Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 10: Episode 10
84j: Kathleen Turner / John Waite
…..Kathleen Turner
[ too soon for the Goodnights, yet not enough time for a sketch, Kathleen Turner’s bumper dissolves to her standing at Home Base, smiling ]
Kathleen Turner: Hey, so we’re not so good at keeping time! Stay with us, we’ll be right back.
[ dissolve to different bumper, cut to network commercials ]
[ return to bumper, dissolve back to Turner and the cast at Home Base for the Goodnights ]
Kathleen Turner: I had a great time! Good night, everybody!
[ end credits roll ]
Don Pardo V/O: Join us next week on “Saturday Night Live”, when our host will be Roy “Jaws” Scheider; and our special musical guest will be Billy “Loverboy” Ocean. This is Don “Loverjaws” Pardo saying good night.