Hillary Campaign ad

Hillary Clinton… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with video clips of Hillary Clinton in public]

Hillary Clinton: As millennials, your voice is important. You’re the ones who will decide this election because there are so many of you. So, so many. And luckily I, Hillary Clinton, share all of your exact same beliefs. And I always have. Since the beginning of my campaign, I have constantly said, “We need a revolution in the streets.” Millions of people coming together because America should be for everyone. Not just a handful of millionaires  and billionaires.

I know you millennials. You’re fired up. You’re angry. And I’m angry too. Because the top 10% of the top [Hillary Clinton speaking like Bernie Sanders] 1% control 90% of the wealth in this country. And I’ve always said that. Ever since I was a young boy growing up in Brooklyn. Oh, Brooklyn

And when it comes to that darn Wall Street, I’ve always believed no bank can be too big to fail. No executive too– you know the rest. It’s that famous mobilizing sentence that works on you guys that I’ve been saying this whole time.

[Now Hillary Clinton is wearing an over sized suit like Bernie Sanders]

So thank you millennials for lending your support to the biggest outsider Jew in the race. [now Hillary Clinton’s hair is like that of Bernie Sanders] Hillary Rodham Clinton. There’s a lot of work to be done and that is why I am sick and tired [Hillary Clinton speaking like Bernie Sanders] of hearing about my own damn email.

Male voice: This message was paid for by Hillary Clinton. Feel the Bern… For her.

[Now, Hillary Clinton is wearing glasses like Bernie Sanders]

Hillary Clinton: I’m whoever you want me to be and I approve this message. I’m trying here guys.