Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 11: Episode 4]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
December 7th, 1985
John Lithgow
Mr. Mister
Sam Kinison
None Halley’s CometSummary: Mad scientist Dr. Federico (John Lithgow) warns President Reagan (Randy Quaid) that Halley’s Comet is going to strike the planet Earth.
Recurring Characters: President Ronald Reagan.
John Lithgow’s MonologueSummary: A nervous John Lithgow sings “Getting To Know You” to cope with being on live television.
Where You’re GoingSummary: Self-indulgant yuppies are going straight to Hell.
Note: Repeat from 11/09/85.
Bug Up The ButtSummary: Irritable Bob Danielson (John Lithgow) literally has a bug up his butt.
Master ThespianSummary: Master Thespian (Jon Lovitz) ad his mentor Baudelaire (John Lithgow) compete against on another in an acting duel.
Recurring Characters: Master Thespian, Baudelaire.
Double R RollsRecurring Characters: Rudy Randolph III, Rudy Randolph, Jr.
Mr. Mister performs “Broken Wings”
The Ad CouncilSummary: With a series of changing backgrounds, the Ad Council is able to completely waste your time following its message.
Dad’s ClichesSummary: Debbie’s (Joan Cusack) father (John Lithgow) can only offer cliches in her time of need.
Weekend Update with Dennis Miller
Nancy Reagan’s Showbiz DreamSummary: Nancy Reagan (Terry Sweeney) fantasizes that she’s in Las Vegas performing a rendition of “That Old Black Magic.”
Recurring Characters: Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan.
Sam Kinison
Mutiny on the U.S.S. Cameron
TrojansNote: Repeat from 11/16/85.
Mr. Mister performs “Kyrie”
The Limits Of The ImaginationRecurring Characters: Floating Head.