Prom Limo
Matt…..Matthew Broderick
Kate…..Molly Shannon
T.J……Will Ferrell
Sheri…..Cheri Oteri
Voice of Guy…..Colin Quinn
Matt: Wow, that prom RULED!
Kate: You guys, I am so buzzed from this vodka and Snapple! I’m wasted!
T.J.: Hey guys, how cool is it that I wore these tasty pink sneakers with my tux?
Sheri: You’re such a rebel, T.J.!
Matt: Hey, I got a sch-weet idea. Let’s pop out of the skyroof and wave to people.
Kate: Are you kidding me? That is totally crazy.
Matt: Come on, let’s go.
T.J.: This kicks ass!
Matt: Yeah, Class of ’98! Whoo!
Kate: You know you want it, baby! You know you want it!
Sheri: Hey, look! There’s my house!
Matt: Hey! Guy on the motorcycle! I’m wasted!
Voice of Guy: You’re a moron!
T.J.: People dig us! We are so cool cruising on the top of this limo!
Matt: We rule so hard.. [ singing ]
“I never really lived until I stood up through the sky roof
In my prom limo-o-o.”
Kate: “It’s a window to a world that’s glorious and awesome.”
T.J.: “And I know I’ll be kick-ass for the rest of my days on this..crazy blue marble.”
All: [ singing ]
“So, come on and dig us,
We’re soaring like eagles
Through the roof of a prom limo-o-o.”
Sheri: “Earlier tonight,
I lost my viriginity,
He kinda forced me but it was worth it.”
Matt: “I was the guy
Who forced her,
And it was definately worth it.”
Kate: “The city is my pearl,
The night is my crown,
And I knew I’d never be in a limo again
And just sit down.”
All: “So, come on and dig us,
We’re soaring like eagles
Through the roof of a prom limo-o-o.”
T.J.: “C’mon! We’re flying through the night!”
Matt, Sheri, Kate: Check us out!
We’re higher than you!
And we’re wearing formal wear-er-er.”
T.J.: I can almost touch the sky!”
All: “Hey, look! We’re in a limo! And you’re not!”
Matt: Look out! Overpass!
[ T.J.’s head gets knocked off by the overpass ]
Matt, Sheri, Kate: [ singing ]
“So, come on and dig us,
We’re soaring like eagles,
Through the roof of a prom limo!”
Thanks to Michael Cauley of SNL Song Transcriptsfor this transcript.