Casino Proposal

Husband… Jason Sudeikis

Wife… Heidi Gardner

Kenan Thompson

[Starts with Husband and Wife sitting at the bar]

Husband: Hey, bartender, I’ll take another one. Double this time, please.

Wife: Honey, sitting here getting wasted is not going to change anything.

Husband: Well, I don’t know what else to do, Joe. We just lost everything.

Wife: Okay, but why would you go all in on pair of fours.

Husband: It’s called bluffing, babe. Are you trying to make me feel worse?

Wife: No, no. Baby. I’m just trying to understand.

Husband: Well, all you need to understand is that our savings are back to zero. Okay? So, we can forget about ever buying a new house. [Kenan walks slowly behind them] Your dad was right. I’m not a man. I’m just a little fat girl.

Wife: No, don’t say that.

Husband: No, no, no. That’s what he said.

Kenan: Rough night?

Husband: What?

Kenan: Your night. It’s rough, right?

Husband: Yeah. I’m really not in the mood to talk buddy, Thanks.

Kenan: Is that your wife?

Husband: Yeah, it’s my wife.

Kenan: She’s beautiful.

Husband: Buddy, I asked you to nicely leave us alone, okay?

Kenan: Look. I don’t want any trouble. But I’m a very, very wealthy man. And I think your wife is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Husband: What did you say to me?

Wife: Let’s just go back to the room.

Husband: No, no. Hang on. What do you want, man?

Kenan: One night with your wife for $2,000.

Wife: My god!

Husband: Alright, you know what? I’m about to fist fight you, dude.

Kenan: Well, how about $5 million?

[Husband and Wife look at each other]

Husband: $5 million?

Kenan: Like I said, I’m a very, very wealthy man.

Wife: [whispering] That’s a lot of money just to sleep with me.

Husband: Yeah. Plus I can probably double it playing back.

Wife: No, baby, no more gambling.

Husband: You’re right. You’re right.

Wife: It’s already more than enough money.

Husband: I know. Okay. I mean you’d have to sleep with the guy.

Wife: So?

Husband: We’re doing this?

Wife: I mean, it’s $5 million.

Kenan: How aout $10,000

Wife: $10,000?

Husband: Yeah, what happened to the 5 million?

Kenan: Oh, so we’re negotiating? Fine. Let’s meet in the middle. $20,000

Husband: How is that the middle?

Wife: Yeah, look, I’m not sleeping with you for any amount of money. So, just get away from us.

Kenan: Not even for $6 million?

Wife: Are you actually offering us $6 million?

Kenan: Even better. I’m offering you $50,000.

Husband: No, no. How is that better?

Kenan: It’s easier to carry.

Husband: Dude! I’m giving you 10 seconds.

Kenan: Deal. Sold. I only need eight.

Husband: No. I meant to get away from us.

Kenan: Fine. Fine. One last offer. One full night with your wife for Kenan million doll-hairs.

Wife: Are you saying doll hairs or dollars?

Kenan: Oh, beauty and smart. I like that. I’m going to enjoy sleeping with you more now.

Husband: No. No. This guy is crazy. Hey, bartender, can we get the check please?

Kenan: Okay, look, look. I’m a very, very wealthy man. I’ll give you $600,000 for one night with your wife. For real. Last offer. No joke.

Husband: No.

Wife: Baby, think about this. That’s still a lot of money.

Husband: I mean, we could get the house and I could actually go to college.

Wife: Yeah. And it’s only for one night.

Husband: I love you.

Wife: I love you too.

Kenan: Okay. 55,000 cash.

Wife: Why do you keep changing it?

Husband: You know what? Let me see the money.

Kenan: The money?

Husband: Yeah. 55,000 in cash. I would like to see it with my eyes.

Kenan: Well, it’s in this briefcase. [he isn’t holding anything]

Wife: What briefcase?

Husband: You’re not holding anything.

Kenan: Y’all got Vinmo?

Husband: Okay, this guy’s nuts.

Kenan: Fine. Hang on. What if she has sex with me?

Wife: That’s already what you been asking.

Husband: Bartender, check please.

Kenan: Fine, I will pay the check but you have to watch me have sex with your wife.

Husband: No.

Kenan: Okay, fine. No sex, but you pay for my check too.

Husband: No.

Kenan: Okay, fine. I’ll bet you $100 that I can sleep with your wife.

Husband: Deal.

Wife: No. No. No more gambling.

Husband: You’re right. No.

Kenan: Okay fine. Husband zillion dollars.

Lesbian Period Drama

Doctor… Alex Moffatt

Husband… Beck Bennett

Carey Mulligan

Heidi Gardner

Rex… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with a man bringing his wife to a doctor. It looks like an ancient village.]

Doctor: Come in, sir.

Husband: Thank you, doctor. It’s my wife.

Doctor: What’s wrong with her?

Husband: She is a bummer.

Female voice: In the 19th century dark, cold, seaside town comes the story of an unlikely connection.

[the doctor uses stethoscope on the wife]

Doctor: She’s medically upset.

Husband: What can we do, doctor?

Doctor: She needs seagull sound, gray hair and long rocky walks.

Husband: I’ll see you in two months.

Carey: You’re leaving me?

Husband: Yes. With her. [there’s a lady there]

Heidi: I’m your female companion.

Female voice: From the makers of “Portrait of a lady on fire”  and “Ammonite”, comes a new award-winning film, “Lesbian Period Drama”. Another film that isn’t afraid to ask – will these lesbians be lesbians together?

[Carey and Heidi walk pass by both holding candles in their hands]

Carey: Hello.

Heidi: Hello.

Carey: Hello.

Female voice: Starring two straight actresses who dared not to wear make up. Twelve lines of dialog. Two and half hour run time.

[Carey and Heidi are walking on the sea shore]

Heidi: Put the rocks in the basket. Grey ones are best.

Carey: I’m scared of water.

Heidi: This is why I pick rocks alone.

Female voice: Featuring Academy Award-winning glance choreography, and best supporting actress nominee, The Wind. And the one actual lesbian actress as stone cold ex.

Rex: [to Carey] Hey, I’m Rex. Nice to meet you. Excuse me. Oh, yes. We were together for two years. The sex was so bad, we broke up, even though there’s not another lesbian for five full countries.

Female voice: “Sure”, says Lesbian Monthly, “I mean, I’m gonna see it.”

Rex: Let me guess. She took you to pick up rocks? Guess where she learned that one?

Heidi: That will be enough.

Female voice: Witness the world’s saddest flirting.

[Carey and Heidi are laying on the bed facing each other]

Carey: My mother and father died before I was born.

Heidi: Mine too.

Female voice: And watch heated anticipation as they round all the bases, like grazing fingers, washing carrots and fast aggressive this. Sinnerview says, “I saw their nude backs which made me the fronts, which is where the boobs are.” And of course, there’s a drawing scene.

Heidi: May I draw you?

Carey: Yes. May I draw you?

Heidi: Yes.

Rex: And may I draw you drawing her?

Both: Yes.

Female voice: Two hours of excruciating tension, all building up to a sex scene so graphic, you’ll think, “Oh, right. A man directed this.”

Rex: Hey, gals. It’s 1840. That’s been invented yet. You’re going to crack the head board.

Female voice: Lesbian Period Drama. You get one a year. Make the most of it.

Wedding Venue Ad | Season 44 Episode 13

Husband… Kate McKinnon

Wife… Aidy Bryant

Chef, Photographer and DJ… Don Cheadle

[Starts with video clips of dining hall]

Husband: Silks.

Wife: Satin.

Husband: Big drapes.

Wife: Crystal goblets.

Husband: Gold forks.

Wife: Everything shiny.

[Cut to husband and wife]

Husband: Anything you want, we have at the Regal Promenade for Billions.

Wife: We’re located in Queens right across form where the taxis go to sleep.

Husband: Amazing wedding for your niece with braces.

Wife: She has a big princess dress with boobies on top? It’ll look perfect dragging a cross our driveway.

Husband: The roundest driveway in Queens. We have everything.

Wife: Dusty scone.

Husband: Windows.

Wife: Light bulbs and ceilings.

Husband: Loose outlet. You plug in your phone and they fall right out.

Wife: Chairing wearing a dress like a beautiful late lady.

Husband: The youngest valets you can imagine.

Wife:  They born 2005.

Husband: Everything we have, it has a carpet.

Wife: Bathroom carpet and kitchen carpet. Even chair feel like carpets.

Husband: Are you hungry? We can fix that.

Wife: Our world renowned chef can make your dinner.

[Cut to Chef]

Chef: The buttered sea shells. The rolls hard and big. The entrée, take on liquid potato covered in the squeakiest green beans you will ever bite in your life. Guaranteed to be kissed by a mouth.

[Cut to husband and wife]

Husband: We got married at 12 years old.

Wife: Join us for a wedding. Corporate banquet. Real house wife fashion show.

Husband: If your brother’s going to get in fist fight out of christening please have it here.

Wife: With us, you’re where you will have it all.

Husband: Screaming 8-year-old in a tuxedo.

Wife: Dad with a wad of cash.

Husband: A free balloon stuck to the ceiling.

Wife: Pink soap that hates your hands. And don’t forget, our two guys at the door.

Husband: Just try to leave without paying. They are going to kill you.

Wife: Treasure your memories with photos.

Husband: They can buy our in house cameraman.

[Cut to Photographer]

Photographer: I will get the shot. I will be in your face. You will see sixth pictures of the ceremony, 200 of a specific bride’s maids. And one of myself, on mistake.

[Cut to husband and wife]

Wife: If you’re have your wedding here, we will both going to be there.

Husband: Standing in back on walkie-talkies, I yell at the staff.

Wife: And I’m going to slap my daughter in front of your family, free of charge.

Husband: For the police show up, we are church, okay?

Wife: And for dancing, we provide a DJ with exquisite light and sound equipment.

[Cut to the DJ]

DJ: My lights are every color and everywhere. Guaranteed to blind and confuse your grandma. And I got mad songs. I got Shania Twain and Black Street Boys. And a cookie little Jewish songs for when they run around in a circle at the bar. That’s it.

[Cut to husband and wife]

Husband: And listen, if it’s a gay wedding, we will probably giggle a little bit.

Wife: That’s the Regal Promenade Pavilion.

Husband and Wife: We make your wedding look like a wedding.

Christmas Ornaments | Season 44 Episode 9

Husband… Kyle Mooney

Wife… Melissa Villaseñor

Drunk Santa… Beck Bennett

Good Will Hunting ornament… Matt Damon

Harry Potter… Mikey Day

Souvenir from Cleveland… Kenan Thompson

Rudy Giuliani… Kate McKinnon

Barb… Aidy Bryant

The Angel… Cecily Strong

[Starts with video clip of house in Christmas]

Husband: There it is. I love this one, [Cut to husband and wife decorating Christmas tree inside their house] drunk Santa. This baby’s going front and center.

Wife: Oh, come on babe, drunk Santa is tacky. This is a classy tree.

Husband: Okay, sorry. Drunk Santa, you’ve been sentenced to the back of the tree. [Husband places the Drunk Santa at the back of the tree]

[Cut to ornaments at the back of the tree]

Drunk Santa: Wait, wait, wait, wait, where am I! [Talking over each other] Why am I back here with all of you?

Souvenir from Cleveland: All of us losers? The d-listers? Face it, Fish, you’re one of us! [Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland] The ornaments that are only seen by the wall. I’m your peer now. Take a good look at me! I’m a souvenir from your trip to Cleveland. You heard that right, Cleveland. And greeting singular from Cleveland, I was clearly bought at an airport. I’m head to toe nudes and when you lose, you lose. I’m back here with the freaks, and the fuglies, and now you are too.

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland, Drunk Santa and Good Will Hunting ornament]

Drunk Santa: But I’m funny.

Souvenir from Cleveland: Ha-ha! You all hear that, he’s funny! Fool, you’re tacky, and tacky goes in backy!

[Cut to Drunk Santa]

Drunk Santa: But I was in front of the tree once.

Good Will Hunting ornament: So was I, fish, [Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament] years ago. And for your consideration promotional “Good Will Hunting” ornament. Yeah, cause that makes sense. “Good Will Hunting” screams Christmas. [Cut to Drunk Santa confused] And get this, I can talk too. You want to hear that sound like with [Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament] 20 year old batteries?  [In dead battery voice] “How do you like them apples?”

[Cut to Drunk Santa]

Drunk Santa: Oh, no, I don’t like them at all!

Good Will Hunting ornament: What, [Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament] you don’t think it’s fair? On the back of me, you know what it says? It says, “Happy holidays from the Weinstein company”. Yeah, that holds up. [Cut to Drunk Santa] I’ve aged about as well as Rudy over there.

Drunk Santa: Who’s Rudy?

[Cut to Rudy Giuliani]

Rudy Giuliani: Me, a Rudy Giuliani Ornament from 2001. I still don’t understand why I’m back here. I’m America’s mayor. Did something change?

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland]

Souvenir from Cleveland: Yes, you see that Fish, you got to accept you’re back of the tree material now. Don’t be like Harry Potter, who refuses to accept that. Since the back of his quidditch broom broke, he looks like he’s doing something nasty.

[Cut to Harry Potter. It looks like he’s holding his penis in place of the broom]

Harry Potter: Be quiet! I look like I play quidditch, and nothing more!

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland]

Souvenir from Cleveland:  You look like the cover of a “Harry Potter” porno!

[Cut to Harry Potter]

Harry Potter:  No, I don’t. And when they get me a new broom, I’ll be back on the front, you’ll see!

[Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament]

Good Will Hunting ornament: Potter’s got the most dangerous thing you can have back here, hope.

[Cut to Rudy Giuliani]

Rudy Giuliani: That’s right, Fish. You should give up, like Barb.

[Cut to Drunk Santa]

Drunk Santa: Barb, who’s Barb?

[Cut to Barb]

Barb: Kill me!

[Cut to Drunk Santa]

Drunk Santa: Oh god, what is she?

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland]

Souvenir from Cleveland: Beats me. Kid brought her home from Kindergarten, and said I made a Christmas and that’s all we know.

[Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament]

Good Will Hunting ornament: Barb, what the hell even are you?

[Cut to Barb]

Barb: Barb is dead. You call me what I am. You call me Macaroni turd.

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland, Drunk Santa and Good Will Hunting ornament][Someone starts to sing]

Drunk Santa: What is that?

[Cut to Rudy Giuliani]

Rudy Giuliani:  That my fiend, is the angel.

[Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament]

Good Will Hunting ornament: She’s a destroyed ornament kept for sentimental value.

Souvenir from Cleveland: She used to be the angel, [Cut to the Angel facing sideways] living large up on top of the tree. And then a light bulb melted off her damn head. [The Angel turns her head. Her half head is melt.] She’s never been the same since.

[The Angel sings in a horrible voice]

[Cut to Harry Potter]

Harry Potter: She sings us to sleep ever night. The anthem of the ugly, the hymn of the hideous.

[Cut to Souvenir from Cleveland]

Souvenir from Cleveland: Let me be the first to say greeting from the back of the tree.

[Cut to Barb]

Barb: Macaroni turd could be a friend to you.

[Cut to Drunk Santa]

Drunk Santa: Oh, god, I can’t believe I’m going to spend my Christmas back here with you people.

[Cut to Good Will Hunting ornament]

Good Will Hunting ornament: Believe it Fish, you’re one of us now. [In dead battery voice] How do you like them apples?