Hotel-Motel Art Fair
Tom Clay…..Harry Shearer
[ open on an image of a painting of a vase of flowers ]
Tom Clay V/O: The great paintings in today’s world aren’t hanging in some dusty gallery or museum.
[ cut to Tom Clay delivering his pitch ]
Tom Clay: They’re where the action is! In the more than 2 million hotel-motel rooms in the United States and Puerto Rico! Hi! I’m Tom clay! for Hotel-Motel Art Fair! Hey, you ever read about those auctions where somebody pays $2 million for a single painting? Well, he’s got nothing on Hotel-Motel Art Fair! We’ve spent $3 million, and now we’ve got thousands of paintings! Everything from sofa-sized landscapes to bathroom miniatures, at prices so low.. it’s hard to believe these masterpieces were painted by hand! And they’re all gonna go out the door this weekend at the 44 Hotel-Motel Art Fairs throughout the United States – take a look at this!
[ holds up a painting of a surfside sunset ]
Sunrise In Malibu. Until just a couple of months ago, it was in Casa Housron in one of the Midwest leading motel chains! A new decorator comes in and now you can hang this beautiful view of a dynamite area in your home for a fraction of what you’d pay in a museum or art store! And the reason? It’s simple! Hotel-Motel Art Fair buys in enormous quantities from quality hotels-motels. Then we open our huge multi-color tents only on weekends, and then you pocket the difference! And.. when you buy from Hotel-Motel Art Fair, you have the satisfaction of hanging one of the world’s most seen paintings right in your very own home!
So what are you waiting for! Hotel-Motel Art Fair’s open all day tomorrow, and there’s gotta be one near you! Whatever you’re looking for – whether it’s landscape, seascape, clown, children, sports, sunsets, menacing animals! It’s gotta be Hotel-Motel Art Fair! hurry for best selection!
Hotel-Motel Art Fair! Where they won’t let you buy it unless it’s framed!