Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 14: Episode 10
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
January 21st, 1989
John Malkovich
Anita Baker
Christine Zander
Tom Davis
Bush’s Super Bowl CallRecurring Characters: President George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Marv Albert.
John Malkovich’s MonologueBio: John Malkovich (1953-). Actor; films include: “Places in the Heart” (1984), “Dangerous Liaisons” (1988), “Of Mice and Men” (1992), “In the Line of Fire” (1993), and “Being John Malkovich” (1999).
Also Hosted: 93d.
First Citiwide Change Bank ISummary: Bank representative Paul McElroy (Jim Downey) explains the process by which First Citiwide is able to distribute nothing but loose change.
Repeat from: 88a.
Nancy Reagan Leaves The White HouseRecurring Characters: Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan.
First Citiwide Change Bank IISummary: More testimonials from customers who were glad to be able to acquire exact change when they needed it most.
Repeat from: 88a.
AttitudesRecurring Characters: Linda Dano, Nancy Glass.
Gary Busey Motorcycle HelmetsRecurring Characters: Gary Busey.
Anita Baker performs “Giving You The Best That I Got”First Performed: 86p.
Mocking Lord EdmundSummary: Snooty Lord Edmund (John Malkovich) accuses his servants of mocking him behind his back.
Weekend Update with Dennis MillerRecurring Characters: Dan Quayle, Sandra Day O’Connor, Marilyn Quayle.
California Condor
Anita Baker performs “Just Because”
Johnny Canal
Tony TrailerRecurring Characters: Tony Trailer.