Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 13: Episode 4
87b: Sean Penn / L.L. Cool J, Michael Penn & The Pull
Pitman & Bullock
Announcer: [ over SUPER ] What qualities make an investment firm number one?
[ show pitbull ]
The will to succeed.
[ show pitbull barking ]
Fierce drive to compete and win.
[ show pitbull barking ]
Knowing the right moment to strike.
[ show pitbull identifying his kill ]
[ show pitbull chewing on a man’s leg ]
Holding on when others let go.
[ show pitbull continue to chew on a man’s leg ]
Indifference to the suffering of those who stand in the way.
Pitman & Bullock. Put the power of the pitbull to work for you.
I enjoyed reading this. It’s clear and well-written.