Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 6: Episode 10
80j: Deborah Harry / Funky 4 + 1 More
“Don’t Look In The Refrigerator!”
Housewife…..Deborah Harry
[ camera enters front door to slow zoom to refrigerator ]
Announcer: You’re back from vacation. A month in the sun was fun.But now, you’re hungry. You’re thinking of having just a little somethingbefore bed – something light. [ refrigerator door opens to a pile ofdisgusting leftovers ] Maybe some cottage cheese!
[ quick zoom upward to Housewife screaming ]
Announcer: “Don’t Look In The Refrigerator!” The terrifying journeyinto the world of leftovers! “Don’t Look In The Refrigerator!” Coming toa theater near you.
[ fade ]