SNL Transcripts: Ben Stiller: 10/24/98

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 24: Episode 4

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


October 24th, 1998

Ben Stiller

Alanis Morrisette


Lorne Michaels

David Cone

Felix Heredia

David Wells
Rooftop Kung Fu FightSummary: Ben Stiller faces a Kung Fu battle with his real father, Lorne Michaels, on the roof of 30 Rockerfeller Center.



Ben Stiller’s MonologueSummary: After rushing to Home Base following his fall from the roof, Ben Stiller unknowingly accepts applause intended for the New York Yankees.

Celebrity JeopardySummary: Tom Cruise (Ben Stiller) squares off against Adam Sandler (Jimmy Fallon) and Sean Connery (Darrell Hammond).

Recurring Characters: Alex Trebek, Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler, Sean Connery.


Pretty LivingRecurring Characters: Gail Gleeson, Helen Madden.

TV FunhouseSummary: In a cartoon by Rob Smigel, preacher superhero Hete-Roy makes it his mission to transform gay people into heterosexuals.


Alanis Morissette performs “Thank U”Also Performed: 95d.

Weekend Update with Colin QuinnTranscript

The ZimmermannsSummary: Josh (Chris Kattan) and Laura Zimmermann (Cheri Oteri) invite the neighbors (Ben Stiller, Ana Gasteyer) over for Halloween.

Recurring Characters: Josh Zimmermann, Laura Zimmermann.


Real Stories of the Highway PatrolSummary: Police officers (Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell) act racist toward suspects (Tim Meadows, Horatio Sanz) during a routine pullover.


Alanis Morissette performs “Baba”

Kevin Still Lives With His ParentsSummary: Mom (Ana Gasteyer) and Dad (Chris Parnell) endure the antics of their angry adult son, Kevin (Ben Stiller).


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SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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