Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 24: Episode 4]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
October 24th, 1998
Ben Stiller
Alanis Morrisette
Lorne Michaels
David Cone
Felix Heredia
David Wells Rooftop Kung Fu FightSummary: Ben Stiller faces a Kung Fu battle with his real father, Lorne Michaels, on the roof of 30 Rockerfeller Center.
Ben Stiller’s MonologueSummary: After rushing to Home Base following his fall from the roof, Ben Stiller unknowingly accepts applause intended for the New York Yankees.
Celebrity JeopardySummary: Tom Cruise (Ben Stiller) squares off against Adam Sandler (Jimmy Fallon) and Sean Connery (Darrell Hammond).
Recurring Characters: Alex Trebek, Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler, Sean Connery.
Pretty LivingRecurring Characters: Gail Gleeson, Helen Madden.
TV FunhouseSummary: In a cartoon by Rob Smigel, preacher superhero Hete-Roy makes it his mission to transform gay people into heterosexuals.
Alanis Morissette performs “Thank U”Also Performed: 95d.
Weekend Update with Colin QuinnTranscript
The ZimmermannsSummary: Josh (Chris Kattan) and Laura Zimmermann (Cheri Oteri) invite the neighbors (Ben Stiller, Ana Gasteyer) over for Halloween.
Recurring Characters: Josh Zimmermann, Laura Zimmermann.
Real Stories of the Highway PatrolSummary: Police officers (Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell) act racist toward suspects (Tim Meadows, Horatio Sanz) during a routine pullover.
Alanis Morissette performs “Baba”
Kevin Still Lives With His ParentsSummary: Mom (Ana Gasteyer) and Dad (Chris Parnell) endure the antics of their angry adult son, Kevin (Ben Stiller).
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