Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 24: Episode 1
98a: Cameron Diaz / Smashing Pumpkins
Gap Ad II
Hillary Clinton…..Ana Gasteyer
[fade up to Hillary Clinton in casual clothes playing riffs on an electric guitar; background is white throughout the entire commercial]
[cut to Hillary sitting next to an amplifier]
Hillary Clinton: Bill and I…
[series of two cuts: Hillary jamming on the guitar with amplifier in view, then Hillary sitting next to the amp]
The President and I…
[series of five cuts: close-up of Hillary’s feet while she’s jamming, then Hillary sitting next to the amp and looking in disgust at one of Bill Clinton’s semen-stained ties, then Hillary jamming with more anger, then an extreme close-up of Hillary jamming with the camera moving up from her feet to her guitar, then Hillary with the guitar and amp]
[upset] This is not easy! [takes the guitar and tosses it to the ground]
[cut to Gap logo with “Fit.” underneath; guitar plays the “fall into the Gap” notes]
[fade to black]
Submitted by: Gregory Larson