Ass Don’t Smell
Bob…..Kevin Nealon
Male Co-Worker #1…..Rob Schneider
Male Co-Worker #2…..David Spade
Male Co-Worker #3…..Tim Meadows
Bob: Let me bring you up to date on the Civic Center project..
Male Co-Worker #1: [ sniffing the air ] Did somebody step insomething?
Bob: I had Ted draw these up over the weekend..
Male Co-Worker #1: Oh, come on! Doesn’t anybody else smell it?
[ turns around and disgusts tow other co-workers with the smell from his ass ]
Bob: I think we’ve finally solved the underground garage problem..
Male Co-Worker #1: I’m sorry. I can’t concentrate. Can’t we do thisover the phone?
Male Co-Worker #2: Yes!
[ everyone leaves the office, leaving confused ]
[ SUPER: The Next Day ]
Bob: [ notices Ass Don’t Smell canister on his desk ] Ass Don’t Smell?[ thinking ] Hmm.. maybe osmebody’s trying to tell me something..
Announcer: Scrubbing doesn’t work; perfumes only cover it up; and whohas the time to soak? Forget all that junk, and step up to Ass Don’t Smell.
[ SUPER: A Week Later ]
Male Co-Worker #3: Hey, Bob! Congratulations on the CivicCenter project!
Bob: Thanks!
Male Co-Worker #3: [ notices canister in Bob’s locker ] Huh? AssDon’t Smell? But your ass doesn’t smell.
Bob: [ smiling confidently ] Exactly.
Announcer: Ass Don’t Smell. The name says it all. Now, in newtamper-proof package.