SNL Transcripts: Tom Hanks: 02/17/90

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 15: Episode 13

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


February 17th, 1990

Tom Hanks



Joe Dicso

Tom Davis

Conan O’Brien

Bob Odenkirk

Dave Wilson

Andy Murphy
Trump Prenuptial AgreementsSummary: Thanks to a slick prenuptial agreement, Ivana (Jan Hooks) won’t be getting anything from Donald Trump (Phil Hartman) following their divorce.

Recurring Characters: Donald Trump, Ivana Trump.



Tom Hanks’ MonologueSummary: After banging his knee backstage, Tom Hanks falls dead and has an out-of-body experience.

Also Hosted: 85e, 87l, 88a, 90h, 91s, 96a, 05q.


Red Square McDonald’s

Wayne’s WorldSummary: Wayne (Mike Myers) relunctantly allows Garth’s (Dana Carvey) roadie cousin Barry (Tom Hanks) to be a guest just so he can get Aerosmith on the show.

Recurring Characters: Wayne Campbell, Garth Algar, Mrs. Campbell.


Tales of RibaldryRecurring Characters: Evelyn Quince.

Aerosmith performs “Janie’s Got a Gun”

Weekend Update with Dennis Miller

Mr. Short-Term MemorySummary: Mr. Short-Term Memory (Tom Hanks) absentmindedly visits a friend (Phil Hartman) in the hospital.

Recurring Characters: Mr. Short-Term Memory.


Eye On Chest Hair

Jensen Syringe Company

The Mob

Jensen Syringe Company II

Aerosmith performs “Monkey on My Back”

Girl Watchers CruiseRecurring Characters: Girl Watchers.

Black History MomentTranscriptJensen Syringe Company III


SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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