Right Side Of the Bed With Matthew McConaughey

Cory Chisholm… Taran Killam

Gracelynn Chisholm… Cecily Strong

Buster Little… Matthew McConaughey

Sheila Lay… Aidy Bryant

Ed Sheeran… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with WSB/TV ATLANTA video bumper]

Female voice: You’re watching WSB/TV ATLANTA. Up next, it’s Right Side Of the Bed.

[Cut to Right Side Of the Bed video bumper]

[cheers and applause]

[Cut to Cory and Gracelynn on a sofa in their set]

Cory: Good great November morning, you guys!

Gracelynn: You’re watching Right Side Of The Bed. I’m Gracelynn Chisholm and I’m here with my husband Cory Chisholm, better known in the Chisholm house as the lip gloss thief.

Cory: Oh! I needed it because I could kiss all over my wife’s beautiful lips.

[Cory jumps on Gracelynn to kiss her]

Gracelynn: Cory! Get off!

Cory: I just can’t help it. Can’t help myself. I just wanna throw you down on pile of leaves and go insane on your body.

Gracelynn: Cory!

Cory: Give me.

Gracelynn: We got a show to do. It’s 9:CoryEd Sheeran am. It’s in the morning. You already looking like a cartoon pork chop.

Cory: Um… you just make me so hot, I can’t focus on my job.

Gracelynn: Okay, enough! It’s our special thanksgiving episode and we have a great guest coming up a little bit later. From Buster’s By You Buffet, it’s chef, hunter and butcher, Buster Little.

[Cut to Buster waving his hand]

Cory: Oh there he is. Oh, my now there he is.

Buster: [mumbling] I got something in my tongue. Excuse me. I say hello there. Buster Little’s here. If you need a turkey killed, cut, cooked, you know who to call. And by call, I mean like this. Coo-coo-cock-cock coo-coo-doo-doo-cock! Yeah!

[Cut to Cory and Gracelynn]

Gracelynn: Okay, well that was something. We’ll be back with Buster later in the show. And I’m excited to taste that turkey.

Cory: Ah! Me too. I am gonna stuff myself this thanksgiving coz I’ve been so good on my diet.

Gracelynn: Diet? Oh please, Cory! You ate a tray of brownies in your bubble bath last night!

Cory: Dirty liar! If that’s so, how do I keep this body so ady-yady!

Gracelynn: It’s called the Kardashian waist trainer girdle and you wear it everyday.

Cory: [squeaky voice] What? Ah-ah! It’s not a girdle. It is a boydle, y’all! [showing his girdle]

Gracelynn: Okay, alright. If you’re joining us, we got a great show. Up later is Buster Little who’s talking everything turkey.

Cory: Oh, looks like he’s already got his fist in it there.

[Cut to Buster with his hand shoved inside the turkey]

Buster: Ho-ho, yeah! Hey there. Buster Little is here. Don’t you go getting scared y’all. I’m just spreading a little butter around the inside of this turkey. Even then, I’m about to do a puppet show. Check it out.

[Buster raises his hand with the turkey like a puppet]

Hey turkey!

Turkey: Yo, what’s up Buster?

Buster: You got a good joke for our pop you loving?

Turkey: Right, you know I do. What was a turkey for Halloween?

Buster: Well I don’t know. What was it?

Turkey: A goblin.

Buster: Ha-ha! Wait a minute, I don’t get it.

Turkey: Well, what’s not to get?

[Cut to Cory and Gracelynn]

Gracelynn: Okay, I think this beard may have eaten his brain.

Cory: Um-hmm.

Gracelynn: Either that or he has spent too much time in the backwoods.

Cory: Yeah, well I’ve been trying to spend some time in your backwoods but there’s to much brush blocking the way.

Gracelynn: Cory! Cory Chisholm, what is shooting around the head of yours?

Cory: Hey! I’m just like every other football watching, beer drinking, pizza eating man in America. All I care about is getting some tail.

[Cory trying to kiss Gracelynn]

Gracelynn: Oh! Good lord! Let’s check back with our guest please!

Cory: Um-hmm.

Gracelynn: Oh, my gosh! His oven is smoking.

[Cut to Buster still with his hand inside the turkey. He looks drunk now.]

Buster: Hey, I don’t feel so good. My turkey friend here, he don’t feel so good either.

Turkey: Yeah, the room is spinning.

Buster: You alright?

Turkey: No!

[She slams his hand with the turkey on the table]

Buster: A turkey fainted! You better call 911.

[Cut to Cory and Gracelynn]

Gracelynn: Oh! You know what? Sheila Lay, did you clean that oven today?

[Cut to Sheila Lay]

Sheila Lay: I sure did. With three cans of Easyoff. That’s more than nine times than what they say to you, so you’re welcome!

[Cut to Cory and Gracelynn]

Cory: Oh my goodness. Sheila Lay.

Gracelynn: That’s why he’s talking so crazy. He’s tripping all over cleaner.

[You can see Buster sneaking in behind the sofa Cory and Gracelynn is sitting on.]

Cory: Anyway…

[Buster scares Cory and Gracelynn, still with a turkey on his hand.]

Buster: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Cory: Oh my god. You just scared a tiny fart right out of me.

[Buster’s turkey now has a mouth, nose, eyebrows, mustache and glasses]

Buster: Look at him. I got my turkey friend all dressed up for church.

Gracelynn: Oh lord! Our next guest is supposed to be Ed Sheeran but I don’t know if it’s safe for himto come out.

[Cut to Ed Sheeran with his guitar]

Ed Sheeran: Uh-uh! It just– It smells like petrol or something.

[singing] Honey I will be loving you

[Ed Sheeran faints because of the smoke]

[Cut to Cory, Gracelynn and Buster]

Cory: Oh my! That poor ginger fell damn so hard!

Gracelynn: We gotta get out of this studio and air it out.

Cory: Yeah, I tell her to air it out every night.

Gracelynn: Cory!

Cory: What? Krrrr!

Buster: Hey, you two a real couple?

Cory: What?

Gracelynn: What?

[The End]