Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 6: Episode 7
80g: Karen Black / Cheap Trick, Stanley Clarke Trio
National Handgun Association
Man…..Joe Piscopo
Woman…..Ann Risley
Mugger…..Matthew Laurance
Black Man…..Eddie Murphy
Mugger: Okay — give me all your money or I’ll KILL ya’!
Woman: Oh, God! He has a GUN!
Mugger: Noooo!! Guns don’t kill people! PEOPLE kill PEOPLE! [ he grabs Black man and points him menacingly at the couple ] And I’ve got a PERSON right here, so don’t try anything FUNNY!
Man: [ panicking ] No, no! Please! Put away your person! We’ll give you ANYTHING you want, just DON’T point that PERSON at us!
Mugger: Yeah, yeah… come on! Come on!
Man: Here you go! [ he hands his wallet over ]
Announcer: This has been a message from the National Handgun Association, reminding you that guns don’t kill people… PEOPLE kill people.
[ fade ]