Colin Jost
Michael Che
[Starts with Michael Che in his news set. There’s a picture of H&M logo and a sweatshirt at right top corner.]
Michael Che: H&M has apologized after using a black child to model a sweatshirt with a logo “Coolest monkey in the jungle.” Worse, the shirt was made by [Picturechanges to an asian kid wearing “saddest child in the sweatshop” sweatshirt] the saddest child in the sweatshop. I said worse.
[Cut to Colin Jost. There’s a picture of Steve Bannon at left top corner.]
Colin Jost: Yeah. Steve Bannon announced that he will be stepping down from Breitbart news although technically he’s not stepping down so much as he’s sliding away in a trail of mucus.
[Picture changes to Donald Trump]
It was reported that back in December, president Trump during the meeting in the oval office referred to a member of the staff as a ‘Pretty Korean lady’. Worse, it was Jared Kushner.