Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 25: Episode 18
99r: John Goodman / Neil Young
The Office Skank
Joe…..Chris Parnell
Tim…..Tim Meadows
Chris…..Chris Kattan
John…..John Goodman
Temp…..Rachel Dratch
Adele: Hey Fellas, who’s mixin’ up the testosterone? Cause believe me, I could use a shot, or three!
Joe: [annoyed] Hi Adele. Is that a tube top you’re wearing?
Adele: Good eye. Just a little elastic basket to hold my peaches. Would you like some nectar, Hector?
Joe: You know my name is Joe.
Adele: Mmm, I could use me a cup of joe right now. And by joe, I mean a cup of your man milk. I’m talkin’ about your semen!
Joe: Yeah I got it Adele; man milk could only mean one thing.
Adele: Yeah? Well this boy’s got one thing in his pants that’d Id like to wrap my sweaty little mitts around. I’m talking about putting my hands on you penis.
Tim: Yes, and again there’s no confusion there. Adele, we got it thanks.
Adele: Well speaking of getting it, I’m going to head over to the old icebox and get my oyster platter. [Walks away] What cha’ looking at fellas, it is broke? Well whoever wants to fix it can use his wrench. And by wrench I mean that wrinkly thing you urinate out of or have sex with.
Chris: We know what you’re talking about, all right?! Just keep walking!
[John enters]
John: Hey guys, nice job on that Anderson report. [Sees Adele] Oh my God! Hi Adele, you drop something?
Adele: Huh? Well now that you’re around I’m hoping to drop something. I was talking about my panties. You see I would have to take them off for you see my naked genitalia.
John: Yeah I got it Adele, now please just let me get my lunch, eat it and then toss it up.
Adele: You know what you could toss mine with?
John: What?
Adele: Dem’ meatballs you’re hiding in those kakis. I’m talking about your testicles.
John: Thanks Adele. I’m going to tell you something; you are very bad at innuendo.
Adele: Oh really? Well I want you bad in my end-o. I’m talking you nailing my butt!
John: Duh, OK is that what you meant? I had no idea. You know, sexual harassment goes both ways.
Adele: Oh I go both ways baby! Sure, is this what your talking about? Cause this is what I’m talking about.
Temp: [surprised] I’m just a temp!
Adele: Oh yea we could make our sandwich, with us as the bun and you as the hot dog. And by hot dog, I mean that dirty, man-meat; dangling betwix’d your legs.
John: Yeah. Adele, again there was no question about to what your were referring to. This is what I’ve been trying to tell you, you’re very, very unprofessional.
Adele: Unprofessional? Well maybe I should get professional and make you pay me to rub your boner. And by boner, I mean hard pee-pee.
John: By pee-pee, are you referring to urine or the actual member itself?
Adele: Ha-ha that’s a good question. I’ll have to get back to you on that. If anyone needs me I’ll be in my office. [Starts to leave and stops] Ooo, and by office, I mean that room down the hall with the waterbed and the KY. Why? Oh you’ll see! You’ll see!
[End Scene]
Submitted by: Bree-Marie