Bratz Dolls

Mom… Heidi Gardner

Father… Kyle Mooney

Girl… Sarah Sherman

Jade… Selena Gomez

Gigi… Aidy Bryant

Dylan… Bowen Yang

[Starts with a mother and a father talking to their daughter]

Mom: No nothing has to change, sweetie. And none of this is your fault.

Girl: But I don’t want you guys to get a divorce.

Dad: Don’t worry, we still love you very much.

Mom: And your dad loves a woman named Julia. We just think separating is what’s best for the family.

Girl: I think I just want to be alone if that’s okay.

Dad: Sure, honey. We’re here if you need us.

Girl: I guess this is growing up. Hmm. I wish I could talk to you guys about this. I can’t believe my dolls are my only friends. [magical sound. The three dolls come to life] Wow, what’s happening?

Gigi: Hey, tiny bitch.

Dylan: Sounds like you’re in a crisis.

Jade: And we’re your friends. So we’re here to help you.

Girl: Wait, what? Who are you guys?

[music playing]

Dylan: Well, we’re a global fashion sensation.

Jade: Sexy dolls for preteens.

Gigi: We are your Bratz doll.

All: We are girls with a passion for fashion clothes.

Ba-da-da Bratz, Pam-pa-pam-pam Bratz

Girl: Bratz? You’re alive?

Gigi: Stupid queen. We watch over you every day. Like God but slutty.

Jade: We come to life every time a girl’s parents gets a divorce.

Dylan: Yeah, and we’re for girls who are too old for Claire’s, but too young for Talbots.

Jade: Jade. I have a flip phone boat, a dog salon, and I fight with my boyfriend a lot.

Gigi: I’m Gigi. I used to be an American Girl doll until I found sex.

Dylan: And me, I’m Dylan. I’m a boy Bratz. I have a hard time making male friends because we’re competitive about sports and girls.

Girl: Bratz, can you help me? I just feel like my parents divorce is all my fault.

Jade: Shut the hell up, you fluff. Your mom, she’s like a bitch.

Gigi: But what’s the deal with your dad? He’s interesting to us.

Girl: I don’t love how you asked that. I guess he’s a research analyst.

Dylan: That’s weird. He seems like a DJ who loves bottle service.

Girl: No.

Jade: Hot. What does his new girlfriend look like? Brunette? Blonde?

Gigi: Yeah. Or is she, like, a doll with giant eyes and platform flip flops?

Dylan: Or is she boy like me?

Girl: What? I just don’t get why my dad doesn’t love my mom anymore.

Gigi: Umm, I’ll tell you why. He probably likes girls who wear huge hats and have lips like this.

Girl: Okay, guys, I’m seriously having a hard time here. Don’t you have any real advice for me?

Jade: Yes. Always remember, be true. Be real. Be Bratz.

Girl: Okay, I’ll try that.

Gigi: Hey, no, we’re not done yet. Also be authentic. And be a bitch to every waiter you see.

She: All right, thank you.

Dylan: Stop interrupting us. Never forget, be a boy and then come out to your family as Bratz. And when they disown you, make these girls your chosen family.

All: Ba-da-da Chosen, Pam-pa-pam-pam Family

Girl: Okay, well, I still feel kind of sad. Can I have a hug?

Dylan: Um, no, sorry. We’re holding stuff.

Girl: No, you’re not.

Gigi: We might be later though.

Dylan: Yeah.

Girl: Okay, can you guys just shrink down and go back to being dolls now?

All: No.

Jade: We’re going to Miami with your dad.

All: Ha-ha-ha. Ba-da-da Bratz, Pam-pa-pam-pam Bitch.

Sara Lee

Jake… Bowen Yang

Dylan… Harry Styles

Cecily Strong

[Starts with video clip of Sara Lee building]

Dylan: You called me in?

[Cut to the office]

Jake: Hi there, Dylan, have a seat.

Cecily: Dillan, I was just telling Santino—

Jake: Oh, it’s Jake.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Okay, I’m sorry. I was telling him about your work managing the company Instagram here at Sara Lee.

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Yeah. And I love representing the brand. People love bread content.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Jake: Yeah, that’s a actually why we brought you in today. Since we flagged some activity on the account that has been a little off message.

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Oh. I don’t think so.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Well, for example, why did Sara Lee comment on this picture [Cut to the Instagram picture of Nick Jonas] of Nick Jonas saying, “Wreck me daddy”? And then comment a month later again with “Destroy me king.”

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Oh, I see what happened. I’ve been mixing up the Sara Lee Instagram with my personal Instagram account?

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Mm-hmm, we figured. And Sara Lee has also been obsessed with this random guy with only 200 followers.

Jake: For him, Sara Lee commented [Cut to Instagram picture of a random guy] with a few egg plants, water drops, a train and a ghost emoji.

[Cut to everybody]

Cecily: And that’s a reference to—

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Getting railed to death. Yes.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Jake: See, the worst part is this guy didn’t even like Sara Lee’s comment. And that’s really bad for the brand.

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: I didn’t notice.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Well, I think you did. Because three hours later [Cut to Instagram picture of a random guy] Sara Lee commented, “Shy no response?”

Jake: Again, really bad for the brand.

Cecily: If Nick Jonas won’t like Sara Lee’s comment, fine. But some random fashion twink?

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Yeah. Sara Lee’s feelings were hurt by that. It’s okay though.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Well, the other component to this is you’ve been captioning the company’s images with your own voice too.

[Cut to everybody]

Jake: Here’s this one.

Cecily: So you should have written something like, [Cut to Cecily and Jake] “Sara Lee fact. Our Texas toast is part of delicious grilled cheese.”

Jake: But what Sara Lee actually captioned was, “Feeling really depressed after threesome. What was supposed to be a fantasy ended up more rejection. Must get rid of Toxic in community.”

[Cut to everybody]

Cecily: And were there typos in that?

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: I don’t think so. But Sara Lee wrote that at 4 in the morning while he was still on Poppers High.

[Cut to everybody]

Cecily: And was that also the case for this photo of our cheesecake?

Jake: How about you read this one.

Dylan: “A little moody after being used. Why do guys freak out when I ask them to spit in my mouth? Need a real king that can handle. It’s 8 am and I have to go to hell job Sara Lee. Little in my head after another threesome.

[Cut to everybody]

Jake: We think it would be healthy if Sara Lee stopped having threesomes.

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: I know. It’s okay though.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: You keep telling us it’s okay, but it really, really isn’t.

Jake: Yeah, Dillan, I’m very disappointed. I passed down the Instagram to you because I thought it would be in good hands.

Cecily: Well, now that explains these posts from before Dylan started working here.

Jake: Oh! Oh, yes, I did write this, “Security downstairs stopped letting people into harness party at Sara Lee office. We have to do better. Must get rid of Toxic in the community.”

Cecily: Wow. Well, you’ve both done severe damage to Sara Lee’s image. So, this is your first warning.

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: Thank you. Full honesty, today Sara Lee DM’d Shawn Mendes saying “Check out my special holiday promotion.”

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: And what was that promotion?

[Cut to Dylan]

Dylan: A picture of my open throat.

[Cut to Cecily and Jake]

Cecily: Okay, second warning.

Corporate Nightmare Song

Ted… Beck Bennett

Nate… Mikey Day

Tina… Kristen Stewart

Casper… Pete Davidson

Dylan… Kyle Mooney

[Starts with a video clip of a commercial building]

[Cut to inside the office]

[Phone ringing]

Ted: Hey, Dylan? Take the lip ring out. [Cut to Dylan. He has a gothic outlook with a lip ring and ear ring on.] It’s against company policy.

[Rock music playing. Music video starts.]

Nate: This one’s going out to all the corporate drones out there.

Tina: Working for the man, making other people rich.

Casper: Wait, the almighty dollar.

Dylan: You know who you are. Listen up.


Mom and dad said go get a job

Tina: Go work real hard go punch your clock

Nate: Climb the corporate ladder straight to the top

Casper: Be a dude someday you’ll be the boss

Dylan: But white collar life don’t work it seems

Tina:Cause I ain’t no corporate worker bee

Nate: Everybody in the house who feel like me

Everybody: Get up on your feet and scream
Take this job and shove it up your —
I will never be part of this machine
corporate society
you can’t hold me back
with a paycheck
this job can kiss my ass.

[Cut to the corporate office]

Ted: Hey, Tina, great work on that compete analysis.

Tina: Oh, thank you.

Ted: You should think about the management training program. We could use someone like you on the 12th floor.

Tina: Wow. I will. Thank you sir.

[Cut to the music video]

Dylan: Boss man sit around on his ass all day

Tina: Doing real good work for the company

Nate: He don’t know what’s up

Tina: But he actually does though,
so let’s not be unfair to Ted, Yo!

Dylan: But the hours–

Tina: Are good!

Nate: And the pay–

Tina: Is generous!

Casper: Corporate culture straight up venomous

Tina: But our benefits–

[Phone beep]

Oh, sorry. One second. I just got to make sure I RSVP for this meeting. Yep, I knew it and—

[Cut to music video]

Nate: ‘Cause the people at this place–

Tina: Are my best friends!

Casper: And when it comes to the boss–

Tina: He’s my best friend!

Everybody: Take this job and shove it up your–

[Cut to the office]

Ted:  Tina, Nate, Casper, you got a sec?

Casper: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Nate: Uh-huh. Sure thing, Ted.

[Cut to Dylan watching his colleagues go to the boss]

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: I will never go down the corporate road
Capitalistic nightmare
blah- blah- blah- blah, something blah- blah- blah
nothing, but a – nothing but a – Blah, blah, blah—

[Dylan watches his colleagues hugging the boss] What the hell was that about?

[Cut to Nate, Tina and Casper]

Tina: Ted asked us to if we would pitch on the digital campaign.

Nate: Yeah, it’s pretty cool, actually.

Casper: Yeah, it’s really nice that Ted is looking at ideas internally.

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: You corporate drones in your suits and ties
the boss says, “Jump!” You say, “How high?”

[Cut to Tina]

Tina: Ted wants you to work on it too.

[Cut to Dylan getting happy]

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: Let’s dive right in put our heads together

Nate: Blue sky the whole thing make a good ideas better

Tina: Let’s order food

Casper: Stay here all night!

Nate: If we’re pitching to Ted

Dylan: It’s gotta be tight
if we do this right who knows where we could go

Tina: Dana is retiring

Everybody: And she’ll need to be replaced, yo!

Nate: One of us could get her job management position

Casper: Down the road we could be running this division

Dylan: Crush this presentation

Nate: No choking

Tina: Gotta foot in the door

Everybody: Now let’s kick it open

[Cut to the office]

Tina: Work hard, good things will come.

Nate: That’s just how it is, people.

Ted: Dylan, lip ring!

Dylan: Sorry Mr. Abby!

[Dylan rips the ring off his lips. He is bleeding]

[Cut to Ted]

Ted: Call me Ted.