Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 13: Episode 13]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
February 27th, 1988
Judge Reinhold
10,000 Maniacs
G.E. Smith
Tom Davis Pumping Up With Hans & FranzSummary:
Recurring Characters: Hans, Franz.
Judge Reinhold’s MonologueSummary: Judge Reinhold whistles a cowboy tune.
Bio: Judge Reinhold (1957-). Actor; films include “Stripes” (1981), “Fast Times at Ridgement High” (1982), “Gremlins” (1984), “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984), “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987), “Beverly Hills Cop III” (1994); Emmy-nominated for his guest role as the close-talker on a 1994 episode of “Seinfeld”.
Wilson Trap DoorsSummary: Sometimes trap doors prove unreliable and operate erratically. But Wilson Trap Doors guarantees their trap doors will operate efficiently every time.
Church ChatSummary:
Recurring Characters: Church Lady, Jimmy Swaggert, Pat Robertson.
Deregulated AirlinesSummary: A passenger (Judge Reinhold) travels on an airplane filled with rats, crime, grafitti, and and a stewardess (Jan Hooks) who acts as hooker while serving beverages.
10,000 Maniacs performs “Like the Weather”Bio: Alternative rock band fronted by Natalie Merchant, 1981-93; other members: Robert Buck, Steve Gustafson, Jerome Augustyniak, Dennis Drew.
Also Performed: 92e.
Weekend Update with Dennis MillerSummary: Al Franken’s one-man mobile uplink equipment is no match for an electrical storm in Florida. A. Whitney Brown’s Big Picture questions the presidential candidates’ potentials as effective liars.
Jorge Garcia, Nice Guy DictatorSummary: Not only is Jorge Garcia (Judge Reinhold) a ruthless dictator, he’s also a pretty nice guy. When a student protestor (Dana Carvey) throws a rock through his office window, Jorge makes him repair it immediately. When a newspaper reporter (Phil Hartman) prints a negative opinion, Jorge pulls his country’s advertisements from the newspaper.
The Cop & The ProstituteSummary: In this new sitcom from the fledgling Fox Network, a cop (Judge Reinhold) and a prostitute (Victoria Jackson) are an unlikely married couple providing viewers with laughs a-plenty!
When Great MindsSummary: Moderator (Jon Lovitz) heads a discussion panel with five of the greatest minds of all time – Galileo (Dana Carvey), Aristotle (Kevin Nealon), Joan of Arc (Nora Dunn), Jefferson Davis (Judge Reinhold), and Gengis Khan (Phil Hartman). The only problem is, none of them familiar with one another and they waste time making introductions.
10,000 Maniacs performs “What’s the Matter Here”
Pirate BirdsSummary: Two pirates (Dana Carvey, Kevin Nealon) discuss birds that would be more unique to place upon their shoulders than parrots.