SNL Transcripts: John Lithgow: 12/07/85

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 11: Episode 4

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


December 7th, 1985

John Lithgow

Mr. Mister

Sam Kinison

Halley’s CometSummary: Mad scientist Dr. Federico (John Lithgow) warns President Reagan (Randy Quaid) that Halley’s Comet is going to strike the planet Earth.

Recurring Characters: President Ronald Reagan.


John Lithgow’s MonologueSummary: A nervous John Lithgow sings “Getting To Know You” to cope with being on live television.


Where You’re GoingSummary: Self-indulgant yuppies are going straight to Hell.

Note: Repeat from 11/09/85.

Bug Up The ButtSummary: Irritable Bob Danielson (John Lithgow) literally has a bug up his butt.

Master ThespianSummary: Master Thespian (Jon Lovitz) ad his mentor Baudelaire (John Lithgow) compete against on another in an acting duel.

Recurring Characters: Master Thespian, Baudelaire.


Double R RollsRecurring Characters: Rudy Randolph III, Rudy Randolph, Jr.

Mr. Mister performs “Broken Wings”

The Ad CouncilSummary: With a series of changing backgrounds, the Ad Council is able to completely waste your time following its message.


Dad’s ClichesSummary: Debbie’s (Joan Cusack) father (John Lithgow) can only offer cliches in her time of need.


Weekend Update with Dennis Miller

Nancy Reagan’s Showbiz DreamSummary: Nancy Reagan (Terry Sweeney) fantasizes that she’s in Las Vegas performing a rendition of “That Old Black Magic.”

Recurring Characters: Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan.

Sam Kinison

Mutiny on the U.S.S. Cameron

TrojansNote: Repeat from 11/16/85.

Mr. Mister performs “Kyrie”

The Limits Of The ImaginationRecurring Characters: Floating Head.


SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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