Pregnant Co-Worker

Susie… Molly Shannon

Jackie… Heidi Gardner

Jim… Kenan Thompson

Kennedy… Sarah Sherman

Marcello… Evan

[Starts with coworkers giving a gift to a pregnant coworker]

Susie: Oh my god, a waffle maker. That is so nice, Jackie.

Jackie: Well, I just thought maybe you could do Sunday morning waffles with your little girl.

Susie: That’s so sweet, I could cry.

Kennedy: We’re just so happy for you, Susie.

Andrew: Yeah, and we’re really gonna miss you.

Susie: Well, I’ll be back in a few months. Unless Jim fires me. [laughing]

Jim: Oh, come on now, I wouldn’t do that. That would be super illegal.

Susie: And hey, even though I’m starting maternity leave, I’m sure you’ll all be seeing plenty of me.

Bowen: I hope so. After all, I’m the godfather. I’ll make an offer you can’t resist. Still working on the impression.

Kennedy: I just can’t get over how beautiful you look.

Susie: Thank you, Kennedy. Honestly, I’ve actually never felt better. My nails are strong. My skin looks great. I’m just glowing. This is everything I’ve ever wanted.

Jackie: That is so inspiring.

Susie: Well, I’ll leave you guys with this saying that I found on that really captures kind of the way I’m feeling right now. It’s so beautiful. [reading from a paper] “A mother always has to think twice. Once for herself and once for her child.” That just absolutely nails and maternal feeling surging through my body. Anyway, let me just grab this waffle maker. [Bends to grab the waffle maker, but then farts very long and loud.] God dammit, not again. How many freaking times is this gonna happen to me?

Jim: I’m sorry, was that-

Susie: A fart? Yes, Jim. I ripped a big old fart. Are you happy?

Jim: No. Definitely wouldn’t say happy.

Kennedy: So it was-

Susie: Not a baby, just gas. Yeah, Kennedy obviously. Guess you could have your waffle maker back. I can’t make Sunday morning waffles for a fart.

Jackie: Just keep it. I’m too embarrassed to explain why I’m returning it.

Susie: Dammit, I’ve been playing Mozart to a gas bubble for eight frickin month. I’m so stupid. [farts while sitting]

Andrew: Oh, smells like maybe it was twins. [giggling]

Jackie: Did you go to a doctor?

Susie: What kind of a doctor, Jackie? A fart doctor? Don’t taunt me. Whatever, at least I still get six months maternity leave.

Jim: You definitely do not. You forfeited your maternity leave when you’re stunk up the office.

Andrew: So Susie, this has happened more than once? [Susie is showing four fingers] Four times?

Bowen: How is that even possible, Sisie?

Susie: Oh my god.

Jackie: What?

Susie: I just remembered something. I feel so bad because I remember this morning on the bus, an old man gave me a seat. And then the bus hit a bump and he fell down in the aisle and he died.

Jackie: That was this morning?

Susie: Whatever. Well the good news is I can start drinking again.

Jim: You do know you have work, right?

Evan: Hey, Susie, I got your lunch order from the cafeteria.

Susie: Oh, thank you so much, Evan.

Jackie: What did you get?

Susie: Oh, I get the same thing every day. I get cat fish sliders. [starts eating] Umm, it is really hitting the spot in a very unbelievable way. [Susie stomach gets bigger instantly]

Jackie: Susie, look at your stomach.

Susie: Oh my god. It’s a miracle.

Jim: No.

Susie: It’s a miracle.

Jim: No.

Susie: Guys, I have some really exciting news. I wanted to tell you that I’m pregnant again. Well there’s no need to take a pregnancy test. Call it a mother’s intuition I really think it’d be a nice gesture for all of you to organize a baby shower for me.

Kennedy: You’re not pregnant, Susie. It’s just gas from you’re hungry ass pounding cat fish sliders at 11 AM.

Susie: Look Kennedy, I know you’re a single gal whoring around the city, so you couldn’t possibly understand how- [starts farting again] Oh my god. No. How much suffering can one mother bear? Whatever. At least I can smoke again.

Bowen: No, wait Susie, don’t light that cigar!

[As Susie lights the lighter, the office explodes with all the gas that she farted.]

AA Meeting

Spencer… Michael Longfellow

Bowen Yang

Jesse… Jack Harlow

Jackie… Molly Kearney

[Starts with a group of people on AA meeting]

Spencer: And that’s when I looked in the mirror and I didn’t see myself anymore. It’s that guy who steals from his own mother for another bottle of booze. But I’m grateful for 90 days with no drink.

Bowen: Thank you so much, Spencer. All right, who else would like to share that? Jesse, how about you? You’ve been coming for a while and you’ve never shared with group?

Jesse: Well, it was something I’ve been thinking about for a while.

Bowen: Please. You can tell this group anything.

Jesse: Okay, here it goes. I have the perfect idea for Pixar movie.

Bowen: What’s that?

Jesse: A concept for a touching computer animated film. It’s about lost luggage trying to find his way home.

Bowen: Alright, well, I let’s just stay on the topic of recovery. Does anyone else want to share. Jackie?

Jackie: Jackie, alcoholic.

All: Hi, Jackie.

Jackie: On Tuesday, I drove through a liquor store and— I’m sorry. [asking Jesse] So the suitcase is all it personalities?

Jesse: Yeah. And the zippers are their mouths. I actually mocked up some artwork. [showing the suitcase characters] So this guy’s main character. He’s like a regular everyday suitcase. And then you got the briefcase guy. He’s a little uptight, but he’s funny.

Jackie: That’s Jason Bateman.

Jesse: I literally wrote that in a Google Doc.

Chloe: Oh, and there’s a gym bag. Don’t tell me his name is Jim.

Jesse: It literally is.

Kenan: And maybe there could be like a lady suitcase who’s got like, I don’t know, boobs.

Spencer: What would that even look like?

Kenan: Oh? Well, I did mock up some artwork just now myself. [showing a picture he drew of a suitcase with boobs]

Chloe: Oh. And maybe there’s a minion type character like a neck pillow that goes like – [making minion noise]

Jesse: You’re in the movie.

Spencer: Whoa. Can I be in the movie?

Jesse: No, but get this. There’s this other bag, Pierre. He’s like a fancy French bag, stickers from all over the world, acts all cultured like he’s better than them.

Kenan: I hate that bag.

Jesse: Right. But listen, halfway through, this bag gives an emotional speech where he opens up. Kind of like us right now. I drank recently by the way.

Bowen: What?

Jesse: Anyway, the bag goes, “Sure I’ve been to Paris, Milan, Tokyo but I’ve only ever been to the airports and the hotels. I’ve never really seen these places.” But then, as the credits roll, we see Polaroids from all these famous landmarks. The bags took pair to finally see the world.

Kenan: I love that bag now.

Cecily: What about the song?

Bowen: What?

Cecily: All these movies have some kind of big songs so they could sing at the Oscars.

Jesse: She’s right. But what would it sound like?

Cecily: I don’t know. [someone brings her a piano] Maybe something like—

[playing piano]


When you lost your way
and you’re far from home
take faith and new friends
because you’re not alone

and pack yourself with love
everybody’s gotta pack yourself with love

Spencer: Your heel maybe broke
but you can’t give up hope

All: You gotta pack yourself with love

Bowen: I guess the last question is who’s gonna play the main suitcase? Or every man? Or Woody?

[Tom Hanks walks in]

Tom Hanks: Where’s the AA?

[cheers and applause]

I’m Tom H. Here just to research a role and also I may be an alcoholic.

Jesse: Yo, Tom, if you were a suitcase, what would your catchphrase be?

Tom Hanks: Oh, suitcase? Well, I guess would be something like – “That really snags my zipper!”

Bowen: You got the part!

All: [singing] Pack yourself with love


Jackie… James Austin Johnson

Marilyn Monroe… Chloe Fineman

Devin… Brendan Gleeson

Agnes… Heidi Gardner

[Starts with Netflix intro]

Male voice: This fall, Netflix released “Blonde”, an NC-17, no-holds-barred look at the life of Marilyn Monroe. Here’s a preview.

Jackie: Marilyn what’s the holdup? We’re about to shoot the big dance number.

Marilyn: I’m just gonna mess it up Jackie. It’s like I’m a slave to this Marilyn Monroe.

Jackie: Don’t say that, Marilyn. everybody loves you. And to cheer you up, I brought in Devin and Agnes from the studio to read you all your adoring fan mails. Come on in ladies.

[Devin and Agnes walk in. Devin is a man with breasts.]

Agnes: Wow, Ms. Monroe, this is the most fan mail we’ve ever seen.

Devin: Yeah, we picked up some of the best ones to make you feel better.

Jackie: See Marilyn they love you.

Marilyn: And I do need the love daddy. All right, ladies. Let’s hear those letters.

Agnes: Okay. What do we got?

Devin: Yeah, here’s one. Let’s see now. Marilyn, you are the sweetheart of this every other month.

Marilyn: Even February? Shucks, I’m feeling better already.

Devin: Here’s another one. Marilyn I wish I was you.

Marilyn: Aww.

Agnes: My turn. Marilyn, you are a whore and no one will ever love you, you disgusting tramp. You’re poisoning our children. Not a fan.

Marilyn: That felt a little long and mean.

Jackie: Oh, that one musta gotten mixed up in the mail.

Devin: Oh, here’s a good one. Marilyn you are a sweetheart and your smile is a sweetheart too. Your to sweetheart, sweetheart. Love from Louisville.

Marilyn: I love you too Louisville. Gee, I think I’m ready to start that dance.

Agnes: Marilyn, you dumb baboon, your brain is in your button, I’d like to kick it. Not a fan.

Marilyn: Ouchie.

Jackie: What the hell was that?

Marilyn: Maybe we could screen these little or if they get really mean, I don’t know, bail?

Agnes: Well, it’s hard Miss Monroe because some of them start nice and then mean.

Devin: And some of them start mean and then nice.

Agnes: And then some of them start mean and just end.

Marilyn: Well, do any of them start nice and stay nice?

Devin: A Sure. Here’s one, Ms. Monroe.

Marilyn: You sure it’s all nice?

Devin: Yeah.

Marilyn: You read the whole thing?

Devin: Yeah.

Marilyn: Talk to friends side to side?

Devin: Yeah.

Marilyn: Alright, go ahead.

Devin: Marilyn, you are a whore.

Jackie: Here’s an idea. Maybe if it says whore, we skip that and say flower instead?

Agnes: You got it? Marilyn you were born a flower and you will die a flower.

Devin: You’re a dirty flower and your mother was a flower too.

Agnes: Oh, wait, I got a good one. I really look up to you. I’m also a flower. Now not a fan.

Marilyn: God, everyone just hates Marilyn Monroe. I should have stayed Norma Jean.

Agnes: Oh, well, this one’s addressed your Norma Jean.

Marilyn: Really? Only one person in the world calls me that.

Agnes: Norma Jean. It’s your dad. Not a fan.

Marilyn: Okay. Maybe we don’t read any of it that say not a fan at the end?

Devin: Well, this one says Not a fan at the beginning. Is that okay?

Marilyn: No. I’m sorry. Who are you two again?

Devin: Well, we’re your fan mail readers.

Marilyn: And that’s your whole job?

Agnes: Well, we’re also veers for some of the gay stars. But we can’t say which, Rock Hudson.

Marilyn: Okay. I think I’m ready to be done with these old women, please.

Agnes: Oh, no. Just just give us one more chance.

Devin: Yeah, this one will be nice. Look, it’s a drawing. [it’s a drawing made by a kid of a woman inside jail]

Marilyn: What is that?

Agnes: It’s you in jail for being a whore.

Jackie: All right, enough of this nonsense. Ladies, you’re fired. Let me see those letters. [Jackie is looking at the letters] Here’s one that really says  really says what the public feels about you. “Marilyn, you’re a genius and an icon. Now, go dance your heart out.”

Marilyn: Jackie, that was exactly what I needed to hear. Maybe letters really are a girl’s best friend.

[Marilyn feels really happy and goes to dance]

Devin: Did it really say that?

Jackie: Who knows? I can’t read.

Jackie Clancy

Jeyner Keeblerely… Kenan Thompson

Clancy T. Bacharach… Will Forte

Jackie Snad… Kristen Wiig

[Starts with Jeyner Keeblerely in a barn]

Jeyner Keeblerely: Hi. I’m legendary country music hit maker Jeyner Keeblerely. And I’m here to give you the best news since last bread was recognized for insignificance. Two of the greatest songsmith in the history of time are back and at it again. That’s right. I’m talking about Clancy T. Bacharach who proved there is a Yahweh with songs like this.

[Cut to Clancy T. Bacharach in the barn]

[music playing]

Clancy T. Bacharach: [singing] Took my toddler at the school
and threw him in the pool
and that’s how we learn to swim
and then a spaceship flew down
and loaned us a towel
and we dried off our soaking bodies

As a show off our gratitude
I gave the aliens a beer jar and food
and a Model T card they belong to my step brother’s life coach

Jeyner Keeblerely: And the woman who put the oo-oo in boot scoot, Jackie Snad.

[Cut to Jackie Snad in the barn]

[music playing]

Jackie Snad: [singing] Took my model-T car to the nearest salad bar
’cause I craved some kale and their kale was on sale
but the salad bar was closed because the space ship exploded
so I drank a jar of beer with a toddler

Jeyner Keeblerely: For years now, these two funky junkie joker monkeys thrilled global audiences with songs about the four things they know best. Spaceships, toddlers, model-T cars and jars of beer. And after a 12 years sabbatical, these two national treasures have decided to once again join forces. I’m sorry. Foin Jorces. No, I was right the first time. They decided to join forces and release a brand spanking new album Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad sing songs about spaceships, toddlers, Model-T cars and jars a beer again, with air caviar like this.

[Cut to Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad in the barn]

[music playing]

Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad: [singing] Oh, toddler did you hear
when I whispered in your ear
about the spaceship that was parked in your yard

Next to a Model-T car and some beer in a jar
but without any gas they couldn’t get too far
so they hitchhiked down the road with a turkey and a toad
and a face full of hope and regret
but then a truck passed by and he ran over those guys
and now the turkey is dead and the toad’s on life support

Jeyner Keeblerely: Oh man. It gives you the shivers, doesn’t it? And an important message sung importantly. You want less? Sorry. Because while there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there’s only one way to put that skin back on. With beautiful music like this little slow jelly.

[Cut to Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad in the barn]

[music playing]

Jackie Snad: [singing] The eyes of God are crying [wailing]
’cause the toddlers have been lying [wailing]

Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad: Oh yes, those little sons of guns have stolen from nuns
who trusted them to guard their model-T cars
and now they’ll meet the wrath of God and burn and toddler hell
unless they call their friends, the aliens to send a ship down
But God will find them there, he’s everywhere, he’s well connected
and then he’ll zapp them with a lightning bolt
and burn them to a crisp and drink a jar of beer
to celebrate the deaths, it’s a cautionary tale
for little naughty toddlers who disrespect nuns,
for they will find themselves
in… toddler hell

[music changes]

toddler hell
toddler hell
toddler hell

Jeyner Keeblerely: Man, oh, man. That song gave me all the feels. Minus a few feels. Plus more feels than a few feels that were subtracted. And if that wasn’t enough eargasm already, check out this reworking of one of their timeless classics which was recently submitted by NASA and Chef Bobby Flay to be the new official song of the National Football League.

[Cut to Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad in the barn]

[music playing]

Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad: [singing] Oh football for your feet and balls combine to make your name
and your field is soaked in urine from incontinent spaceship whoo-hoo
and one day, a toddler will distract you as you hike your little leather ball
and a model-T car will catch a hail Mary from a beer jar
and win the Super Bowl
Oh, football sport, 
Oh, football sport
Oh, football sport
Oh, football sport
Here is your official new football song


Jeyner Keeblerely: That’s right. So, to order, send cash wrapped in napkins to Clancy T. Bacharach and Jackie Snad album offer, care of

Jeyner Keeblerely
36 Donkey Donut Court
Pickletits, Delaware, 938273

Splitting the Check

Jackie… Owen Wilson

Ego Nwodim

Waiter… Aristotle Athari

Kenan Thompson

Cecily Strong

Bob… Alex Moffat

Heidi Gardner

[Starts with a group of adults at a restaurant]

Jackie: Anyway, I spent a lot of time defending sea world but they really do a terrific job with the fish.

Ego: Cool.

[waiter walks in with the check]

Waiter: Here’s your check. Whenever you’re ready. No rush.

Jackie: He was great, by the way. I think we tip him, right?

[Kenan nods his head]

Cecily: Okay. So, how should we do this?

Bob: I guess I could put it on my card?

Ego: No, no, you don’t have to do that.

Jackie: If it’s easier, we can just split it six ways.

Cecily: Well, some people had more than others.

Jackie: Did they?

Cecily: Let’s just go through and see who ordered what.

Jackie: Okay. That’s fair.

Cecily: Diet coke.

Kenan: That’s me.

Cecily: Coke zero.

Jackie: That’s me.

Cecily: Sprite zero.

Jackie: Me as well. Just obeying my thirst.

Cecily: Iced tea.

Heidi: Me.

Cecily: Arnold Palmer.

Jackie: Moi.

Cecily: Arnold Palmer with tequila.

Jackie: Ha-ha. Someone had to get the party started.

Cecily: Whole roasted chicken, extra potatoes.

Jackie: Sounds familiar.

Cecily: Flat iron pork chop, sub out broccoli for potatoes.

Jackie: Okay, no, no, no. Wait. That, I ordered for the table. Although, I probably ate the lion share of it.

Cecily: 98 ounce quarter house steak.

Jackie: Don’t look at me because I didn’t get that. I’m serious. I didn’t get that. There’s now way. Come on.

Cecily: There’s a photo of you on the wall eating it.

Jackie: Well, maybe.

Cecily: Four bacon cheese burgers to go.

Jackie: Okay, I’m off the hot seat. Bob, that’s you.

Bob: I’m a vegetarian.

Jackie: Little too much information.

Cecily: The Carson Daly, chicken broth and vodka.

Jackie: Yeah, I was trying to switch it up. A man cannot live on tequila alone.

Cecily: Five shots of tequila but leave them on the bathroom so my friends don’t find out.

Ego: I’m actually more concerned that you called us friends.

Bob: A dozen raw eggs still in the container.

Jackie: That I’ll admit was a little grocery shopping. I don’t expect you guys to pay for that.

Heidi: A bottle of your nicest white wine with a note that says, “Please take me back, Jennifer, I am so, so sorry. I know we can make this work if you just tell the judge you were lying.”

Jackie: They wrote that on the bill? Why? Just to embarrass me?

Cecily: No. They charged you because you asked for it to be done by a calligrapher.

Jackie: Beautiful.

Cecily: Bowl of turkey chilly with a rum floater.

Jackie: Did I do that? Urkle.

Cecily: Another small side of potatoes.

Kenan: That actually was me. Those potatoes did look good.

Cecily: And a Cadillac margarita.

Jackie: Hey, it’s 5 AM somewhere, right?

Heidi: AM?

Jackie: Is anyone else really blacking out right now?

[Kenan hits the table]

Kenan: Mr. Jackie St. Croix St. Thomas, we invited you to this meeting because you said you uncovered a map that would show us a true location of the holy grail.

Bob: We’ve been more than patient with you. Now produce the map at once!

Heidi: There are interested parties, [whispering] Nazis, who are mot eager to possess it.

Jackie: Great. I’m just gonna come clean. I’m not the successful dentist turned janitor turned influencer you all thought I was. And I don’t have the map. [Jackie slowly puts his hat] Because it belongs in a museum.

[Jackie stands. Everyone is shocked.]

Kenan: It’s him!

Cecily: Dr. Indianapolis Bones?

[Cut to outro]

Male voice: The adventures of Indianapolis Bones.

[Cut to the restaurant. Waiter walks in with a gun in his hand.]

Waiter: Not so fast, Dr. Bones.

Jackie: Nothing my trusty whip can’t handle!

[Jackie pulls out his whip. Waiter shoots at him and Jackie falls.]

Cecily: Oh! You killed him! You killed Dr. Bones in the first episode?

Male voice: Only on Amazon Prime. We’re still figuring it out.


Jackie Robinson

Ego Nwodim

John Mulaney

Terence Washington… Kenan Thompson

Kyle Mooney

Mikey Day

Beck Bennett

[Starts with pictures of black figures and role models]

[There’s written ‘Forgotten Figures of Black History.’]

[Cut to Ego Nwodim in her set]

TerenceEgo Nwodim: The year was nineteenfortyseven. Baseball was America’s favorite past time. And thanks to one man, it had finally become integrated. Jackie Robinson’s courage on and off the field made a symbol of hope for black America. But sadly, not everyone was happy.

[Cut to a video clip of Jackie Robinson running in the baseball field]

Anchor: And Robinson’s heading the third base. But wait, I think he’s gonna try for home.]

[Cut to the audience cheering for Jackie Robinson. Everyone is white except one black man, Terence Washington. He is sitting with his son.]

John: Common, Jackie, you can do it.

Terence: No, no! He ain’t gonna make it.

Anchor: Here comes the throw and he is–

Terence: Out!

Anchor: Safe!

John: There you go, Jackie. That’s the way to get him.

Kyle: Hey, how about three cheers for Jackie?

All: Hurray!

Terence: Psst! Boo!

[Cut back to Ego Nwodim]

TerenceEgo Nwodim: Today on ‘Forgotten Figures of Black History,’ we take a look back at Terence Washington, the first black man to ‘boo’ Jackie Robinson at a baseball game.

[Cut to the audience]

John: Son, did you see the way Jackie flew from second to home? That was–

Terence: Selfish was what it was. Baseball ain’t about hot-dogging. Like the saying goes, slow and steady wins the baseball game.

Mikey: I don’t think that’s the saying at all.

John: What’s with this guy? How could he not like Jackie Robinson?

Kyle: He must be from out of town.

[Cut back to Ego Nwodim]

TerenceEgo Nwodim: Terence Washington was not from out of town. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York and was a life long Dodgers fan up until Jackie Robinson joined the team in nineteenforgyseven. Terence was so upset by Robinson’s arrival, he’d show up to dodgers games and root for the other team.

[Cut to the audience]

Beck: I don’t know. I still say this Robinson guy is all hype.

Terence: Oh, thank you. He gets it.

John: Are you crazy? He’s the best ball player I’ve ever seen.

Terence: What?

Beck: Get out of here.

Kyle: I don’t know about that. What about Joe DiMaggio?

Beck: Or Ted Williams?

Terence: Or Terence Washington.

Mikey: What about the Stan ‘the man’ Musial?

Terence: Or Terence ‘the enlarged heart’ Washington.

John: Wait, who the heck is Terence Washington?

Terence: Hah! You hear this? This chump talking about baseball but he don’t even know Terence ‘the heart murmurs’ Washington.

Beck: I gotta be honest. I don’t know that is either.

Kyle: Is his name ‘the enlarged heart?’ Or ‘the heart murmur?’

Terence: It’s both. And he’s the greatest hitter in Nigro league’s history. Plus he can run faster than a quart of prune juice through a colon.

[Cut back to Ego Nwodim]

TerenceEgo Nwodim: Terence Washington never actually played baseball. Mostly due to his enlarged heart and many heart murmurs. But the people who knew him best say that he had a personal vendetta against Robinson. Ever since his ex-wife mentioned that Jackie was handsome.

[Cut to the audience]

Anchor: Now batting with the bases rolling, Jackie Robinson.

Terence: Oh, I hate him. He ain’t even handsome.

John: Okay, if Robinson gets a hit, dodgers win.

Terence: He ain’t going to get it. He’s going to mess it up.

Mikey: What are you talking about? He’s hitting four for four.

John: Come on, Jackie, you can do it, man.

Terence: No, you can’t. [standing] Boo!

Kyle: Ay, what the hell are you doing?

John: Hey, would you stop booing? Don’t you want to show your kid that he could be whatever he wants?

Terence: [pointing at the kid] I don’t know this kid.

John: Oh, sorry. I thought you did.

Terence: All I want is to be able to enjoy the game and boo people just like everybody else.

John: Okay. But why does it have to be the one black player?

Beck: Oh, oh, so it’s okay to boo a white guys?

John: Yes.

Mikey: Wow!

John: Okay, forget I said anything. I’m not racist. Boo whoever you want. I don’t care.

Terence: You just don’t get it. All my life, I’ve been hearing ‘no.’ No, I can’t eat him. No, I can’t play baseball or I’ll have a heart attack. No, I can’t make this marriage work. No, I can’t give you a haircut that will look like Jackie Robinson. And now I can’t even ‘boo?’ I’m leaving! Nice to meet you little boy!

Kyle: Hey, wait. Buddy, what if we all ‘boo’ Jackie Robinson? Together?

Terence: You’d do that for me?

Kyle: Yeah.

Beck: Sure, buddy.

Mikey: Come on, guys.

All: [in loud voice] Boo! Boo! Boo!

Anchor: At the pitch. Swing, and a miss. Robinson seemed a little distracted.

Terence: We did it!

John: Yeah, you suck, Jackie.

Beck: Yeah, go back to the Negro leagues where you belong.

Terence: Hey, easy man. That’s way too much. Who this kid?


Amy Schumer Mother Knows Best

Paul… Pete Davidson

Shelby McAllister… Amy Schumer

Summer… Cecily Strong

Jackie… Aidy Bryant

Mason… Chris Redd

Shanile… Leslie Jones

Christopher… Mikey Day

Abissaleth… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with “Game Show Network” intro.]

Female voice: You’re watching “Game Show Network.”

[Cut to game stage. The contestants are waiting for the host.]

Male voice: It’s “Mother Knows Best” where moms and their teams team up to win cash. Here’s your hostess with the mostest, Shelby McAllister.

[Shelby walks in]

Shelby: Thank you. Thank you and welcome to “Mother Knows Best.” I’m your host, Shelby. I’m a YouTube sketch comedian and a serious genuine singer. Okay, to find out what our teams are playing for today, let’s check in with our announcer cutie pie Paul.

Paul: Hmm. Please don’t call me that. Just ‘Paul’ please. Our teams are playing for a grand prize of $10,000. And again, just Paul.

Shelby: Hmm, thank you cutie pie Paul. Okay, let’s meet today’s teams. From Fountain Valley, California, 17 year old Summer and her mom Jackie.

Summer: My mom can be really strict.

Jackie: Oh, and if we don’t win today, she’s grounded.

Shelby: From Tempe, Arizona, it’s 16 year old Mace and his mom Shanile.

Mason: My mom says raising kids is full time job.

Shanile: And today, I plan on getting that $10,000 raise.

Shelby: And from Fortress-of-the-Lamb, Pennsylvania, a close community of friends, it’s 17 year old John Christopher and his mom Abissaleth.

Christopher: My mom is my best friend.

Abissaleth: My son is my life. [Christopher and Abissaleth hug closely] He is of me.

Shelby: Awesome! Awesome! Before the show, we asked our teams questions about their moms. If their moms’ answers match up, they get 50 points. First question. Teams, what’s something you do that drives your mom crazy?

Summer: Oh, ma’am, this is easy. My mom hates when I chew my hair.

Jackie: Oh, yeap. I said “Chewing her darn hair.” [showing board with the same thing written.]

[right answer bell]

Shelby: Correct. 50 points on the board. Christopher, what’s something you do that annoys your mom?

[Christopher and Abissaleth are holing hands]

Christopher: [giggling] Sometimes in the morning, I wake up before she does and I get up out of our bed. And when she wakes up, she won’t know I’m there.

Shelby: Did you say our bed? Mom, show us your answer.

Abissaleth: I said, [showing her written board] “Leaving our bed early and making mommy worry.”

[right answer bell]

Shelby: Yes, you did. Correct. You got 50 points.

[Christopher and Abissaleth hug very closely and tightly again]

Abissaleth: [singing]

[Christopher and Abissaleth kiss on lips softly.]

Shelby: Cool. Cool. Okay. On to Mason and his mom. Mason, what drives your mom nuts?

[Mason and Shanile are still shocked]

Mason: [pointing at Christopher and Abissaleth] Um, they’re still going. [Christopher and Abissaleth are still kissing]

Shelby: Okay. Alright.

Abissaleth: We won the points.

Shelby: Okay, we’re done with that. We’re done with that. So, no more of that. Okay. Mason, what drives your mom crazy?

Mason: Um, when I play my music real loud. She hates that.

Shanile: What? I said “When you wear one of those dumb hats.”

[wrong answer buzzer]

Shelby: Oh, yikes! No points. Okay, after one round, we got Summer and Jackie with 50 points, Mason and Shanile with 0, and John Christopher and Abissaleth with 50 points.

[Christopher is brushing Abissaleth’s hair.]

Close game so far, huh, cutie pie Paul?

Paul: Please, just call me Paul.

Shelby: We’ll see. Second question, and we’ll start with John Christopher. What’s your mom’s biggest fear?

Christopher: Oh, that’s easy. That I’ll meet a woman and get married one day.

Abissaleth: Yes, I put [shows her written card] “That a woman whose menarche has come will ensnare him, leaving me to perish in my loneliness and filth, alone, alone, alooooone. Also, lyme disease.”

Shelby: I really don’t want to give that answer points, but that’s 50 points.

[right answer bell]

[Abissaleth starts singing and then Christopher and Abissaleth kiss again.]

Shelby: Okay. Okay. Okay. And my producers are asking that you limit your songs to no songs. Alright, Summer, what’s your mom’s biggest fear?

Summer: Oh, um, probably spiders.

Jackie: Oh, shoot. I said [showing her written card] I said that “My husband and I will get into one of our loud fights in front of her friends.”

[wrong answer buzzer]

Shelby: Oh, oh! No points. I hear you though. My mom and dad would fight all the time. My dad was not afraid of a drink. Let’s go to Mason and Shanile.

Shanile: Ah, we forfeit. We can’t beat these two. [pointing at Christopher and Abissaleth] They kissing on the lip. Look at them. Look.

[Christopher is sitting on Abissaleth’s lap. Abissaleth is caressing his thighs.]

Shelby: Yeah. Yeah. No one’s gonna beat them. I don’t think they’ve ever slept in separate rooms. Okay, we’ve got to take a quick break before round two.

Christopher: Well, will I have time for restroom?

Abissaleth: And will I have time to help him in there? Coz he can’t aim.

Shelby: Oh, my god! We’ll be right back.


Melissa Villaseñor

Jackie… Heidi Gardner

Matt… Sterling K. Brown

Randy… Mikey Day

Pete Davidson

[Cut to a video of jungle myst. The caption reads “It came from the woods.”]

[Cut to five people enjoying campfire in Chauncey State Park at 11:43 PM.]

Melissa: Hey, Jackie. You’re gonna sneak into Matt’s tent again tonight and get down?

All: Ooh!

Jackie: Shut up. We didn’t have like, full on sex.

Matt: We made love over the clothes.

[Jackie looks at Matt angrily]

[there’s some animal sound coming from the bushes.]

Randy: You guys hear that? [Everybody stands. Randy walks near the bushes.] Hello?

[Something walks out of the bushes]

Jackie: Matt, what the hell is that?

Matt: Randy, freeze. I think that’s a Sasquatch.

Pete: Yo! That’s Bigfoot. Yo, I gotta get a selfie.

Matt: No! Everybody stay absolutely still. I watch a lot of monkey man on Discovery. Apes feel threatened by sudden movements.

[The Sasquatch is near Randy]

Randy: [doing hand gestures] Me. Friend. Me nice. No hurt. Friends. Friends. Friends. Me, you, the same.

[Sasquatch punches Randy]

Oh! What the hell! Matt!

Matt: Don’t freak out.

[Sasquatch is putting his fingers in Randy’s mouth.]

Randy: Matt? Matt? He wants to put his fingers in my mouth, Matt!

Matt: Bro, just let him do it. He is establishing dominance.

Randy: Oh, they smell like dried poo. Am I gonna get sick?

Jackie: Let him, Randy. God!

Randy: Matt! Get the shotgun out of your car!

Matt: Buckshot will barely leave a mark on this thing. [calling the Sasquatch] Hey! [moves near the fire] Fire! Huh? Hot. Warm.

[Sasquatch walks to the fire]

Randy: Fire.

[Sasquatch burns himself, runs backward and beats Randy.]

Matt: Oh, damn!

Randy: No! [yelling] No! Me strong. No, me strong. Me alpha. [Sasquatch and Randy growl at each other] You go. [Randy pushes Sasquatch and it leaves.] Yes, that’s right. [to his friends] What you think about that, Matt? King Kong ain’t got nothing.

[Sasquatch runs in and hits Randy. Randy falls down.]

Oh, Matt!

[Sasquatch pulls Randy up]


Matt: Just go with him, Randy. You challenged him. So he is shaming you now.

Randy: Matt! He is making me hold his part.

Matt: Primates do this. I think it’s very common, maybe. He’s showing how non threatening you are.

[Sasquatch takes Randy’s hat and pees on it.]

Randy: Oh! He’s peeing on my hat, Matt!

Matt: He’s marking you. The process has begun.

[Pete is taking pictures of Sasquatch and Randy]

Randy: Don’t post that.

[Sasquatch gestures for Randy to put the hat back on.]

Put it on? Oh!

Matt: Oh, bro. That’s not good.

[Sasquatch pulls Randy towards the fire.]

Randy: What are you doing? Matt? Matt?

Matt: Just let him do it, Randy.

[Sasquatch makes Randy sit near the fire. He is placing his butt on Randy’s shoulders.]

Randy: What is this?

Pete: Ha-ha-ha-h.

Randy: Wiping his ass on my hat.

Matt: It will be over before you know it, bro.
Pete: Randy, catch!

[Pete throws a baseball bat to Randy. Randy catches it.]

Randy: [pointing the bat to the Sasquatch] Batter up!

[Sasquatch punches Randy again. It takes the baseball bat and starts hitting Randy with it. Randy runs into the tent.]

Matt, he has the bat.

[Sasquatch runs to the tend and start hitting it from the outside. It pulls the whole tent into the bushes.]

Jackie: Oh, no. Randy. He is–

[Randy jumps in]

Randy: Right here. I slipped out the back-flap of the tent. He may have a big foot, but I have a big brain.

[Sasquatch runs in near Randy again]


[Sasquatch punches Randy into the sky.]

Movie Set with Jessica Chastain

Jackie… Leslie Jones

Cynthia… Jessica Chastain

Director… Kenan Thompson

[Starts with Jackie packing her stuffs in office. Cynthia walks in.]

Cynthia: Judith, here’s the Rodriguez file. You wanna take a look?

Jackie: Find somebody else. I quit.

Cynthia: You quit? Why?

Jackie: Because I get paid less than any male lawyer here. We both do.

Cynthia: You’re kidding. How much less?

Jackie: This much. They mixed me and Tom’s check.

Cynthia: Whoa!

Jackie: Exactly.

Director: Cut!

[It’s a movie shooting. Jackie and Cynthia stop acting. Director walks in.]

Wow! Cynthia, Jackie, all I can say is wow. And that was just the first take? Wow!

Jackie: Thanks, director.

Cynthia: You really thought it was good?

Director: So good. But, can I just twig it a little bit? As we say in the industry, put a little stink on it.

Jackie: Sure. We love notes.

Director: Great! The good news is that I was once an actor too. So I speak your language. I’m of course talking a little show called ‘The Jeffersons.’

Cynthia: That sitcom from the 70s?

Director: Yes. And on that show, we really knew how to get to the emotion of a heart of a scene. There was no question what we were feeling. Let’s try something. [Director walks close to Cynthia] When Jackie tells you that she has quit, this has to rock your world harder than Huey Lewis in all the news. Let me show you what I mean. Jackie, can you feed me that line please?

Jackie: Okay. Find someone else. I quit.

[Director starts overacting. He fills his cheeks with air, opens his eyes wide open, nods his head a couple of times making noises.]

Director: You quit? Why? [to Cynthia] Does that make sense, Cynthia?

Cynthia: That seems like a lot. I don’t know.

Director: How to do it? Well, let me show you. Uh, you just jerk your chin back into your neck. And then you bite an imaginary hotdog into four pieces like this.[He fills his cheeks with air, opens his eyes wide open, nods his head a couple of times making noises.] And then you say, “You quit? Why?” Okay, let’s do this.

[Director walks out]

[Clapper loader walks in with a clapperboard]

Clapper loader: Justice for Anne, scene 12, take two.

[Clapper loader walks out]

Director: And, action!

[Jackie and Cynthia start acting]

Cynthia: Judith, uh, here’s Rodriguez file. You wanna take a look?

Jackie: Find someone else. I quit.

[Cynthia fills her cheeks with air, opens her eyes wide open, nods her head a couple of times making noises.]

Cynthia: You quit? Why?

Director: Great! Cut!

[Director walks in]

How did it feel?

Cynthia: Career ending. Look, you seem like a nice man, but I’m not sure you have a handle on this material. Who did you play in “The Jefferson?”

Director: Oh, it was the role of a lifetime. I played a tramp who got caught making number twos into a front loading washer at George’s dry cleaners. It was one of those “I learned a lesson” episodes. [Director walks close to Jackie] Now, Jackie, let’s work on your part. When you say, “We all do”, you’re not just talking about the two of you being paid less. That refers to every women in the world. Maybe even on other planets. So, you have to say it loud, long, to let those sound wave really get there. So, tilt back, breathe deep, an a bellow. [loudly] “We all do.” Does that make sense? And also, Cynthia, when you see the check, I need you to look at it at least 40 times, because it’s such a surprise. Like this. [Director repeatedly looks at his hand pretending there’s a check.] Whoa!

Cynthia:  I can’t do this.

Director: Well, you have to trust me on this one. Do you think I would send you out there looking like a fool?

Cynthia: Well, the only credit I know you have is for taking a duke on a Maytag in episode of “the Jeffersons” 40 years ago.

Director: Stop flirting. [laughing and looking around] She started it. You guys are all my witnesses. Okay, let’s do this.

[Director walks out]

[Clapper loader walks in with a clapperboard]

Clapper loader: Justice for Anne, scene twelve, take three.

[Clapper loader walks out]

Director: And action.

[Jackie and Cynthia start acting]

Cynthia: Judith, here’s the Rodriguez file. You wanna take a look?

Jackie: Find someone else. I quit.

[Cynthia fills her cheeks with air, opens her eyes wide open, nods her head a couple of times making noises.]

Cynthia: You quit? Why?

Jackie: Because I get paid less than any man who works here. [Jackie breathes in, shakes her head a couple of time and speaks loudly.] We all do.

[Jackie gives Cynthia a check to look at]

[Cynthia repeatedly looks and the check and looks away.]

Cynthia: Whoa!

Director: Cut! [Director walks in] Alright! We are getting there. This is going to be a great commercial.

Cynthia: This is not a commercial. It’s a 120 page movie.

Director: Really? Am I on the wrong set? I thought this was for Cottonelle.

Cynthia: Get out here, please.

Jackie: You have to go.

Director: Ay, okay. Alright. Just let me use the Maytag, then I’ll start walking home. Um, does anyone has some spare cottonelle?

Jackie: Ew!

Sticky Bun

Cecily Strong

Beck Bennett

Kelsey… Vanessa Bayer

Scott… Mikey Day

Jackie… Octavia Spencer

Kat… Melissa Villaseñor

[Starts with Cecily briefing the trainees]

Cecily: Hey guys, it’s the last phase of your training. After this, you’ll be able to start working shifts at Sticky Bun. Holla! So, today we’ll be doing mock customer transactions, to get a feel for a typical shift.

Beck: This is Kelsey, the actress who will be playing our customer. Anything we might have seen you in, Kelsey?

Kelsey: Um, let me think? No.

Cecily: Cool. Alright. Um, Scott, how about you take the register? Jackie on prep and Kat on pickup counter.

Beck: Alright! just use the stuff we went over in the handbook. Okay? You’re going to be fine. You ready, Scott?

Scott: Hell, yeah!

Beck: Ah! That’s what I like to hear, bud. Go for it.

Kelsey: [acting like a customer] Hi, there.

Scott: Hi, welcome to Sticky Bun. Will you eat?

Kelsey: What?

Beck: Hey, Scott, don’t start like that. Remember, greet the customer and try to make a personal connection. Ask them how their day is going? How they’re doing. Something that shows you care.

Scott: Right! Hi, welcome to Sticky Bun. Are your both parents still alive?

Kelsey: I’m sorry?

Beck: Try a different question, Scott.

Scott: Hi, welcome to Sticky Bun. How old were you when you first lost your virginity?

Beck: Hey, Scott, forget the question, bud. Say something nice and take her order.

Scott: Hi, welcome to Sticky Bun. Merry Christmas. Will you eat?

Beck: Alright. You know what Scott? Why don’t you take a breather. Let’s switch it up. Jackie, you want to give register a shot?

Jackie: Yes sir, I do. I know that manual front to back and I’ve been practicing in my mirror all week.

Cecily: Hey! Now that’s a Sticky Bun attitude. Go for it.

Kelsey: [acting like a customer] Hi, there.

Jackie: Go away, we’re closed.

Kat: [speaking in mic] Attention Sticky Bun customers, we are closing early for the Christmas Holiday.

Cecily: No. Guys, guys, it’s not Christmas. And Jackie, we are not closed.

Jackie: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I panicked.  It’s different when talking to a real person and not myself in the mirror.

Cecily: Well, that’s why we do this. Alright, just start again, please.

Jackie: Ley, lady, what will you eat?

Kelsey: Um, what do you recommend on the menu?

Jackie: I don’t eat here. This food is trash.

Cecily: Oh, Jackie! You know what? Don’t tell customers our foo is trash. Just remember, personal connection. Alright? Ask her a question.

Jackie: Right. Right. Hi, welcome to Sticky Bun. Do you like being white?

Kelsey: I’m– I’m sorry, should I answer that?

Cecily: Nope. Please don’t actually. Why is this friendly question throwing everyone off? Just ask her how her day is going.

Jackie: Well, I know the answer. Not good. She’s alone in a Sticky Bun on Christmas.

Beck: You know what? How about we give Kat a shot at the register? And things to remember, we’re open, the food isn’t trash, and it’s not Christmas.

Kat: Welcome to Sticky Bun. What will you eat?

Kelsey: Um, can I– Can I have a classic sticky bun and a milk?

Jackie: Sticky bun and a cold cow piss, coming up.

Kat: Okay, name for the order?

Kelsey: Kelsey.

Kat: Oh, wow. I had a teacher Ms. Kelsey.

Beck: Nice, Kat.

Kat: Yeah, sophomore year, the janitor found her dead in her car. That will be $5.15, please.

Jackie: [speaking in mic] One Sticky Bun and a cold cow piss for Kelsey.

[Kelsey takes her order]

Kelsey: Thank you.

Scott: You’re welcome. I love you.

Beck: Alright. Let’s cut it there. We did it. And Kelsey, nice perk here, you can eat that Sticky Bun if you want.

Kelsey: No, thank you.

Cecily: Alright. So, lots to unpack here. Scott, don’t tell customers you love them.

Scott: Okay, um, do you have a pen and paper?

Beck: Um, you shouldn’t have to write that down. Jackie, please don’t refer to the milk as cow piss.

Jackie: Sorry, that’s what we call it in my house.

Cecily: And Kat. Don’t tell customers stories about dead people.

Kat: I’ll try.

Cecily: Nope, that’s required. Okay? Oh, guys, and let’s do, “Can I take your order”, instead of “Will you eat?”

Jackie: So, we have to know, are we Sticky Bun material?

Beck: Well, normally, we recommend another week of training, at least. But this is an airport. So grab a timecard and get to work!