Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 18: Episode 20]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
May 15th, 1993
Kevin Kline
Willie Nelson
Paul Simon
Jan Hooks
Dan Aykroyd
Christine Zander
Tom Davis
Bonnie Turner
Terry Turner
Lorne Michaels
Tom Schiller Bob Dole Visits the White HouseSummary: Bob Dole (Dan Aykroyd) gets into a scuffle with Hillary Clinton (Jan Hooks) while visiting the White House.
Recurring Characters: President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bob Dole.
Kevin Kline’s MonologueSummary: Kevin Kline takes it easy backstage while Kevin Nealon masquerades as him on Home Base, but the Audience McGee (Adam Sandler) is wise to the scheme.
Recurring Characters: Audience McGee.
Jean Carlo’s Flatulence
How to Find Financial FreedomRecurring Characters: Don LaPre.
Willie Nelson & Paul Simon perform “Graceland”
Weekend Update with Kevin NealonRecurring Characters: Bennett Brauer.
Hub’s GyrosRecurring Characters: Hub, Helios.
Dr. Frankenstein’s Re-animation Theory
Willie Nelson & Paul Simon perform “Still Is Still Moving To Me”
“Criminal Encounter”Transcript