Lung Brush
Man…..Tom Davis
Woman…..Siobhan Fallon
Spokesman…..Mike Myers
…..Ken Stabler
Wife…..Victoria Jackson
Husband…..Chris Farley
[ open on a Man and Woman sitting at a bar smoking ]
Man: I thought you quit smoking? You were gonna be my inspiration.
Woman: Not anymore. Now I can smoke as much as I like, now that I’ve got the Lung Brush.
Man: Lung Brush?
Spokesman: [ steps in, holding up the product ] That’s right – Lung Brush! Created by a small inventor in California, who himself enjoyed smoking, Lung Brush is the easy, inexpensive alternative to quitting or cutting down.
Here’s how it works: [ Husband demonstrates ] Taking control of the easy-grip handle, slide the gentle bristle device past the trachea opening, back down the windpipe, and into the lung itself. The unique Lung Brush design allows you to remove caked-on tar, smoke particles, even city smog phlegm, freeing up clogged bronchial passages so vital for breathing and smoking. And Lung Brush’s sturdy design makes cleaning and maintenance a snap! One Lung Brush may be the only Lung Brush you’ll ever need.
Announcer: Here’s football great, Kenny Stabler.
Ken Stabler: I threw my light and low-tar cigarettes away. Now, back to my favorite brand again. Thanks, Lung Brush!
Wife: Time to come to bed, dear.
Husband: [ coughs ]
Wife: Don’t forget to brush.
Husband: Lung Brush, that is! [ smiles ]
Spokesman: So, get into the Lung Brush habit today, and smoke to your heart’s content. Lung Brush is available wherever quality tobacco products are sold.
Announcer: Only $14.95, from Life Tool.