SNL Transcripts: Chris Rock: 11/02/96: Perspectives

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 22: Episode 5

96e: Chris Rock / The Wallflowers


Lionel Osbourne…..Tim Meadows
Abdul Kareem Gaines…..Chris Rock

[ American flag is shown announcing the end of broadcast day ]

[ WNBC Channel official title card appear ]

V/O : That concludes our broadcast day, but first stay tuned for “Perspectives”.

[ Shot of “Perspectives” set. SUPER: Perspectives ]

V/O : Fulfilling WNBC’s community programming requirements, “Perspectives”, with your host; Lionel Osbourne.

Lionel Osbourne : Good Morning! It’s Sunday 4:43 in the A.M, and this is “Perspectives”! I’m your host Lionel Osbourne. We have a very special guest on our show today, he is Abdul Kareem Gaines, a local community activist, and he is here to talk about the organization that he started after last year’s Million Men March. [ Turns to guest ] Welcome Abdul!

Abdul Kareem Gaines: Thanks for having me on your show Lionel!

Lionel Osbourne : Okay, now you were at the “Million Men March”!

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yes I was there and I have to say it was in no doubt the most inspirational moment of my lifetime.

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm, and where was this held?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : It was in Washington.

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm, I see. [ Turns to camera ] If you’re joining us it’s 4:44 in the A.M. you’re watching “Perspectives”. With us is Abdul Kareem Gaines, who was a participant in last year’s “Million Men March” which is held in Washington. [ Turns to guest ] That was D.C?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yeah

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm. Now, I understand that after last year’s March you founded some sort of self-health organization.

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yes, see at the March minister Farrakhan talked about the Black men taking responsibility for ourselves and the children we have fathered, so when I got back to New York, me and some of the brothers formed: “The Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers”.

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm.. Now how many members do you have in your organization? A Million?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No Lionel.

Lionel Osbourne : Half a million?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No. When we started the “Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers” we had two hundreds members but that was right after the March. Currently we have six members.

Lionel Osbourne : I see. And um, and they are all fathers?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No, two are women, three are actually children and then there’s me!

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm… Now I understand that the “The Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers” will be holding his one year anniversary celebration.

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Tuesday!

Lionel Osbourne : Fantastic! And where will that be?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : At my apartment um, unfortunately we lost our original meeting place due to, well, lack of participation.

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm. Now if someone wanted to join the “Brotherhood for Brothers who are Responsible Fathers” what would they have to do to qualify, do they have to be black?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No, we used to allow only blacks, but dude again due to a lack of participation we had to make our organization more inclusive. We now allow white people, and we’re encouraging even the Hispanic community to give us a look.

Lionel Osbourne : That is fantastic!

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yeah we had to change the rules a little because we had got into a lot of fight with financial support from organizations like the Maryknoll Sisters and the Mount Olive Lutheran Church of Racine, Wisconsin.

Lionel Osbourne : Fantastic! [ Turns to camera ] If you’re joining us it’s 4:47 in the A.M and you’re watching “Perspectives”. I’m your host Lionel Osbourne, and my guest today is Abdul Kareem Gaines, founder of the “The Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers”. They’re celebrating their first anniversary this week, which will be held at Abdul’s apartment. Everyone is welcome to attend and anyone can join!

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No Asian!

Lionel Osbourne : That’s fantastic! Now are you a father Abdul?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yes, I have three boys!

Lionel Osbourne : Mm-mm, and are they involved in the “Brotherhood”?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : No, my son Kareem Junior lives currently in another state – I believe – um, my other boy Andre’s mother won’t talk to me so I lost track of him and um, my other son Tray is dead!

Lionel Osbourne : Terrific! [ Turns to camera ] If you’re joining us it’s 4:51 in the A.M and you’re watching “Perspectives”. I’m Lionel Osbourne and we’re with community activist Abdul Kareem Gaines, founder of “The Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers”. They’re celebrating their first anniversary this week, all are welcomed and their son is dead. [ Turns to guest ] Now you said that you were at the “Million Men March” right?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yes Lionel

Lionel Osbourne : How Many people were there?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : …A Million!

Lionel Osbourne : And um, this was mostly men?

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Yes… That’s why they call it the “Million Men March”!

Lionel Osbourne : Ah! Touché!

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Ah were you there? Lionel?

Lionel Osbourne : No…

Abdul Kareem Gaines : Why not?

Lionel Osbourne : I didn’t know about it… [ Ending music starts ] Well that’s all the time we have this morning. This has been “Perspectives” I’m Lionel Osbourne, I’d like to thank my guest Abdul Kareem Gaines; founder of “The Brotherhood for Responsible Brothers who are Fathers” for joining me. I’d like to let our loyal viewers know that next week, “Perspectives” will be on at 8’o’clock P.M. the first time ever we’re being broadcast in prime time [ Receives a note from studio crew member ] Fantastic! We’ll be on at our regular time of 4:42 in the A.M. This has been “Perspectives”. [ Turns to guest ] Thank you for coming on the show!

[ Fade out ]

Submitted by: P-Y

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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