs. Larrimore: [points to floor] He lives HERE?
Pete Dionasopolis: [gestures] Not HERE, he livesTHERE, by the sink.
Mrs. Larrimore: Oh … [laughs, closes folder, puts itaway, shakes her head] I’m very sorry, Mr.Dionasopolis, but your policy clearly states that ifthe, uh, if the premises is used as a residence, thenyou have void your policy. I’m sorry.
Pete Dionasopolis: [gestures to Nico] Okay, forgetabout his golf clubs! [gestures to Sandy] Sandy, yougo next! Come on!
Mrs. Larrimore: [rises] Ah, no, no, no, no. You don’tseem – you don’t seem to understand, Mr. Dionasopolis.By permitting your business establishment to be usedas a residence, you have violated your rights forcoverage. I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you,after all. [hands Pete a business card] If you haveany further questions, you can speak to an arbitrator.His number is on this card. I’m very sorry.
[Mrs. Larrimore exits. Sandy, broom in hand, watches afrustrated Pete as he sits on a counter stool andexhales deeply. He is still brooding as the two policeofficers return to scam more free food.]2nd Cop: Well, we’re still hungry, so we thought we’ddrop in to say hello again.
1st Cop: [to 2nd Cop] Yeah, how many are you gonnahave, huh, Norm?
2nd Cop: I think I’ll have two.
1st Cop: Yeah, I think I’ll have, uh, two, too.
[Pete stares at them for a moment, then turns away.Realizing Pete is too upset to deal with the cops,Sandy yells out to George:]Sandy: Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!Cheeseburger!
George: [throws patties on grill] Cheeseburger!Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!
2nd Cop: And, uh, give us some chips.
1st Cop: Yeah, an’ a couple o’ Cokes.
Sandy: [yells to Nico] Chip! Chip! Coke! Coke!
Nico: Chip! Chip! Coke! Coke!
George: Pete, no insurance money, what – what we gonnado now?
Pete Dionasopolis: What else? We’re Greeks. We …DANCE!
[The Greek music grows louder as Pete rises, liftsarms in the air, throws business card away, and startsdancing as the others watch in amazement]Pete Dionasopolis: DANCE! EVERYBODY DANCE!
[Everyone, including the cops, raises their arms and,holding hands above their heads, the group dances in aline around the set. Dissolve to wider view of setshowing cameras, lights, applauding audience, etc.SUPER: coming up next… Land Of The GiantTransistors. Fade.]Submitted Anonymously