Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 10: Episode 9
84i: Eddie Murphy / Robert Plant & The Honeydrippers
Killing Time
…..Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy: You know what happened? You people out there just missed a dirty joke I told!
[ Audience laughs and cheers. Eddie belts out his trademark laugh. ]
Eddie Murphy: You know what happened? They timed the show wrong, right? And they thought the show was going to be 30 seconds longer — and like now - they dont have no sketch or NOTHING!
[ Audience laughs hard. Eddie points to the OFF-SCREEN crew]
Eddie Murphy: How much time do I have? Eight seconds? Seven six? Here, quick — Im gonna play the piano!
[ Eddie sits down at The Honeydrippers piano and starts playing different notes. The audience cheers wildly. ]
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Submitted by: Cody Downs | Special Cable TV Promotions |