Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 7: Episode 11
81k: James Coburn / Lindsey Buckingham
Reach Out And Touch Someone
[ open on Elderly Couple seated in their living room ]
Elderly Woman: Arthur?
Elderly Man: What’s that, Ma?
Elderly Woman: I’ve been thinking – Jimmy’s been with us for almost three days now. I’ll bet his mother misses him.
Elderly Man: Three days, is it?
Elderly Woman: I’m sure she’d love to talk with him. Arthur, supposin’ you get him?
[ Elderly Man rises to retrieve Jimmy ]
[ dissolve to Elderly Couple holding the phone for Jimmy ]
Mother on Phone: Hello?
Jimmy: Mommy?
Mother on Phone: Jimmy? Jimmy, is that you?
Jimmy: Hi, Mommy!
Mother on Phone: Oh, baby, I miss you. Are you being a good boy?
Jimmy: Yes, Mommy.
Mother on Phone: Are you brushing your teeth?
Jimmy: Yes, Mommy. I miss you, Mommy.
Mother on Phone: I know you do, swetheart.. I miss you, too. But don’t worry, you’ll be home soon.
Jingle: “Reach out.. reach out and touch someone.
Reach out.. reach out, and just say hi..”
[ Elderly Woman grabs the phone ]
Elderly Woman: Hi. I want that $50,000 in unmarked bills, or you’ll never see your kid again.
[ pull back to reveal little Jimmy tied with rope, as Elderly Couple shake hands for their kidnapping efforts ]
Jingle: “Reach out.. reach out and touch someone.”