Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 9: Episode 14
83n: Edwin Newman / Kool and the Gang
Jesse Jackson…..Eddie Murphy
[ open on Jesse Jackson standing behind large podium ]
Jesse Jackson: Uhh — Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Jesse Jackson. Yes, I was recently quoted in the Washington Post as referring to a certain group of people… as Hymies. It also said that I called New York… Hymietown. I realize that kind of talk isn’t kosher. But let me see if I can explain it to you all… in song.
[ he grabs one of the podium’s microphones and saunters over in front of a trio of back-up singers ]
As I said, I’m Jes e Jackson, and I’m running for President of the United States. I’m a Libra, and this is a very special message to all you chosen people out there.
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “No, no!”
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “No, no, no, no.”
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.” H ymietown
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ]
“Well, well Hymietown.
I was your one and only until I read the news
Well, now I’m sad and lonely ’cause I put down the Jews
Well, we have so much in common
‘Cause we’ve both been so oppressed.”
Back-up Singers: “All right!”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ]
“We both have big noses And gold chains on our chests I wanna say please now.”
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “I’m begging you, please.”
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “I’m down on my knees, well, well, well, well.”
Back-up Singers: “Don’t let me down.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “Hymietown.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ]
“well, well… Hymietown.
I want to form a new coalition,
of soul people and bagel people.
From the Chitlin’ District, to the Diamond District.
From catfish to gefilte fish.
We all need to live as one.
I want to look out over the crowd and s ee both leather hats and yarmulkes side by side.
So come on, you brothers and sisters…
all you hymies and hymettes…”
Back-up Singers:
“Let’s get it together
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “Let’s bring it all down, well, well, well.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “I wanna talk about love for one another.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “Want to form a soul and kosher coalition.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “I love those black suits you wear.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “And them little tiny curls that hang down in your hair.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “You know we all need one another.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “I want to stay right here in Hymietown, well, well.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ]
“With all my hymie brothers and sisters
Sometimes I feel a little hymie myself.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “Baruch ata adonai.”
Back-up Singers: “Hymietown.”
Jesse Jackson: [ singing ] “Hymietown!”
[ fade ]