Jake Tapper

Jake Tapper… Beck Bennett

Mike… Bobby Moynihan

Kellyanne Conway… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with Jake Tapper in his news set]

Jake Tapper: And that will do it for us on ‘State of the Union’. As always, I’m Jake Tapper. Fareed Zakaria “GPS” is next.

Mike: And we’re out.

[bell ringing]

Jake Tapper: Alright, thanks everyone.

Mike: Hey, great show, man. And for what it’s worth, I think it was the right call not to let Kellyanne on today.

Jake Tapper: Thank you. I mean, the White House offered her. She just had too many credibility issues.

Mike: Yeah. I’m glad you drew the line.

Jake Tapper: Thanks. Well, have a good night, Mike.

Mike: Alright, man.

Jake Tapper: Back at it tomorrow.

Mike: Have a good night, Jake.

[Cut to Jake Tapper gettin in his apartment. As he is turning the lights on, Kellyanne Conway is in his kitchen.]

Kellyanne Conway: Hello, Jake. [Jake Tapper is shocked] Do you want a drink?

Jake Tapper: Jesus! Kellyanne, what the hell are you doing here?

Kellyanne Conway: I just want to be a part of the news, Jake.

Jake Tapper: And this is how you do it? By breaking into my apartment?

Kellyanne Conway: Well, what was I supposed to do? You weren’t answering my calls, you changed your number. I’m not going to be ignored, Jake!

Jake Tapper: You don’t get it, Kellyanne. You made up a massacre. We can’t have you on.

Kellyanne Conway: [flirting and getting close to Jake Tapper] But I miss the news. I want to get a mic. I want to feel that hot, black, mic pressed up against my skin. [trying to seduce Jake Tapper] Oh, is this the tie you wore on the news today? Smells like good news. Let me taste the news on your face.

[Kellyanne Conway licks Jake Tapper’s cheeks]

Jake Tapper: Kellyanne, no! We can’t have you on TV if you’re just going to keep lying!

Kellyanne Conway: Okay, fine. I’ll do something else. [Kellyanne Conway pulls out a knife] I’ll do something really crazy. [Kellyanne Conway licks the knife] What if I do a free commercial for Ivanka’s shoes, life on air? Would you like that, baby?

Jake Tapper: What? No. That’s illegal.

Kellyanne Conway: So what? [Kellyanne Conway throws the knife and sticks it on the wall] It’s just a little ethics violation. Think of the clicks, Jake. Click, click, click. Don’t you see? I don’t do this for me. I do it for you. You need me. You need to press me.

Jake Tapper: No, I don’t.

Kellyanne Conway: Yes, you do. You need to reach inside me and you need to pull out the truth.

Jake Tapper: You’re insane!

Kellyanne Conway: You’re a hunter, Jake! You know that the truth is? Your feet, you wanna chase it.

Jake Tapper: [yelling] Enough! It’s over, Kellyanne. You’re sick. You’re toxic. You are done.

Kellyanne Conway: We’ll see about that. If I can’t be on TV, I’ll go somewhere else. I’ll call Huff Po live.

Jake Tapper: No, you won’t. [Kellyanne Conway walks away and makes the phone call] No one watches that.

Female voice on phone: Hello, Huff Po live.

Kellyanne Conway: No. [Kellyanne Conway throws the phone away] [crying] Sorry, Jake. I just want to do my polls again.

[Jake Tapper walks to Kellyanne Conway and tries to comfort her. Suddenly Kellyanne Conway turns around and pulls a knife on Jake Tapper’s neck.]

Put me on the news, Jake!

Jake Tapper: Okay. Okay. I’ll text Fareed Zakaria. You can go on his show.

Kellyanne Conway: Fareed Zakaria? I have an office in the [bleep] White House.

Jake Tapper: Okay. What about Carol Stello?

Kellyanne Conway: Do I look like Kayliegh McEnany to you?

Jake Tapper: No.

Kellyanne Conway: Then why are you trying to f* me like I’m Kayliegh McEnany?

Jake Tapper: Okay! Okay! You can go on our show. Whatever you want. You win! Whatever you want!

[Kellyanne Conway leaves Jake Tapper]

Kellyanne Conway: Okay, great. Thanks Jake.

Jake Tapper: [coughing] You’re a monster.

Kellyanne Conway: Actually, no. I am just Kellyanne Conway and I always get my Kelly on con–

[Kellyanne Conway falls down out of the window]

[screaming] Ahh!

Jake Tapper: No! Kellyanne! Oh my god!

[Jake Tapper looks down the window. Kellyanne Conway opens her eyes, fixes her broken body herself and stand.]

Are you okay?

Kellyanne Conway: Actually, I am fine, but I do only have three lives left. See you on the news. [winks]

Kellyanne Conway

Jake Tapper… Beck Bennett

Kellyanne Conway… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with The Lead with Jake Tapper intro]

[Cut to Jake Tapper in his news set]

Jake Tapper: Welcome back to The Lead. We’re speaking with Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s campaign manager turned white house counselor.

Kellyanne Conway: Thank you, Jake.

Jake Tapper: President Trump said his first foreign trip may be to meet with Vladimir Putin. Isn’t that troubling?

Kellyanne Conway: Actually, no, it’s not. And the thing to remember about Russia is that we won and I don’t know why you keep bringing up the election.

Jake Tapper: I’m not. I’m talking about Russia. Doesn’t Trump’s relationship with Putin concern you?

Kellyanne Conway: Okay. Actually what does concern me is that she didn’t go to Michigan and she lost and we won and we did win.

Jake Tapper: Oh my god, why do you do this?

Kellyanne Conway: Do what, Jake?

Jake Tapper: Com on here every single day and do this. What do you get out of this?

Kellyanne Conway: I love Trump. And I believe in Trump. And the reason I joined his campaign is because I thought he was going to be the president for all people.

Jake Tapper: Really? That’s really what you thought?

Kellyanne Conway: Mm, yes, that’s what I thought.

Jake Tapper: And that’s all you thought?

Kellyanne Conway: Well– [music starts playing] I guess if I’m being completely honest, Jake, I just also think–

[Kellyanne Conway starts dancing and singing]

[singing] The name on everybody’s lips is gonna be, “Conway”
the lady raking in the chips is gonna be Conway
I’m gonna be a celebrity
that means somebody everyone knows
they’re gonna recognize my eyes,
my hair, my teeth, my boobs, my nose

Ooh, I’m gonna join sag

From just some dumb Blueberry farm I’m gonna be Conway
who says the lying’s not an art?
And when they google just okay
my name will come up before Kanye
Kellyanne Conway

[Cut back to the news set]

Jake Tapper: Now, Kellyanne, starting yesterday, you are now counselor to the president.

Kellyanne Conway: Mm-hmm. Yes, I am. I am that.

Jake Tapper: You have the president’s ear and a real opportunity to effect change in the White House.

[Kellyanne Conway looks surprised]

Kellyanne Conway: Oh my god, Jake, you’re right. Do you know what this means?

[singing] boys!

Boys: They’re gonna wait outside in line to get to see Conway
Kellyanne Conway: Think of those autographs I’ll sign, good luck to you

Boys: Conway!

Kellyanne Conway: An I’ll appear in a sleeveless dress on any show they’ll let me do

Boys: Meet the press, Anderson, Hannity, Fox & Friends

Kellyanne Conway: And if they I’ll do ‘The Chew’
Ooh, I’m a star
and the audience loves me and I love them
and they love me for loving them
and I love them for loving me
and we love each other

Hey, know what’s weird?
This time last year, I supported Ted Cruz
I said Donald Trump acted unpresidential
It’s on tape.

But hey, that’s show biz, Kel

Boys: She’s giving up her humdrum life

Kellyanne Conway: I’m gonna be Conway

Boys: She treats the news just like a play

Kellyanne Conway: And when the world goes up in flames
at least for now they knew my name
Kellyanne Conway

The Lead with Jake Tapper Cold Open

Jake Tapper… Beck Bennett

Kellyanne Conway… Kate McKinnon

Walter White… Bryan Cranston

[Starts with The Lead with Jake Tapper intro]

[Cut to Jake Tapper in his set]

Jake Tapper: Welcome to The Lead. I’m Jake Tapper and you’re watching CNN. Be careful on the elyptical. President elect Donald Trump has– he has made some unconventional picks for his cabinet. here to help make sense of this if Trump’s senior advisor Kellyanne Conway.

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: Thank you, Jake. Happy to be here.

[Cut to Jake Tapper and Kellyanne Conway]

Jake Tapper: Kellyanne, Trump has nominated Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA even though he is a fossil fuel advocate that doesn’t believe in climate change.

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: Well, yes. Actually, it’s got Pruitt as excited for the job and he is protect us all from the environment.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: Um, I’m not sure that’s how it works. This pick is not the only one that has people scratching their heads. There’s also the decision to name the CEO of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s Andy Puzder as secretary of labor even though Puzder doesn’t support the minimum wage. Kenlyanne, it’s almost like Mr. Trump appoints these people specifically to undermine the very agencies they head. Are these bad picks?

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: They are not bad. They are alt-good.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: Wasn’t Donald Trump supposed to drain swamp?

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: Um-hmm, and actually, Mr. Trump is draining the swamp as he said he would, and the frogs and the toads the newts that are left who have mutations that allow them to survive are now his cabinet pets.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: Ah! Now, as you know Kellyanne, we have breaking news. President elect Trump has just made his choice for the federal DEA, the federal drug enforcement agency, and it’s a high school science teacher from New Mexico named Walter Wright.

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: Hello, Jake.

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway and Walter White]

Kellyanne Conway: Walter is amazing. He came highly recommended by Steve Bannon.

Walter White: Oh, yeah. Steve’s the best. We’ve had some times.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: Where did Mr. Bannon find you?

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: Under the comment section at Breitbart. And I’m really surprised he tracked me down because I’ve kind of been off the grid for a while.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: And you’re a high school science teacher?

Walter White: Yeah.

Jake Tapper: Do you know anything about drug enforcement?

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: [laughs] Oh, trust me. I know the DEA better than anyone, inside and out.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: Mr. White, how did you even get considered for this job? Do you know Donald Trump?

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: No. Nope. But I’m a big fan. I like his style. He acts first and then asks questions later. I also like that wall he wants to build. Nothing comes in from Mexico, meaning a lot less competition for the rest of us.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: You mean jobs?

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: [smirks] Sure.

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: Walter is actually a genius with chemicals and we’re so lucky to get him. The top companies in the countries had been knocking in his door for years, but he never answered.

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: Well, I am the one who knocks.

[Cut to Jake Tapper]

Jake Tapper: And Mr. White, do you foresee any problems with congress considering your limited experience?

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: Well, they might get hung up on the fact that I faked my own death. I’m only the third person in the Trump cabinet to do that.

[Cut to Kellyanne Conway]

Kellyanne Conway: Mr. White is actually such a great fit for this administration. He is first and foremost in support of small business.

[Cut to Walter White]

Walter White: Oh, absolutely. Donald Trump and I agreed. It’s time to make America cook again. We want to fill this nation with red, white and a whole lot of blue. And let me tell you one more thing, Jake, like from New York, it’s Saturday night!

Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper… Alex Moffat

Gloria Borger… Cecily Strong

David Axelrod… Kyle Mooney

Dana Bash… Kristen Wiig

Kayleigh McEnany… Kate McKinnon

Van Jones… Kenan Thompson

Jake Tapper… Beck Bennett

[Starts with Anderson Cooper 360 intro]

[Cut to Anderson Cooper with five participants to his show in the set]

Anderson Cooper: Good evening and welcome to Anderson Cooper 360. It’s been 10 days since the election and we are covering every moment of Donald Trump’s Transition. Joining me tonight at two gib ugly desks are CNN Chief Political Analyst, Gloria Borger.

[She is busy on her phone.]

Gloria Borger: Yeah, uh-huh. Sure.

Anderson Cooper: Former advisor of President Obama, David Axelrod

David Axelrod: Hi, Anderson.

Anderson Cooper: CNN Chief Political Correspondent, Dana Bash.

Dana Bash: It’s Dana, for some reason.

Anderson Cooper: Trump supporter, Kayleigh McEnany.

Kayleigh McEnany: Thank you. I am smug to be here.

Anderson Cooper: And former Obama Administration Official, Van Jones.

Van Jones: I’m the good one.

Anderson Cooper: Now, this has been an unprecedented week, but we at CNN are here to hold Donald Trump accountable. Let’s start with some breaking news. Donald Trump wants top secret security clearance for his kids, even though they’re also running his business. Gloria?

Gloria Borger: Okay, you know what? This is not normal.

Dana Bash: This is crazy.

Van Jones: This is where we in the media have to draw the line.

Dana Bash: Uh- this isn’t like when Trump called women fat. I mean, that was okay, fine, whatever, who cares. But this is different.

David Axelrod: And we cannot let him off the hook this time.

Kayleigh McEnany: Um, can we just remember that most Americans voted for Trump?

Van Jones: Um, actually they didn’t, Kayleigh.


Anderson Cooper: Um, more breaking news. The entire KKK is planning a parade to celebrate Trump’s win. Gloria?

Gloria Borger: Okay, you know what? This is not normal!

David Axelrod: It’s unacceptable.

Dana Bash: This is crazy.

Van Jones: This is where we in the media have to draw the line.

Dana Bash: This isn’t like when he asked for security clearances for his kids. I mean, that was okay, fine, whatever, who cares? But this is different.

David Axelrod: And we cannot let him off the hook this time.

Kayleigh McEnany: Um, can we just remember that most Americans voted for Trump?

Van Jones: Um, actually they didn’t, Kayleigh.


Anderson Cooper: Sorry, more breaking news. Donald Trump may force all Muslims to register in the United States. Gloria?

Gloria Borger: Okay, you know what? This is not normal!

David Axelrod: It’s unacceptable.

Dana Bash: This is crazy.

Van Jones: This is where we in the media have to draw the line.

Dana Bash: This isn’t like when the entire KKK threw him a parade. I mean, that was okay, fine, whatever, who cares? But this is different.

David Axelrod: And we cannot let him off the hook this time.

Kayleigh McEnany: Um, can we just remember that most Americans voted for Trump?

Van Jones: Actually they didn’t, Kayleigh.


Anderson Cooper: Breaking news again. Steve Bannon, a white nationalist has been named Trump’s Chief Strategist. Gloria?

Gloria Borger: Okay, you know what? This is not normal!

David Axelrod: It’s unacceptable.

Dana Bash: This is crazy.

Van Jones: This is where we in the media have to draw the line.

Dana Bash: This isn’t like when he wanted to put all the Muslims on the list. I mean, that was okay, fine, whatever, who cares? But this is different.

David Axelrod: And we cannot let him off the hook this time.

Kayleigh McEnany: Um, can we just remember that most Americans voted for Trump?

Van Jones: Actually they didn’t, Kayleigh.


Anderson Cooper: Looks like we have some more breaking news. I– I– I’m sorry, I just had this weird memory like we keep doing the same–

[Anderson Cooper and all the participants are paused. They are not moving.]

[Two guys come in wearing a protective suit.]

Pete: Which one’s malfunctioning?

Mikey: One on the glasses has skipped out of his loop. He was starting to remember.

Pete: Alright, let’s get it back to programming.

Mikey: Bring in the replacement host.

[Pete and Mikey walk out with Anderson Cooper]

[Jake Tapper walks in as substitute host]

Jake Tapper: I’m Jake Tapper. Breaking news, Donald Trump has settled a massive fraud lawsuit for $25 million. Gloria?

Gloria Borger: Okay, you know what? This is not normal!

David Axelrod: It’s unacceptable.

Dana Bash: This is crazy.

[The End]

Carson Endorsement Cold Open

Jake Tapper… Beck Bennett

Donald Trump… Darrell Hammond

Ben Carson… Jay Pharoah

Bernie Sanders… Larry David

[Starts with CNN America’s choice 2016]

[Cut to Jake in his set]

Jake: Hello, I’m Jake Tapper, and if you google me, you’ll see me in a t-shirt. But first, another big endorsement for Donald Trump as former rival Ben Carson has agreed to throw his support to the businessman. We go now to Florida where Trump has just taken the stage.

[Cut to Donald Trump]

Donald Trump: Thank you. My guest today so tremendous. Dr. Ben Carson is a very special man. And for once I don’t mean that as an insult to the mentally challenged. Why don’t you come out here, Ben. Come on.

[Ben Carson walks in]

Ben Carson: I am so thrilled to be here today. I am positively turned. Yes, Donald and I are very different. We’re like night and day, ebony and orangy. And sure, we’ve had our– you know, we’ve had our polite disagreements. I question his knowledge on healthcare and he called me a psycho and a child molester.

Donald Trump: Hey, in my defense, he’s a pretty creepy dude. I mean look at this guy. He looks like he drives a hollowed out ice-cream truck.

Ben Carson: What my point is, I have learned there are two Donald Trumps. There’s the man you see every night on stage for eight months, guy who calls people losers and brags about his penis. But there’s also the friendly man I had breakfast with earlier today for 10 minutes. He gave me a muffin.

Donald Trump: Okay, that’s enough for now. Let’s get this guy a juice box and a nap.

Ben Carson: Bye, America. It’s been weird.

[Ben Carson walks away]

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: And there it is. Turning now to the democrats, Bernie Sanders pulled up a huge up set in Michigan this week. Joining us now via satellite from his hotel room in Illinois is senator Bernie Sanders.

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: Yes, yes, yes. Hello. Good for me, Mr. Wonderful, Mr. Presidential Candidate.

[Cut to split screen]

Jake: Congratulations on your big win in Michigan, senator.

Bernie Sanders: Thank you, Tapper. [Cut to Bernie Sanders] I want to thank everyone who voted for me and apologize to everyone else for making your Facebook feed so, so annoying. I mean, I love my supporters. But they’re too much, right? I’m great, but I’m not five posts a day great. With all due respect to my supporters, get a life.

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: Now, how do you think you pulled out such an up set victory?

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: Well Tapper, I spent a lot of time in Michigan. I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but they give you ten cents for recycled cans. I made a fortune.

[Cut to split screen]

Jake: Now senator, you may have won Michigan but Hillary still leads you in both delegate and super delegates.

Bernie Sanders: Can I ask you something? What’s a super delegate? Who calls themselves that? It’s so cocky! [Cut to Bernie Sanders] They walk around like they’re such big shots. “Oh! I beg your pardon Mr. Super Delegate.” Let me tell you something, I’ve met some of these super delegates. They’re not so super. Mediocre delegates is more like it.

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: But senator, many think you need these super delegates to win the nomination.

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: Not true. No, not true. I have the voters. My message is resonating with a very diverse group of white people. And I’ve got supporters of all ages. 18 year olds, 19 year olds. That’s it. The young people love me, Tapper. Because I’m like them. I got a lot of big plans and absolutely no idea how to achieve them.

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: But, you’re still struggling with the minorities. Why do you think African Americans aren’t voting for you?

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: Probably because I look like someone who at some point told them, “Get out of my store.”

[Cut to split screen]

Jake: And finally senator, Florida vote’s on Tuesday, but you haven’t spent much time there.

Bernie Sanders: Can you blame me? [Cut to Bernie Sanders] Who wants to spend time in Florida? The only reason you go to Florida is if your sister calls and says, “Mom’s dead, we gotta go to Florida.”

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: Alright. Thank you senator. Alright, breaking news right now. We’re getting word now of yet another incident of violence at Donald Trump rally. Apparently the victim was this man, Dr. Ben Carson, who was attacked moments ago by an angry mob that mistook him for a protestor. We go there now.

[Cut to Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Ben Carson is holding a raw steak over his eye.]

Ben Carson: It’s okay. I’m fine.

Donald Trump: Guys! What did I say? Not this one! This is one of the good ones! [to Ben] I’m sorry, Ben.

Ben Carson: Hey, they’re just lucky I don’t have my knife on me. I’ve been known to cut a bitch.

Donald Trump: Don’t worry. We’ve got a very classy Trump steak on his eye. And to the media, please don’t use this as an excuse to call me racist.

Ben Carson: Donald’s actually got a lot of black friends. Omarosa, Dennis Rodman.

Donald Trump: The list goes on.

Ben Carson: Mike Tyson.

Donald Trump: The list ends.

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: Quite a scene. Now, let’s check back in with senator Bernie Sanders.

[Cut to split screen. Bernie Sanders is on his pajamas getting ready for bed holding a toothbrush.]

Bernie Sanders: What? No! No! Get out of here. Don’t cut back to me. Get away.

Jake: Senator, are you in your pajamas?

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: Of course I’m in pajamas. It’s bed time you idiot! You said you were finished. So I got in pajamas.

[Cut to Jake]

Jake: How did you change so fast?

[Cut to Bernie Sanders]

Bernie Sanders: I always wear them under my suit. That’s why my suits are so baggy. Now please, if you don’t mind, Live from New York, it’s Saturday night!