Alina… Kate McKinnon
Taran Killam
Venessa Bayer
[Starts with Alina and Taran looking at eggs in a heated box.]
Alina: Any signs of life?
Taran: Zip. Maybe we need a stronger incubator.
Alina: Patience, honey. Nobody said urban farming would be easy.
Taran: It’s not just not easy, it’s tedious.
[Venessa looking from above the fence]
Venessa: It doesn’t have to be. Come on, take a look.
[Alina and Taran walk to see what Venessa is going to show]
[Cut to Alina and Taran looking from above the fence.]
[Cut to Venessa with many chicken around her.]
I gathered all these just this morning.
[She has a lot of eggs.]
[Cut to Alina and Taran]
Alina: Wow, what’s your secret?
[cut to Venessa]
Venessa: I’ll show you. Meet me in my house, now.
[Alina and Taran jump off the fence.]
[Cut to Alina, Taran and Venessa inside the house]
Let me introduce you to Nest-Spresso.
Taran: I’ve heard of Espresso for a fast cup o coffee.
Venessa: Yeah, but this is Nest-Spresso. For the instant incubation of a fertilized egg.
Alina: [surprised] No!
Venessa: Yeah! Just watch. You just pop the flowing cased fertilized egg pot in a top chamber. Then you close the lid, lock it, and press the button that says incubate.
Taran: It’s happening now!
[Cut to the Nest-Spresso machine. A chick comes out of it.]
[Cut to Alina, Taran and Venessa]
Alina: Wow! Now that’s a cute little chick.
Taran: How does it work?
Venessa: I don’t know that part.
Taran: Ooh! I thought you’d know more about it.
Venessa: I wish I did. It’s really great. Here, you try one Alina.
Alina: How bout this dark one?
Venessa: Yeah, those are good. Make sure you put it in right side up, not up side down.
[Alina is using the Nest-Spresso]
Or else, you’ll kill the chick. You’ll just get a cup full of bones.
Taran: Yikes! Why?
Venessa: I don’t know. I wish I did.
[Cut to the Nest-Spresso machine. A black chick comes out of it.]
Taran: Oh! Honey, we have to get one of these. Let me try one.
Alina: This must have improved your life so much.
[Taran is using the Nest-Spresso]
Venessa: Yeah, it’s number one.
[Machine is making different sound]
Taran: Oh! That doesn’t sound good.
[Cut to the Nest-Spresso machine. Bones comes out of it.]
[Cut to Alina, Taran and Venessa]
Venessa: Yeah, you did it wrong. Just put in another one on top of that one. I don’t know why it does that.
[Taran is using the Nest-Spresso again]
[Cut to the Nest-Spresso machine. A white chick comes out of it.]
[Cut to Nest-Spresso video bumper]
Male voice: Nest-Spresso. When you need your chicken fixed. Now!