Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 24: Episode 5
98e: David Spade / Eagle-Eye Cherry
Mack North I
Mack North…..Will Ferrell
Announcer: Last Tuesday, the people made their decision loud andclear: Mack North beat Fred Peete in the 6th District race by 8%. FredPeete was the loser, and he will continue to be a loser.
Mack North: Hey, Fred – I won, and you lost. Boy, does that feel good!
Announcer: Fred Peete has returned to his position as Chairman of the Red Cross. But when a tornado hits your home, do you want to rely on a loser like Fred Peete for food and shelter? Mack North thinks not.
Mack North: After he lost the election, I heard he cried with his pastor. [ laughs ] Cried with his pastor?! Meet Fred Peete, professional loser. Hey, you ate it. Now, eat me!
Announcer: You lost the election Fred Peete. Now Mack North says, “Eat Me!”
[ fade ]
This is a great resource. Thanks for putting it together!
I never thought about it this way before. Thanks for opening my eyes.