George W. Bush Returns Cold Open

George W. Bush… Will Farrell

Constance L. Rice… Leslie Jones

[Starts with George W. Bush in White House.]

Male voice: And now, a message from the former president of the United States.

George W. Bush: Good evening. Thank you. It is I, George W. Bush. And you remember, the W stands for “Whats up?” I know what you’re thinking. What the heck is this handsome devil doing back in the Oval Office? Well, the truth is this is just a set. I had it built in my basement in Texas so I could pretend to still be president sometimes. You know, the way a cop might retire but he still fires his gun into the woods behind his house. These are my woods. And this is my gun. [George W. Bush pulls out a plastic water gun.] Yeah. I’ve been trying to drink more water and this makes it fun.

Now, I don’t know if you’ve read the news lately. I certainly have not. I’ve been too busy doing oil paintings. Actually, getting my MFA from the University of Phoenix online. And yeah, it’s paying off. Big time. I call this one, [George W. Bush pulls out a painting where a dog is kept in the hot air balloon] Doggie goes to space. Like I was saying, I don’t know if you’ve seen the news, but according to a new poll, my approval rating is at an all time high. That’s right. Donnie cute Trump came in and suddenly I’m looking pretty sweet by comparison. At this rate, I might even end up in Mt. Rushmore right next to Washington, Lincoln, and I wanna say Kenjington. I don’t know. But the point is I’m suddenly popular AF. And a lot of people are saying, “Man, I wish George W. Bush was still our president right about now.” So, I just wanted to address my fellow Americans tonight and remind you guys that I was really bad. Like, historically not good. So, I get why you don’t like this current guy. Heck, I voted for Jill Stein all the way. But please, do not look back at presidency and think, [singing] “This is how we do it.” Don’t forget we’re still in two different wars that I started.

Hey, what has two thumbs and created ISIS? [pointing at himself with his two thumbs] This guy. And hey, at least stock market’s doing well now. You ever seen a graph of the stock market during my presidency? It’s the only graph that comes with it’s own slide whistle sound effect. Take a look.

[George W. Bush shows a graph of Stock market during his presidency. The economic trend is shown falling vastly. The sound effect of falling down in cartoons play.]

Stock market’s at 26,000 right now. I had you guys down to a cook 8k. Now, I’m not economer, but even I know that was no boino. And you wanna compare VPs for a sec? I’ve heard some complaints about Mike Pence. But if you have to stuff all chain he was up to, you’d take no cakes for days in a heartbeat. Some say Mike Pence is heartless. But remember, Dick Cheney was literally heartless. At this point, it’s just legos in there. You know? And Donald Trump thinks the media hates him? One time in a rocky, a reporter threw an actual shoe at me. He took it office foot, lobbed straight at my noggin. Then he gathered himself, took off the other one and tried it again. But you know what they say. “Shoe me once, shoe’s on you. Shoe me twice, I’m keeping those shoes.”

[cheers and applause]

You know, I feel for Donny. I really do. I’m not a Trump synthesizer or anything, but we have a lot in common. We’re both exact same age even though I was president like, 40 years ago. We’ve both won the election despite losing the popular vote. Though, back in my days, we didn’t let Russians rig our elections. We used the supreme court like Americans. I guess the biggest difference between me and Trump is that I have friends. People actually like me. I mean, have you read this new book Fire And Furbies? Everyone in his own cabinet hates him. I still hang out with my cabinet all the time.

[Constance L. Rice walks in. She has a bag of popcorn in her hand]

Constance L. Rice: Mr. President?

George W. Bush: Oh, hey, Connie Rice? What are you doing here? [cheers and applause] What are you doing here, huh?

Constance L. Rice: I brought pop corn. I thought we could watch our favorite movie again.

George W. Bush: Oh, hell yes. Minions. Can you believe, it got snubbed with Oscars again?

Constance L. Rice: Did I interrupt something?

George W. Bush: No, no, no. I was just addressing my fellow Americans on Twitch and reminiscing about the good old days when we were in charge.

Constance L. Rice: Ah! Yes! Those were the days.

[music playing]

George W. Bush: [singing] Boy, the way the game was played

Constance L. Rice: Everybody knew their place

George W. Bush: Cheney shot a guy in the face

George W. Bush and Constance L. Rice: Those were the days.

Constance L. Rice: He housing market went to hell

George W. Bush: Nazi kept it to themselves

George W. Bush and Constance L. Rice: Bin Laden was alive and well
Those were the days.

And live from New York, it’s Saturday night.

George W. Bush Announcement Cold Open

George W. Bush… Will Farrell

Male voice: And now it’s announcement form the 43rd president of the United States, George W. Bush.

[Cut to George W. Bush walking to the podium]

[cheers and applause]

George W. Bush: This is an important day. I’ve made a big decision. I’m entering the race for president of the United States of America.

[cheers and applause]

Thank you. Thank you. Few of the republicans out there are so messed up I figure it makes you miss me, doesn’t it? And that’s saying a lot. I’ve already got my campaign song. “Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide, I’m gonna find you and make you love me.” That’s a little something from the Fugees. I’m telling ya’, I can beat these guys. Here, let’s take a look. It’s some of the front runners.

[Cut to a picture of Ben Carson] Dr. Ben Carson. [Cut to George W. Bush] I can barely hear him when he talks. I’ll tell you something, that’s not gonna work when you have to go to China or Azerbaijan, where you have to talk loudly so they will understand. Not to mention, he’s some kind of brain surgeon. And I got news for him, running the country is not brain surgery. Trust me, I know.

Next. [Cut to picture of Carly Fiorina] Carly Fiorina. [Cut to George W. Bush] I like Carly. She’s got guts. She got fired from her job. She got her butt kicked in her senate race. She’s not qualified in any way to be president. In many ways, she reminds me of me. But she isn’t me. I am me.

Next. [Cut to picture of Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz] Rubio and Cruz. [Cut to George W. Bush] Sounds like a Miami law firm. If you’ve been injured on the job, call Rubio and Cruz. These two guys, the sons of immigrants hate immigrants. I for one, like the Mexican people. They are my amigos. Tex-Mex is my favorite kind of food. I enjoy the slow roasted carnitas and chevys. Laura always orders the baha sampler with blue crab enchiladas. The way I see it, unless you’re name is Running Bear or Chief Two Rivers, we’re all anchor babies. That’s something to think about.

[cheers and applause]

And then you got this knuckle head. [Cut to a picture of Donald Trump yelling at the mic. It looks like he’s gonig to eat the mic.] [Cut to George W. Bush laughing] With a hair and a 100 foot wall. Bring that picture back. [Cut back to the same picture of Donald Trump] [Cut to George W. Bush laughing hard] Whenever I get into a bad mood, I just picture his big fat orange face. I just pissed my pants. And now he says he wants to keep all the Muslims out. Yeah, great idea. That’s impossible to implement and not what this country is about. That’s like saying let’s keep all the leprechauns out. We tried tiny leprechaun internment camps in the late 1920s. And as you all know, it totally back fired. Leprechaun relations has never recovered since. That’s why they are so hard to find. I’m serious, when was the last time you saw a leprechaun? I say no thanks to Donald Trump.

Next. [Cut to picture of Jeb Bush] Jeb, oh boy! [Cut to George W. Bush] Poor Jeb. You gotta admit, it’s a pretty good plot twist that I turned out to be the smart one. I wish you would have asked me about the exclamation point at the end of his name. Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli. But it doesn’t get any tastier if you call it “Broccoli!” He doesn’t stand a chance in this field. He’s an insider who knows how to govern. The republican voters don’t want that. They want someone who is cuckoo for coco puffs.

Running the government is kind of like driving a school bus. You don’t want a crazy person driving that bus. You want a simple under achieving not very educated but reliable guy behind that wheel. Someone with a steady hand who will be on time and get into one or two but no more than four accidents a year. You already know that someone. That someone is me. I’ll see you in the White House. And live from New York, it’s Saturday night!