
Heidi Gardner

Mr. Reynolds… Pete Davidson

Judge… Kenan Thompson

James Franco

Delivery boy… Chris Redd

[Starts with Heidi asking questions to Mr. Reynolds in the court]

Heidi: Would you remind the jury again of the make and model of your car?

Mr. Reynolds: Um, yes. I drive a 93, Toyota Corolla.

Heidi: Which witnesses say was never at the scene of the crime. Thank you. No further questions you honor.

Judge: Alright. Very well.

James: Your honor, the prosecution would like to cross examine the witness.

Judge: Well, the floor is your’s, counselor.

James: Mr. Reynolds, would you please remind me one more time about your whereabouts on the night in question.

Mr. Reynolds: Sure. Like I already said, I was at Venny’s having two slices of Za.

James: Ah! That’s what I thought you said. Well, I find that really interesting because I happen to have a menu from Venny’s pizza pizzaria right here. Let’s see if we can find ourselves a couple of slices of Za. [James looks at the menu he has brought] Cheese pizza. Pepperoni pizza. Ham and pineapple pizza. And that’s all she wrote, your honor. I rest my case.

Judge: Counselors, approach the bench.

[Heidi and James walk to Judge]

What the hell is going on?

James: I caught him in a lie. He said he was having Za. But there was no la-ZA-nia (lasagna) on the menu.

Judge: Excuse me?

James: He said he was having Za. But the menu I just read had no la-ZA-nia on it.

Heidi: You now Za is slang for pizza, right?

James: False. It’s lasagna.

Heidi: Your honor. Clearly, my colleague is confused.

James: You don’t make nicknames based on how things are spelled. You make them on how they sound.

Heidi: Even if that was the case, it doesn’t apply here.

James: Your honor, may I elaborate?

Judge: I’ll allow it. But I hope you’re going somewhere with this, counselor. For your sake.

James: It’s la-Za-nia. Za-nia. Za. Pizza… sa. See? la-Za-nia. Za-nia. Za. Sa, pizza. Za-nia. Za. Pizza… sa. la-Za-nia. Za. Pizza. Sa. Mr. Williams, what were you eating?

Heidi: I object.

Judge: Overruled. Mr. Williams. Please answer the question.

Mr. Reynolds: Za.

James: Ah! When the young man says he was having Za, he is speaking of lasagna.

Heidi: This is preposterous.

James: It’s not preposterous. [James pulls out a huge board where he has explained the pronunciation of lasagna and pizza.] Look! It’s pizza. Suh. Lasagna. Za. Lasagna. Pizza. Suh.  Lasagna. Za. Za. That’s in lasagna. Not pizza. Because that would be “Suh.” Pizza.

Judge: Counselor, you are playing a dangerous game.

James: [yelling] Your honor, two girls are dead. [throws the board away aggressively] And I’ve pinned killer. This young man, Mr. Za, lasagna, za-nia, za, za, za. Pizza. Suh. Suh, your honor.

Heidi: Your honor. It is pizza, suh. And it is lasagna, za-nia, za. But that has nothing to do with this case.

[a pizza delivery guy enters the court]

Delivery boy: Excuse me. Excuse me. I got a large ‘Suh’ here for Mr. Williams. That’s one large ‘Suh!’

Mr. Reynolds: Oh, right here, dude.

[the crowd goes “Ahh!”]

James: There it is!

Mr. Reynolds: Alright. I admit it. I ordered the ‘Suh’.

James: I knew it. Lasagna, za. Your honor, I re-rest my case.

Judge: Well, in light of these developments, I have found the defendant guilty.

James: And I guess I don’t need this picture of you at the scene of the crime. [James shows a picture of Mr. Reynolds committing the crime]

Heidi: Okay. You had that the whole time?

James: Yeah. I needed some real evidence. I can’t really bank on that Za thing.

Spelling Bee

Emily Steel… Kate McKinnon

Todd Saint Lucian… Alex Moffat

Kevin Black… James Franco

Tania… Melissa Villaseñor

Johnathan… Luke Null

Kinson… Chris Redd

David… Pete Davidson

Emily: You’re listening to 91.7, Iowa city radio. We’re here broadcasting live from the Hancher Auditorium for the 2017 Iowa city all district spelling bee. I’m your host Emily Steel.

Todd: And I am still you color commentator, Todd Saint Lucian.

Emily: Todd, what do you make of the bee so far?

Todd: Emily, let me tell ya’, some of the words these kids have been spelling are absolutely magnificent.

Emily: Ooh! Ha-ha. Nice word, Todd.

Todd: Thanks. Just don’t ask me to spell it. [laughing]

Emily: Seriously? Alright. Well, the second round is just about to start. So, why don’t we join the action?

[Cut to the spelling contest]

Kevin: Congratulations to all of you for making it this far. My name is Kevin Black. And I’ll be moderating this round. Well, the first contestant, please step forward.

[Tania walks to the mic]

Emily: And first to the mic is 8th grader, Tania Clark. She breeze through round one. Let’s see how she does the second time around.

Kevin: Your word is ‘Berate.’

Tania: Could you use it in a sentence?

Kevin: Berate. I’m dead inside because my stepfather used to berate me with insults and emasculate me with feminine nicknames. Berate.

Tania: Could I get the definition please?

Kevin: Berate. To use insults in feminine nicknames such as ‘stupid Suzie tampon princess’ to emasculate your stepson and make him dead inside. Berate.

Tania: Um, okay. Berate. B-E-R-A-T-E. Berate.

[right answer bell]

Kevin: Congratulations. That is correct.

[Cut to Emily and Todd]

Emily: Well, that was insane.

Todd: I know. Six letters. That’s a lot.

Emily: Do you know how to spell, Todd?

Todd: Ha-ha-ha. Let’s get back to the action.

[Cut to the spelling contest. Johnathan is on the mic.]

Todd: 14 year old, Johnathan Winslow.

Kevin: Your word is ‘Chagrin.’

Johnathan: Could you use it in a sentence please?

Kevin: Chagrin. My step father, Kevin, told the entire lacrosse team that I hadn’t yet developed pubic hair much to my Chagrin.

Johnathan: Could I get a definition, please?

Kevin: Chagrin. The feeling of shame that results from your stepfather, Kevin, telling the entire lacrosse team that you’re ‘Like a baby seal down there.’

Johnathan: Um, okay. Chagrin. C-H-A-G-R-I-N. Chagrin.

[right answer bell]

Kevin: That is correct.

[Cut to Emily and Todd]

Todd: Well, Emily, we’re two words into round two. Any thoughts so far?

Emily: Well, Todd, so far it’s been depraved.

Todd: Ha-ha-ha. Sounds more like a round three word.

[Cut to the spelling contest. Kinson is on the mic.]

Uh, next stop is Kinson Clare. Let’s see what word he gets.

Kevin: Your word is ‘Urophiliac.’

Emily: Okay. So that’s a word for people who like getting peed on. So, um– [referee walks to Kevin and whispers on his ears] Yeah. Okay. Looks like the ref is getting involved.

[referee takes his flashcard away]

Kevin: Sorry for the delay. Apparently ‘Urophiliac’ is inappropriate word for Spelling Bee. But they’ve given me a replacement word instead. Your new word is ‘Adolescent.’

Kinson: Could you use it in a sentence?

Kevin: Adolescent. I used to be an adolescent. Now, as an adult, I’m a urophiliac. I derive sexual pleasure from being treated like a toilet. Adolescent.

Kinson: Can I get the definition please?

Kevin: Adolescent. What I was before I became an adult urophiliac. Meaning, I derive erotic pleasure from being treated like a toilet. Adolescent.

Kinson: Damn, man! Um, okay. Adolescent. A-D-O-L-E-S-C-E-N-T. Adolescent.

[right answer bell]

Kevin: Congratulations. You have spelled it correctly.

Kinson: You need help.

[Kinson walks out and David walks in]

Todd: And last stop is David Roberts.

David: Um, hey, man. Could I get like, a normal word?

Kevin: I’m just reading the cards.

David: Okay. Whatever, man.

Kevin: Your word is ‘Little Pig Boy.’

David: Oh. Could you use it in a sentence?

Kevin: Little pig boy. Mistress hates her little pig boy. I am her dirty little big boy. Please stand on me with your boots on. Little pig boy.

David: Could I get the definiton?

Kevin: Little pig boy. He’s that pathetic dirty bitch baby mistress gets to stand on. Little pig boy.

David: Um, country of origin?

Kevin: Little pig boy comes from the dirt. He’s a weasely little mud grub who needs to be stood on. Little pig boy.

David: Okay. Guess I’ll give it a shot. Um, little pig boy. L-I-T-T-L-E P-I-G B-O-Y. Little pig boy.

[right answer bell]

Kevin: That is correct.

[Cut to Emily and Todd. Emily looks shocked. Todd seems to have no idea.]

Todd: Well, that’s it for round two. Emily, how do you think it went?

Emily: Bad.

Todd: Well, at least the kids had fun.

Emily: They did not.

Todd: Okay. We’ll be right back.

Sexual Harassment Charlie

Glen… Beck Bennett

Jenny… Aidy Bryant

Amanda… Cecily Strong

Denice… Leslie Jones

Janet… Melissa Villaseñor

Doug… James Franco

Charlie… Kenan Thompson

Tommy… Mikey Day

[Starts with Glen talking to his employees]

Glen: Folks, can I get you to gather over here? Sorry to interrupt your lunch, everyone. I just want you all to be clear that here at Beta Corp, we have zero tolerance for workplace sexual harassment. And all offenders will be trminated.

[The employees applaud]

That being said, unfortunately, we had to fire our CFO Doug Giffer.

Jenny: Finally.

Amanda: Yeah. Good riddance.

Denice: Bastard!

Glen: And, also our front desk guy, Charlie.

Employees: Aww.

Janet: Not Charlie!

Glen: And if it’s okay, we’ve asked them to come out and formally apologize to all of you before they leave. Come on out here, guys.

[Doug and Charlie walk in]

Doug: [sigh] Thank you, Glen. I just want to say to all of you that I am deeply and truly sorry for anything inappropriate that I may have done while working here.

Charlie: Yeah. My bad.

Doug: Janet in particular. I know that I have playfully referred to you as my little honeybee. And it made you feel uncomfortable. And I know now, it was wrong. And I’m sorry.

Janet: It was gross. And you’re gross.

Charlie: [Charlie does not sound serious at all] Janet, I know that sometimes you would walk by me. And I’d be saying something like, “Umm, umm.” Then I’d shake my head, do a little dance, and ask you not to hurt nobody with that thing. It was wrong. I’m sorry.

Janet: [laughing] Charlie, you’re so crazy.

Amanda: Oh, that is classic Charlie.

[Doug is confused]

Doug: Um, okay. Um, Amanda, there was one time at a meeting recently where I commented on your dress and your figure and even though I mentioned it was a compliment, apparently, it was still inappropriate. So, for that, I’m sorry.

Amanda: Oh, apparently? Okay. Well, apparently, you still don’t get it. And that’s why they fired your creep ass.

[All the employees clap]

Charlie: Mandy, Mandy, sweeter than candy. I remember I said something about that dress too. I think it was a long lines of, “Umm, umm. Woman, you are thicker than a bowl of biscuit. Why don’t you make Charlie a pair with extra jelly?” Then I did a little dance. Told you not to hurt nobody with that thing. It wasn’t appropriate. That’s my bad.

Amanda: [laughing] Charlie, you are just too much.

Charlie: Oh, you know I ain’t got no sense.

Denice: [to Glen] You can’t fire Charlie. It’s just Charlie.

Glen: It was a corporate decision, Denice. My hands are tied.

Doug: Wait, um, Denice…

Denice: What, creep?

Doug: Look, I know that you didn’t like me suggesting to you that you get further ahead in this business if you smiled a little more, but it was just advice.

Denice: Well, it sucked and you suck.

Jenny: Ah! That is legit awful, Doug!

Doug: Okay. I know. That’s why I’m saying sorry now.

Charlie: Denice. You know, at one time, I think I may have suggested that if I was 11 years younger, I’d put you in a large sack, throw you in a truck, drive you to my sister Betty’s house with a big old medical bed, crack open all the window to show you a good old times for 28 minutes.

Denice: [laughing] I guess that’s my loss, Charlie.

Doug: How are you okay with that

Denice: Shut up, man! That’s just Charlie.

Amanda: Yeah. He’s a sweet old man.

Jenny: Glen, you can’t fire Charlie. It’s the holidays.

Glen: Believe me, I don’t want to. I wish I was just firing Doug too.

Doug: What?

Charlie: No, no, no. Don’t worry about me sweet sexy Jenny. Maybe I can get a job at Santa. Then I can sneak down your chimney, tie up your old man, crack open all the windows and give you a 28 minutes present. Umm, umm. Girl, don’t you hurt nobody with that thing!

Jenny: [laughing] Thank you, Charlie.

Doug: Thank you? He said he wants to break into your home, tie up your husband and crack open the window for some reason.

Charlie: That’s to getting the funk out.

Doug: Okay, and then, have sex with you.

Jenny: Okay, don’t make it gross, Doug!

Janet: Yeah. Why do you have to make everything sexual?

Amanda: He’s a sweet old man. What is your deal?

Doug: Well, it just feels like you guys are going easier on him coz he’s a charming old black man and he has done way worse stuff!

Tommy: But, he’s Charlie!

Doug: What does that mean?

Charlie: Look, maybe Doug is right. Tommy, you remember that time I met your fine ass wife at the office Christmas party?

Tommy: Of course, I do, Charlie.

Denice: I remember that.

Charlie: And I held her hand up and twirled her around and then I yelled out, “Ain’t no way lil’ bitty Tommy hitting this thing right.”

Tommy: Yes.

Charlie: And then, later on, I saw your junk at the urinal and it was a good stuff. So I went back out to the party and I yelled out, “I stand corrected. Homeboy Tommy is packing some heat!” And then everybody laughed.

Tommy: [smiling and nodding his head] Yeah.

Charlie: You think that’s why I’m getting fired?

Glen: Um, no. No. It’s not, Charlie. It actually has nothing to do with sexual harassment. The corporate says they have you on camera stealing $380 in petty cash. Plus, they found half a pound of cocaine in a bag of tiny balloons in your locker room.

Charlie: Oh, okay.

Glen: And you saved a ton of pornography into the lobby desktop in folder marked “Charlie’s stuff.”

Charlie: Oh! So you found that.

Glen: Yeah. And you signed out the company van, reported it was stolen and it was found three days later parked outside of a brother with your keys still in the ignition and your brother asleep in the front wheel.

Charlie: What? Claud was still in there?

Glen: Yeah. And your name’s not Charlie. It’s Ronald Washington. And you’re wanted in Pennsylvania for kidnapping.

Charlie: Oh! So it’s still kidnapping if I bring them back. Okay, that’s my bad. That’s my bad.


Scrudge… Beck Bennett

Michael… Kyle Mooney

Kevin… Alex Moffat

Derek… Chris Redd

Anna… Heidi Gardner

Mikey Day

James Franco

[Starts with Scrudge reading a book in a dark room. He looks like a scary man in horror movies.]

[door knocking]

Scrudge: Hey, go away! [door knocking] [Scrudge walks to the door and opens it. It’s Michael.]

Michael: Hey, man. Sorry to bother you. Um, we’re about to head over to this Christmas party.

Scrudge: [interrupting] Cool. Bye!

[Scrudge shuts the door]

Michael: [speaking from outside the door] I was just thinking if you don’t have any plans, you’re more than welcome to come. We don’t get to kick it that much anymore. It can be fun, you know?

Scrudge: Fine!

[Cut to Kevin and Derek all ready for the party. Michael walks in.]

Kevin: [to Michael] You ready?

Michael: Um, just a few more minutes. I think my roommate is coming with us.

Kevin: What?

Derek: Seriously? You invited Scrudge?

Michael: Come on. It’s Christmas. The guy doesn’t have any friends.

Derek: Yeah, because he’s a nightmare, man!

[Scrudge walks in wearing nice clothes and a hat.]

Scrudge: Wad up, players? Kevin, Derek, still really boring? Cool. Let’s get faded.

[Cut to the party. Anna opens the door.]

Michael: Hey! We come bearing gifts.

Scrudge: Anna, your place looks so inexpensive.

Anna: Thanks.

Scrudge: Oh! And ugly Christmas sweater. So brave of you to do something so played out.

[Scrudge is opening a bottle of liquor. He looks at a girl. The girl is waving at him.]

Oh, no! Katy’s here. We hooked up like, once. And now she won’t stop texting me. It’s like, “Hey.” “Hi.” “What are you doing?” “You know what I’m doing. I see you watching my Insta stories.” Argh! Another reason to get blacked out.

Michael: Just try not to be dick to everyone tonight, please?

Scrudge: Duh! Bumble Dog.

[Scrudge walks to the TV set]

Hey, Heather. Dope DVD collection. I can’t believe there are other Wes Anderson fans out there. [showing a DVD of the movie Life Aquatic.] Let me guess, you like the soundtracks too? Coz you and your friends suck?

[Scrudge is walking to the bathroom. Three men walk out of the bathroom.]

Oh, I see what’s going on here. [stops Mikey] Mind if I sneak like, just a little tini tiny key bump?

Mikey: Um, yeah. We don’t have much left coz–

[Mikey gives Scrudge a tiny packet of cocaine. Scrudge just takes it and goes inside the bathroom. Mikey is waiting for him to get out and give him his packet back. But Scrudge comes out and just walks by.]

Hey, dude! Can I get that bag back?

Scrudge: Dude, what? I gave it back to you.

Mikey: No, you didn’t.

Scrudge: Yeah, dude. I literally, like, just gave it back to you. Are you like, high dude?

[Scrudge walks away]

Mikey: What?

[Cut to the rooftop. James is smoking a cigarette. Scrudge walks to him.]

Scrudge: Hey, can I bum a cigarette?

[James looks at his packet]

James: I got one left.

[Scrudge takes that cigarette]

Scrudge: Oh, that’s all I need.

James: Hey, Scrudge, yo’re kind of an asshole.

Scrudge: Wow, everybody has been dying to know what the sad lonely roof guy thinks. And I get to hear it first? #winning #Tygablood. Ha-ha-ha. Fuck you, loser!

James: Why don’t you take a look downstairs. You might not be as cool as you think.

[Scrudge looks down to the party. He sees people making fun of him.]

Mikey: I’m Scrudge. I make everyone feel uncomfortable.

Anna: Is he like a thousand years old?

Kevin: [to Michael] You would know this, does he own a toothbrush?

Michael: He’s just my roommate. He’s not really my friend. I don’t even know how much longer I want to live with him.

Scrudge: [to himself in the rooftop] Michael?

James: [to Scrudge] It’s not too late, Scrudge.

Scrudge: [singing] What have I become?

[Scrudge looks at James. James gets wings and he flies away.]

[Scrudge walks back to the party]

Everybody, please listen. I have something to say. [everybody look at him.] I’m sorry. I’ve been awful to each and everyone of you. But tonight, thanks to you, I’ve realized that the true meaning of Christmas is to spend time with those you love. Which is why, I shouldn’t be here. I’m sorry.

[Michael tries to stop Scrudge. But as Scrudge turns around, he is showing his butt off his pants to everyone.]

Truly, really sorry everyone.


James Franco

Dave Franco

Mandy… Heidi Gardner

[Starts with James Franco in veranda]

James Franco: I’ll be in a minute mom. I’m just finishing up a call. [talking on the phone] Yeah, sorry. Um, my mom’s doing a whole thing. Yeah, Franco family reunion for, yeah, the holidays. Yeah, a lot of people I haven’t seen forever. Anyway, I’ll catch up with you later. Okay? Alright, bye.

[Mandy walks in from the gate. She is dressed like a boy and she looks sick.]

Mandy: James? Little Jamie?

James Franco: Yeah? I’m sorry. Who are you?

Mandy: It’s me, your cousin.

James Franco: Wow, wait a second. Mandy?

Mandy: Yeah, Mandy. Pretty Mandy.

James Franco: Oh, my god! Hi. Wow! How long has it been? Like, 20 years?

Mandy: Yeah, man. We got a lot of catching up to do. So, do you still go swimming?

James Franco: Yeah. I still swim sometimes.

Mandy: Yeah? And do you still eat candy?

James Franco: Yeah. I eat candy.

Mandy: Yeah? Good for you, man. Yeah. You know what? Man, I’m not gonna be there on the bus. I’ve been wanting to ask you something.

James Franco: Okay. [James Franco is reaching for his wallet] I think I know what you’re gonna ask.

Mandy: Do you need help?

James Franco: What? What?

Mandy: Do you need help? Because I heard the movie you got coming out is supposed to be a bad movie.

James Franco: The Disaster Artist?

Mandy: Yeah.

James Franco: Oh, no. It’s based on a guy who made a bad movie. Yeah.

Mandy: Okay. Little Jamie, whatever you say. But remember when you used to make good movies? Like, with the apes? Come on, man! Let me help you.

James Franco: No. Really. I’m good. I’m good. What about you? How have you been?

Mandy: Me? Really good. In October, I hit the bullseye.

James Franco: A bullseye? Like, in darts?

Mandy: Yeah, man. I was the only person at quickies to hit a bullseye that day. Yeah. They named a drink after me. A pretty Mandy.

James Franco: What was in it?

Mandy: Gin.

James Franco: What else?

Mandy: A straw. Man, don’t try to change the subject, man! Come on! Just let me help.

James Franco: No. I’m telling you, I’m doing great. My movie which a lot of people are saying they like, it comes out around Christmas.

Mandy: Oh, yeah, sure. Like that North Korea film.

James Franco: The Interview.

Mandy: Yeah, right. Your movie. Man, I told my friends Cliff and Paige that my cousin has a movie coming out, and we all went to get tickets and they said it was cancelled. You embarrassed me, man.

James Franco: It wasn’t my fault. The theaters refused to show it. I–

Mandy: It was so bad, they refused to show it?

James Franco: No. No. They still released on

Mandy: So, zero people saw it? You know what? I can say you’re getting defensive. So, let’s stop it, man. So, are you still brothers with Dave?

James Franco: Yeah, he’s still my brother. He’s right inside. Why?

Mandy: Well, you know, my brother Gary don’t talk to me no more.

James Franco: Oh, what happened there?

Mandy: Well, I got too big for him when I hit that bull–

James Franco: The bullseye.

Mandy: Bullseye. Yeah, man. He got jealous. But you know, I think it’s cool that you have not done enough to get Dave jealous of you. Oh, come on! Just let me help you out. Man, what do you need? [Mandy opens her fanny pack] You need money?

James Franco: No.

Mandy: You need the dart that hit the bullseye?

James Franco: No. I don’t need any help. I have a very successful career. I was nominated for an Oscar.

Mandy: Yeah, but you lost. You did, man. You lost the Oscar. Well, you know what? You should fire your agents, get with Dave’s.

James Franco: Alright, you know what? I’m gonna go inside and help my mom, alright? But congrats on that bullseye, alright?

Mandy: Peace!

[James Franco walks in and Dave Franco walks out. He looks at Mandy and gets really happy.]

Dave Franco: Mandy? Pretty Mandy.

Mandy: Dave! Little Davy!

Dave Franco: Wow! You are still smoking hot. Good for you.

Mandy: When you got it, you got it! Hey, you don’t know if James needed any help, right?

Dave Franco: Oh, yeah, yeah. You don’t need to worry about that. Let me worry about that, okay? And by the way, did I hear that you hit a bullseye? How?

Mandy: I threw the dart!

Dave Franco: Ah!

James Franco Audience Questions Monologue

James Franco

Seth Rogan

Jonah Hill

Steve Martin

[Starts with SNL monologue intro]

[Cut to SNL stage]

[Band is playing music]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, James Franco.

[James Franco walks in and to the stage]

[cheers and applause]

James Franco: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Great to be back here hosting SNL. This is my 4th time hosting. [cheers and applause] Which is the most you can do without it being special. When you host it five times, you get a jacket. But the 4th time here, they don’t even write you a monologue. They just throw you out here and make you take questions from the audience. So, here we go. yes, you sir.

[Cut to a man in audience]

Man: Yeah, I got a question. What time is it? They made me turn my phone off.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: What time is it? That’s really your question?

[Cut to the man]

Man: Yeah. My hand wasn’t up. You just pointed at me and I panicked.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Okay. Does anyone have any real questions?

[Cut to a girl in the audience]

Girl: My question is, [Seth Rogan is behind the girl. He is trying to hide from James Franco] do you feel like your career has an over arching theme? Or do you just move from project to project and only look for a theme in retrospect?

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: I’m sorry. That’s really great question. Uh, is that Seth Rogan sitting behind you? [cheers and applause] Seth, what’s going on, man? You’re just here in the audience to watch me host the show? Or what?

[Cut to Seth Rogan]

Seth Rogan: Um, no. Honestly, I’m just here to see the show in general. I didn’t realize you were hosting it.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: So, you’re just– you’re just here?

[Cut to Seth Rogan]

Seth Rogan: Yeah. I put my name in the lottery for SNL tickets and this is the week I got. It was just totally random. Luckily, I’m a huge SZA fan. So, it worked out.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Yeah. That’s really interesting coz I asked early in the week if you’d come by and do a sketch with me and you told me, [mocking] “Sorry, I have something.”

[Cut to Seth Rogan]

Seth Rogan: Yeah. I did have something. I had SNL tickets. They’re really hard to get. People line up outside all night trying to get them and I got them.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Okay. Well, that’s great. Thanks so much. Ma’am, for you question, thank you.

[Cut to the girl]

Girl: You never answered my question.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Okay, next question.

[Cut to Seth Rogan. He is holding a woman’s hand up who is sitting beside him]

Seth Rogan: Um, yeah. This woman here has a question. Yeah. She wants to know how come you’ve hosted four times and Seth Rogan has only hosted twice?

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Okay. Um, well, why don’t you ask Seth, ma’am, why the movies I do on my own like ‘127 Hours’ get nominated for Oscars and the movies I do with Seth gets nominated for ‘Stoner Awards?’

[Cut to Seth Rogan]

Seth Rogan: Okay. Well, why don’t you tell James that they’re called ‘Stonies,’ which is a hilarious play on the word “Tony’s.” And that they are as prestigious as an Oscar. Plus, when you win, you get  bag of weed.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Alright, Seth, I’m sorry. There’s a rule that only one stoner can host in a season. And that’s me. And that’s who everyone’s here to see. Okay?

[Cut to Seth Rogan and the woman. Jonah Hill walks in.]

Jonah Hill: Sorry, you’re in my seat.

Seth Rogan: Yeah. Excuse me, my friend’s here now. Sorry about that.

[The woman walks away and Jonah Hill takes the seat]

Hey, man.

[cheers and applause]

Jonah Hill: Sorry, I’m late. Did I miss SZA?

Seth Rogan: No, no. Thank god. yeah.

Jonah Hill: Oh, okay. Cool. Who’s hosting?

Seth Rogan: Franco.

Jonah Hill: David Franco?

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: No, Johan. It’s me. Me. I’m hosting. Me.

[Cut to Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill]

Jonah Hill: Ah! Okay. People… wanna see that? Cool. Hey, Seth, you’ve only hosted twice, right?

Seth Rogan: Yeah. I know. Thank you.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Alright, guys. I don’t know what to tell you, alright? Um– [James Franco looks at the audience above] Why is Steve Martin here?

[Cut to Steve Martin in the audience]

[cheers and applause]

Steve Martin: James, James, I want you to know, I used to stand on that very spot right where you’re standing. I used to host Saturday Night Live. I used to be the center of attention. And I gotta say, I resent it. Just a little bit. I resent it this much.

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Okay. Steve, what are you talking about? You’re a big star. You’re still hot. You’re still hot.

[Cut to Steve Martin]

Steve Martin: [yelling] Do I look hot?

[Cut to James Franco]

James Franco: Alright. We have a great show tonight. [Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill join him] SZA is here.

Seth Rogan: Yeah, SZA! SZA! SZA!

James Franco: Stick around. We’ll be right back.

Gift Wrap

Tina… Kate McKinnon

Don… James Franco

Heidi Gardner

Beck Bennett

Leslie Jones

Kenan Thompson

[Starts with a customer packing her gift at the wrapping department]

Tina: And that’s one freshly wrapped Xbox, courtesy of your friendly Bloomingdale’s gift wrapping department.

Don: Hang on, let me just fluff your bow. Can’t send you home with a fluffy bow.

Heidi: Thank you. How much do I owe you?

Don: Oh, you’ve been such a super sweet customer. I think I’m gonna have to waive the $5 charge. This one’s on me. Now, Merry Christmas.

Heidi: Merry Christmas to you.

[Heidi walks out]

Tina: Wow. Don, you’re so great with the customers. I don’t know how you do it.

Don: Ah, because I’m a freaky nut for Christmas? That’s how. I live for this. Don’t you?

Tina: It’s fine.

[Beck walks in]

Beck: Hi. Can I get this barbie doll wrapped for my niece?

Don: Wow! Oh, yeah. She’s gonna have the best Christmas ever flip in life.

Beck: I hope so. She is pretty special.

[Don takes a wrapping paper and starts wrapping the gift]

Don: Oh, I know she will, sir. That is my Christmas guarantee. [Don hurts his finger] Oh! Ou!

Tina: Are you okay?

Don: Yeah. I just– just a little paper cut. It’s a hazard of the trade. No big. Now, The secret to good gift wrapping is a nice clean crease. [Don is wrapping the gift very badly because of the injury, and he is bleeding all over the gift. It’s all messed up.]

Tina: Don, Do you need a band aid?

Don: I don’t think so. Don’t think so.

Beck: I think you do. You’re getting blood all over my niece’s gift.

Don: I can just cover that with the bow. Don’t worry. Oh, man. This is deeper than I thought. [His hands are all bloody] Yeah. My finger’s basically like a split hotdog right now.

Tina: Don, I think we need to get you to the medical center.

Don: [pointing his injured finger to Tina] Oh, pass, Tina. I got work to do.

Beck: This is bad. Are you on blood thinners?

Don: A few. Ha-ha-ha. Yeah. Okay, one last piece of tape and alright. [Don passes the badly wrapped gift to Beck] There you go, sir.

Beck: Oh, thank you. Where’s the return counter?

Don: It’s just over there. Oh, don’t forget your free candy cane over here, okay? [Don picks up the candies with his bloody hands. The candy container is filled with his blood.]

Beck: Oh, Jesus!

[Beck runs away]

Tina: Hey, Don, can we please go find the store nurse now?

Don: Tina, it’s nothing. I just need a little pressure on it. it’s gonna stop any second. Okay?

[Don puts his finger in his mouth]

Tina: Is your mouth filling with blood right now? Don?

[Don is shaking his head no]

[Leslie and Kenan walk in]

Leslie: Hi, are you free to wrap a gift?

Don: Umm.

[Don spits a lot of blood on Leslie’s face]

Whoa! Oh! You are gift finding genius or what?

Kenan: Oh, my good lord! Good lord! What is happening?

[Leslie is disgusted]

Don: Here. Your Christmas dreams are coming true. That’s what. Let me find my special chu-chu paper.

[Don is looking for a paper]

Kenan: No. You know what? I think we’re good, man! Let’s get out of here.

[Leslie is trying to say something to Don but she can’t speak because she is disgusted.]

Are you alright?

Don: Here we go. Look. [Don brings out the paper] Don’t be silly. You’re gonna love this paper. [Don is already bleeding over the wrapping paper] You just got to chop a little bit of it.

[Don chops his another finger off his another hand]

Kenan: [yelling] Oh! You just chopped your damn fingers out.

Don: Just a tip. Just a tip. That’s what she said! [Don is bleeding all over the place] I just wanna say something point. I think we may actually have a problem here.

Kenan: Yeah, man.

Leslie: Ew! Your’e spraying blood in my–

Don: No! The problem is I don’t have enough chu-chu paper. But look, you can pick any of the patterns on the wall behind me. [Don sprays blood all over the papers and wall behind.]

Kenan: No! Alright? That is it! We are out of here.

Leslie: No, I want– [can’t speak]

Tina: Don, this is way more than eight pints of blood. Will you please stop?

Don: Stop loving Christmas? Never. Just turn on the lights. I wanna show you something.

Tina: The lights are on. All the lights are on.

Don: Oh my god! Look, another roll of chu-chu paper. Let me cut the plastic up here. Hold it with my leg here. [Don pulls out his leg. His leg is already chopped off. Now  he is bleeding off his leg too.] Oh! I just cut my leg off. Ha-ha-ha.

Kenan: You just 100% cut your damn foot off.

Don: Yeah. That’s what she said!

Tina: Please call an ambulance for all of us.

Kenan: No! I cannot deal with that. That is a foot!

Christmas Charity

Cecily Strong

James Franco

[Starts with Cecily speaking on the phone at a cafeteria.]

Cecily: I know, right. Yes. I know. Right. I just– I shouldn’t have to keep telling you this, okay? Don’t call me with excuses. Just call me to tell me that you fixed it, alright? No, I’m not– I’m not yelling at you. I just– I expect my assistant to work as hard as I do. Okay? What? Yeah, Merry Christmas to you too. Okay.

[Cecily hangs up the phone. She looks outside. She sees a homeless man asking people for spare change. It’s cold and he is shivering. The building security tells him to move away.]

[Cut to Cecily at the cafe counter]

Can I have a coffee to go? And oh, one of these danishes please.

[Cecily walks to the man and gives him the coffee and a danish. The man smiles at Cecily. Cecily walks away. She looks back at the man as he is drinking coffee, and walks back to him. She takes the man to buy him some clothes. She buys her a lot of clothes, and now he is looking a lot better. As the man walks away, Cecily calls him again.]

Cecily: Hey, do you wanna keep going?

[The man nods his head yes. They talk to each other. Go on rickshaw ride. Cecily looks at her phone, there are many messages and missed calls from work. She just throws her phone away. They eat hotdogs together. Cecily takes him to her apartment and lets him clean himself. She is now looking for a job for him. As the man comes back, she shows her shaving cream and a trimmer to shave his beard. The man shakes his head no. Cecily insists him to shave.]

The man: No, seriously. Um, I can’t shave. It’s for a part.

Cecily: What do you mean a part? What’s that?

The man: Um, I role in a movie.

Cecily: What?

The man: Yeah, I’m James Franco. Did you not know?

Cecily: You’re James Franco?

The man: Yeah.

Cecily: Oh my god! No! I spent over $1,500 on you today. Why didn’t you say something?

The man: I mean, people give me free things all the time. I’m a famous person.

Cecily: Get out of my apartment, James Franco.

The man: Okay. Do you want an autograph or selfie?

Cecily: Oh my god! That reminds me, I threw my phone out.

The man: Yeah. I feel really bad.

Cecily: Oh!

The man: Okay.

Cecily: Get out.

The man: Alright. Should I leave these bags? Take them? [The shopping bags]

Cecily: Get out, James Franco. Oh my god! I circled jobs for you in the paper.

The man: What kind of jobs? I do a lot of jobs.

Cecily: Oh no. Don’t do that, James Franco. Not here.

The man: You have a big heart. I hope you know that.

Cecily: Oh. Thank you.

[The man walks out and Cecily closes the door]

The man: [speaking from the outside] Disaster Artist.

Cecily: What?

The man: The Disaster Artist. It’s in theaters now.

Cecily: Are you still here? Go home. Go to set.

The man: I heard the phrase ‘Oscar worthy’ a couple of times.

Cecily: [smiles] Merry Christmas James Franco.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser

Han Solo… Taran Killam

Finn… Jay Pharoan

Princess Leia… Bobby Moynihan

Luke Skywalker… James Franco

Lando… Kenan Thompson

Tendra … Leslie Jones

[Starts with men flying future jets. It’s a Star Wars trailer.]

Male voice: There is an alliance of heroes. The new and the old.

[They have future weapons and space ships.]

[Cut to the space ship war scene]

[Cut to Han Solo]

Han Solo: I’m Han Solo. Captain of the Millennium Falcon.

[Cut to Finn]

Finn: I need to find Luke Skywalker.

Han Solo: What?

Finn: I need to find Luke Skywalker.

[Cut to Han Solo]

Han Solo: Alright. Wait. What?

Finn: Can you help me find Luke Skywalker?

Han Solo: Hold on! I’ll take the early bird special.

[Cut to Princess Leia with RFinnDFinn]

Princess Leia: Let’s see what we got here. I’m done with the menu. I don’t want the menu. I want to record– Hey, Han! How do you work this freaking thing?

[Cut to Luke Skywalker in a cave of the dessert]

Male voice: Luke! Luke

Luke Skywalker: I see there’s Devin’s in the forest. I must go.

[Luke Skywalker turns his equipment on. It becomes support walker of lasers.]

[Cut to Han Solo in a space ship]

Han Solo: Joey!

Joey: I thought you’ll fix it.

Han Solo: Take your damn glider off!

[Cut to Lando looking outside from home.]

Tendra: Lando! Did you fix the dishwasher yet?

[Cut to Lando and Tendra]

Lando: Baby, please.

[Cut to Tendra]

Tendra: Get your ass in here and fix it.

[Cut to Lando and Tendra]

Lando: But I got on my cape. I shouldn’t have to do no dam chores.

Tendra: What?

Lando: Nothing.

Tendra: Damn what?

[Cut to Han Solo and Princess Leia walking in a corridor. BB-8 passes by.]

Han Solo: Hold on, hold on!

[Han Solo lets BB-8 cross.]

Han Solo: What the [bleep] was that?

[Cut to Luke Skywalker. He’s levitating the medicines and puts them to the weekly scheduled container.]

Luke Skywalker: I have a thyroid issue like my father before me.

[Cut to a ship flying on desert.]

[Cut to Star Wars: The Force Awakens video bumper.]

Recall the Kid MayorRecall the Kid Mayor

Tommy Trombley

Tad Rankin… James Franco

[Starts with a caution]

Male voice: The following is a paid political advertisement.

[Cut to the advertisement.]

Female voice: Last month, our quite little town of Aldrich, Minnesota did something special at the polls. We elected four year old Tommy Trombley as our mayor.

[Cut to Tommy Trombley in a suit]

Tommy Trombley: I’m the mayor. And what I say goes.

Female voice: The whole country smiled at America’s youngest and most adorable mayor. What a cute idea. Or is it?

[Cut to the previous clip of Tommy Trombley in slow motion and heavy voice]

Tommy Trombley: I’m the mayor. And what I say goes.

[Cut to Tad Rankin]

Tad Rankin: Hi, I’m Tad Rankin, the guy Tommy beat for mayor. This is a joke. Tommy is a little kid. I’m a full grown man. We need to recall him. This town needs a mayor who doesn’t get ear infections. And unlike Tommy, I actually have big muscle. I don’t just say it. I called Tommy for comments at 7 pm, his grandpa said he was fast asleep. I stay up all night watching adult movies. Tommy likes Frozen, even though he’s a boy. I watched it and hated it and only thought the parts with Olaf were funny. And Tommy likes Elsa. I thought Elsa was a bitch. Why won’t you play with your sister, you bitch? And Tommy thinks he’s so tough.

[Cut to a video clip of Tommy in suit]

Tommy: Watch how hard I can punch.

[Tommy Trombley starts punching in the air.]

[Cut to Tad Rankin]

Tad Rankin: Watch how hard I can punch! [Tad Rankin punches in the air too] Uh! Oh, in news flash, I talked to the janitor of Tommy’s school. He said Tommy crapped his pants last week! I haven’t crapped my pants all year. And when I did it, I didn’t cry and tell my teacher. I just left work without talking to anybody and threw my pants into the woods.

Every February, Tommy visits his aunt in West Palm beach. Ooh-la-la. I’ve never left this town. [mocking Tommy] Coz I’m too scared. I’ve run a business in this town for 20 years. I met, shook hands with President Obama.

All the while, Tommy was just a glimmer in his father’s huge ball sack. I know Tommy’s dad. We played squashed together. He took a hard dive and his balls came spilling out of his shorts. They were huge and red. And Tommy was still inside of them. Can’t get it out of my head!

So, this Christmas season, do the right thing. Fire a four year old. He’s a little dickhead. He’s not cute. I am cute, look. [Tad Rankin smiles at the camera.]


[Cut to Tad Rankin’s photo in front of American flag]

Tad Rankin narrating: I’m Tad Rankin and I paid all my money to make this ad.