Shop TV

Dot… Cecily Strong

Rhett… Mikey Day

Thomas Parker-Nubbs… Alex Moffat

Kevin Lickitt… Jerrod Carmichael

[Starts with Dot and Rhett in their set]

Dot: Hello, hello, ShopTV home shoppers. Dot and Rhett back live with y’all.

Rhett: Dot and Rhett? I think Rhett and Dot sounds better.

Dot: Are you gonna  be a pill all hour?

Rhett: Maybe.

Dot: Okay, well, it’s 5pm which means it’s time for a squeal deals. [scary squeal sound] O’Dale! We asked y’all to find a new squeal sound effect weeks ago!

Rhett: Yeah, sounds like someone’s getting killed O’Dale.

Dot: Chillin, O’Dale!

Rhett: Need something light? Okay. Later in the hour. We love him. Here, Thomas Parker-Nubbs will unveil his new line of Christian lunchboxes.

[Cut to Thomas Parker-Nubbs]

Thomas Parker-Nubbs: The artwork features Jesus do and modern young person things. Oh, well, look at that. Is that Jesus got one of those Oculus VR do-dads?

Dot: Oh, kids are gonna flip.

[Cut back to Dot and Rhett. Now, Kevin Lickitt is with them with a doll.]

Rhett: Yeah, well, speaking of kids, our first squeal deal today is an adorable doll.

Dot: Was she gorgeous? And we have the designer here, Mr. Kevin. Now is it Lickitt?

Kevin Lickitt: Yes sir. My mamma always said we was named Lickitt because we so sweet.

Rhett: Aw, that’s adorable. Kind of made me sad though for some reason. I don’t know why. Now, tell us about this pretty lady here.

Kevin Lickitt: Oh no, this is Riley Rainbowlocks.

Dot: Get out. What a clever name.

Kevin Lickitt: Student by day and magical Popstar by night.

Dot: Oh, I love that.

Rhett: Perfect role model for little girls.

Dot: Or little boys. We’ll get in trouble if we don’t say that.

Kevin Lickitt: And here’s the best part. Your child can cut and style rallies rainbow locks however they wish. And when they want to give her a new-do, you just turn this little knob here in the back and our hair grows.

Rhett: Oh, wow.

Dot: Get out of town, that’s amazing.

Rhett: Now you can get this pretty lady for just $34.99.

Dot: Order within the hour and you get an additional outfit and two extra hair spools for free.

Rhett: Looks like shoppers are already scooping her up. Let’s go to the ShopTV phone lines. Hi caller.

Caller: Oh, my niece is going to love this doll. What extra outfit does she come with?

Kevin Lickitt: I’ll show you. By the way, Riley’s very easy to change. It’s all Velcro. Watch this here.

Rhett: Let’s change.

[Kevin Lickitt pulls out the doll’s dress. Her pubic part is also covered with rainbow hair.]

Caller: The hell! Why does that doll have a rainbow bush?

Kevin Lickitt: Oh no, no, no, no, that’s not a bush.

Caller: It sure looks like one to me. That’s a 1970s rainbow bush.

Kevin Lickitt: It’s not. That’s the end of the head spool inside through it. So you can see the span. It’s an anchor point. Any doll maker would know that.

Caller: Well, I’m not a doll maker so what I see is a thick ass vagi-afro. I will be canceling my order. Goodbye.

Kevin Lickitt: I didn’t make a vagi-afro.

Rhett: Y’all don’t need to keep saying that. Don’t keep saying vagi-afro.

Kevin Lickitt: You need it so the spool spins and the hair on the head will grow. It’s doll making Dot0Dot.

Rhett: Okay. Well, if you’re just joining us, this is not private hair.

Dot: It anchors the spool inside.

Rhett: Okay. O’Dale, we got a product image? Yeah, there you go. Throw that up while we put Riley’s outfit on.

Dot: You get Riley rainbow blocks for the ShopTV exclusive price of just $34.99.

Kevin Lickitt: And look who’s all dressed up and ready to hit the beach. [The doll is wearing a swimsuit, and the rainbow hair at pubic part is still showing] Riley is ready for summer with this retro one piece swimsuit.

Dot: You know what?

Rhett: Kevin, I’m gonna try and stick in some of this business.

Dot: No, do not do that. Stop it.

Rhett: It’s sticking in.

Dot: I know. But a grown man poking his fingers around the area.

Rhett: Well, he said the doll’s in college. It doesn’t matter.

Dot: It don’t matter she’s in college. You know what? Come on. Let’s cut away from this close, O’Dale! Well, okay. Let’s talk to some people who ordered a Riley Rainbowlocks.

Rhett: Caller, you’re on ShopTV.

Caller: This is a collect call from a federal corrections facility. Press one to accept this call from the Palmdale pervert.

Rhett: Hang up, O’Dale.

Dot: No, thank you. No, we do not accept that call.

Rhett: It is an icky icky call. In fact you know what? I’m gonna go ahead and put the other Riley we got here. Back up one with clothes on. Now Kevin, tell us what happens if rally runs out of hair from the spool inside. Can it be replaced?

Kevin Lickitt: Oh, it sure can. It’s very easy. Sometimes part replacement can be a little hairy.

Dot: Okay, look at you making little jokes.

Kevin Lickitt: Yeah. So you just push the quick release button here on the back to access it. [he bends over the doll and shows the hair on the doll’s butt.]

Rhett: Okay, now that’s kind of a yucky place to go to.

Kevin Lickitt: Yeah, it had to go here because it has to connect to the panel. Any doll maker would know that.

Dot: You keep saying that as if we’re all doll makers but we’re not, sweetie. You’re finished in there?

Kevin Lickitt: Sorry, the button’s stuck. Sometimes you just gotta wiggle it.

Rhett: Oh, pretty face is facing the camera. Let’s check those sale numbers. Item sold. [units sold has crossed fivethousand.] Oh my god. These are selling like hotcakes right now.

Kevin Lickitt: Sometimes it helps if you release the latch and pull the head at the same time.

Dot: No, no, no.

Rhett: Why would you? We can’t show that!

Dot: Oh no. We’re moving on.

Rhett: Come on, man.

Dot: After the break our next ShopTV squeal deal. [girl scream squeal sound]

Rhett: That’s a worse sound effect O’Dale.

Rosie the Riveter

Mikey Day

Beck Bennett

Rosie the Riveter… Chloe Fineman

Donna… Heidi Gardner

Dot… Kate McKinnon

Norma… Kristen Stewart

Barb… Aidy Bryant

[Starts with a caption “America at War!”]

[Cut to old black and white video clips of armies]

Narrator: While the men fight in Germany, [Cut to video clip of women working in factories] America’s women head to the factory to do their part.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck walking out of the door]

Mikey: Well, sir, I am honored you chose our factory to find the face of your new campaign.

Beck: Then we can do it poster reads a girl who embodies the ‘can-do’ spirit of America’s women.

Mikey: Well, these girls have that in spades. This is Rosie the Riveter.

[Cut to Rosie the Riveter]

Rosie the Riveter: Pleased to meet you, sir.

[Cut to everybody]

Beck: Hmm. Rosie the Riveter. That’s got a nice ring to it.

Mikey: And here is Donna, a shell Shiner.

Donna: I shine them nice so that Germans see them coming.

Beck: Hmm, I like that spirit.

Mikey: And finally, we have our slug thumpers who do some of the heavier work.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Dot: There we go.

Norma: Whoa, whoa.

Barb: Open this son of a bitch. Keep fighting me, bitch, keep fighting me. That one was for you, Sammy.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck walking to the heavy workers]

Mikey: Ladies, may I have your attention.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: Cram it, you coward.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Mikey: Every day with this, ladies.

Dot: Why ain’t you over there killing Nazis, coward?

Norma: Any man is dungarees should be over there.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Mikey: I told you I had asthma and was deemed unfit.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: I got three sons over there fighting the krauts and one of them not more than 12 years old.

Norma: Yeah, you should be hanged.

Dot: Who is this fella?

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: I’m from the army’s public relations board. We’re producing a poster to encourage more women to come work in the factories.

Mikey: He’s looking for a model.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: Ooh, well, then look no further, there’s three of us right here, sir. I’m Barb, Norma and Dot.

Norma: Is this poster like a nudie thing or what? Because that’s perfectly fine with us.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: No, no. it will be very classy.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: Hey, if it helps boys overseas, I’ll take the twins out.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: You would not be nude, ladies.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Dot: Look, if getting a look at our plumbing means our boys will put a few more krauts in the ground, I’ll drop trou. No problem.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: It will just be a normal pose with the slogan, “We can do it.” Any ideas?

[Cut to Rosie the Riveter and Donna]

Rosie the Riveter: Maybe something like this?

Donna: Or this?

[Cut to everybody]

Beck: Say, those weren’t half bad.

Dot: Wait, wait! [Cut to three heavy workers] How about this? You’re gonna love it. Okay, wait! Imagine I’m Hitler, right?

Barb: I’m back here. And I got my cans out, smacking him and his stupid mustache pops right off.

Norma: And I’m the Statue of Liberty and I’ve got my jugs out.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: And that would go with the slogan, “We can do it?”

Barb: I mean, unless you got something better.

Beck: Remember, this poster is meant to encourage women to join the war effort.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: Any woman who ain’t already doing her part is a coward and a traitor.

Dot: Just like him.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Mikey: Oh, stop it. My asthma is very serious.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: If they would just let us fight, the damage we could do.

Norma: I wish I was over there. I would find Hitler, I would strip him naked, march him across Poland with lucky strays up between his cheeks.

Dot: Yeah, yeah. I would take that Hitler and shove his head right up my ass until he was dead.

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: What?

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Barb: You know what I would do? I would shoot that Hitler eight times in the leg and then I would say, “You want one more?” And he would say, “Nein.” And I would say, coming right up. And bam! One more!

Norma: We got the job or what? Come on!

[Cut to Mikey and Beck]

Beck: I’m on the fence. Just kidding. I’m not. I’m scared of you. I’m going with Rosie.

Mikey: I’m sorry, ladies, but keep up the good work.

[Cut to three heavy workers]

Dot: Would you mind holding this for a second? [Dot passes Mikey a hot metal ball]

Mikey: Sure. Ow!

Barb: Got you right, you coward.

Norma: You should be over there.

Dot: Do your part.

Mikey: Come on!

Barb: Coward!