Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 7: Episode 1
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
October 3rd, 1981
Rod Stewart
Michael Davis
Swifty Lazar
Tina Turner
Andy Warhol
Andy Murphy
NBC: “Our Age Is Showing”Transcript
MontageNote: James Caan was scheduled to host this episode, but he dropped out because his sister was in the hospital being treated for bone marrow cancer.
The Little Richard Simmons ShowTranscript
The ClamsSummary: Brian DePalma’s latest cinematic rip-off features clams attacking the town folk of Bodega Bay, California,
Nuns On The Beach
A Few Minutes with Andy RooneyRecurring Characters: Andy Rooney.
Prose & ConsSummary: America’s hottest new writers are coming straight out of prison. Tyrone Green (Eddie Murphy) is but one example.
Recurring Characters: Tyrone Green.
Rod Stewart performs “Dance With Me”
Rod Stewart & Tina Turner perform “Hot Legs”
SNL Newsbreak with Brian Doyle-Murray & Mary GrossSummary: A preview of Tom Snyder (Joe Piscopo) hosting the “Tomorrow” show in Spanish. Raheem Abdul Mohammed (Eddie Murphy) wants to know why there aren’t any black people in the movies.
Recurring Characters: Tom Snyder, Raheem Abdul Mohammed.
The Khaddaffi LookTranscript
Rod’s One-Night StandTranscript
The FuneralTranscript
Andy Warhol’s TVTranscript
Michael DavisSummary: Michael Davis collectively juggles a knife, an axe, and a cleaver.
“Season Of Glass”Summary: Christine Ebersole invites viewers to submit their own home videos, then introduces a film by Yoko Ono about John Lennon.
Rod Stewart performs “Young Turks”