Action Cats
Jingle: [ over logo ] Action Caaaaaats!
[ show pet cat creeping around wearing toy armor on its back ]
Announcer: Uh-oh.. it’s the big cat, with the big guns!
Kids: Wow!
Jingle: [ over logo ] Action Caaaaaats!
[ second cat wearing armor creeps out ]
Announcer: But he’s no match for Missile Missy.
Kids: Look out! Look out! Fire! Fire! [ fires plastic missiles from one cat to the other ]
Jingle: [ over logo ] Action Caaaaaats!
[ third cat wearing armor creeps out ]
Announcer: And, look out, because here comes Stego-Puss!
Jingle: [ over logo ] Action Caaaaaats!
Kids: Alright!
Announcer: Collect all 22 Action Cats. Including: Skela-Kitty, Laser Gal, Cat-Atomic, Spider-Cat, and all the rest. Then, you’ll say..
Kids: Action Cats are awesome!
[ show pet kitten wearing a smaller, lighter set of plastic armor ]
Announcer: Buy now, and get a free mini-mite.
Jingle: [ over logo ] Action Caaaaaats!
Announcer: Action Cats, by Kidco. Batteries and cats sold separately.