A Christmas Epiphany

Rich… Austin Butler

Jimbo… Mikey Day

Steven… Andrew Dismukes

Janine… Heidi Gardner

Son… Marcello Hernandez

Daughter… Sarah Sherman

Denice… Chloe Fineman

[Starts with Rich walking out of the bar]

Rich: Come on now Jimbo, I’m fine.

Jimbo: Rich, you know I’m just looking out for you. Now, come on, give me your car keys. You ain’t driving home tonight.

Rich: All right. It’s a good night for a walk home anyhow.

Jimbo: Rich, what are you doing out here drinking on Christmas Eve. Ain’t you got no family?

Rich: Family? Who needs family?

Jimbo: What about that girl Denise you’ve been going round with? Why don’t you with her?

Rich: I called that whole thing off, Jimbo. You know me. I’m a lone wolf. That’s the way I like it.

Jimbo: I’m trying my best boss. I’m trying my best.

[Rich is walking home alone drinking]

Rich: Family? Who would want to get tied down or something like that? Not me, I’ll tell you. No sirree.

[Rich walks to a house and peeks inside the window. He sees a happy family having Christmas dinner.]

Look at them. So much love. That’s what I’ve been afraid of all these years? So beautiful.

Janine: [scared] Steven, there is a man staring at us through our window.

Steven: Yes, I can see him. Just stay calm like he isn’t there. He’ll lose interest and he’ll leave.

Rich: [being emotional] I spent my whole life running for what? Just to be all alone on Christmas Eve?

Janine: He isn’t leaving.

Steven: Janine, relax.

Janine: How can I relax when there’s a pervert lurking in our window?

Steven: He’s trying to freak us out, Janine. That’s what gets him off. Don’t give him the satisfaction.

Rich: [being emotional] Oh, I should have married Denice. I drove her away. [looking at his reflection on the window glass] Look at you. You make me sick. You ruined my life.

Son: Dad, I think the man wants to kill me.

Janine: Steven, he’s scaring our children. Stop just sitting there and be a man.

Steven: What do you want me to do, Janine?

Janine: I want you to protect our family.

Daughter: Go out there and make him leave, dad. Please.

Steven: I’m not going out there. Are you crazy? Just don’t look at him. He’ll leave.

Janine: You are a coward.

Rich: [being emotional] What have I done? Wasted years at the office. Working day in and day out. What do I have to show for it? Fancy suit? [he starts throwing away his suit] Silk tie?

Janine: Are you happy now? He is exposing himself.

Steven: Oh, sorry. I don’t want to get killed, Janine.

Janine: You are pathetic, and that is why I did what I did last summer.

Son: What happened last summer?

Steven: Your mother stepped outside of our marriage.

Daughter: What?

Rich: [being emotional] Give me another chance at life. Let me start again and have a perfect family like this.

Daughter: Mom, how could you cheat on dad?

Janine: Because I haven’t been attracted to him in years.

Jimbo: Come on, Rich. Get ahold of yourself.

Rich: Jimbo, you an angel?

Jimbo: Yeah. Something like that.

Rich: You gotta help me. I’m wasting my life.

Steven: Holy god.

Janine: Kids, don’t look at the man. Don’t look at the man.

Son: Why?

Steven: Listen to your mother!

Rich: And now I’ll never have a family.

Jimbo: I wouldn’t be too sure that.

[Denice walks in]

Denice: Rich? Rich, is that you?

Rich: Denice? What are you doing here?

Denice: Oh, I was just passing by. I’ve been thinking about you, Rich.

Rich: Denice, would you please take me back? I’m ready to have a family now.

Denice: Oh, Rich. Of course, I will.

Jimbo: Nice work boss. Nice work.

Janine: Oh, I think he’s leaving.

Steven: [yelling] Yeah, get out of here. Be it. You hear me? See? I get rid of it. You don’t have to worry anymore. You’re safe now.

Son: Way to go, dad.

Daughter: Way to go, dad.

Janine: Wow, what a hero.

[They look outside. Now Jimbo is staring inside the window. Steven gets scared and runs away.]


Boss… Brendan Gleeson

Ego Nwodim

Bowen Yang

Janine… Sarah Sherman

Michael Longfellow

Carl… Kenan Thompson

[Starts with five colleagues in a meeting]

Boss: Alright guys, focus. Denver is counting on us to come up with new slogan for the city.

Ego: Okay, how about “Denver, sky’s the limit”?

Boss: That’s good. That’s really good.

Bowen: All right. I was thinking “Denver, gateway to the Rockies.”

Boss: All right, now we’re talking.

Janine: Ah, who even cares? [Janine is hiding her face]

Boss: Janine, you’ve had a bad attitude all morning. What’s the problem?

Janine: Oh, nothing, nothing. It’s just that nobody noticed.

Bowen: Noticed what?

Janine: Nobody noticed I got my eyes replaced. [Janine shows her eyes. It’s like a toy.]

Ego: No, no. Yeah, Janine. We definitely noticed.

Bowen: We had an emergency meeting about it the second you walked in the door.

Boss: Ultimately, we decided that legally it would be just be safest that we pretended we didn’t see it.

Michael: But  since you brought it up, why did you do this, Janine?

Janine: This is ridiculous. Nobody’s asking Luann about why she got a huge fake rack.

Ego: I literally didn’t.

Janine: Oh my god. Good for you.

Boss: Janine, I can’t help but feel you. Like, you’ve made a grave mistake.

Janine: Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s totally reversible. All I have to do is keep my old eyeballs refrigerated. Oh my god! Oh my god, no. Oh my god. I forgot to put my eyeballs in the refrigerator. Oh my god. Oh my god, no. [Janine pulls out her eyes our of her two pockers] They’ve been loose in my pockets for the last 72 hours. Oh my god, no. They’re still god, right? Can you smell them? And tell me if they’re still good. Right? And you guys are smelling them? And they’re good? I can’t see you guys’s reaction right now. I can’t read facial expressions.

Michael: Wait, your eyes are worse now?

Janine: Yes, 100%.

Ego: Then why did you do it?

Janine: To improve my appearance?

Bowen: But it looks worse.

Janine: It does? Oh my god. No!

[Carl walks in]

Carl: Hey, everybody, sorry. I’m late.

Janine: Hey, Carl, what do you think my new eyeballs?

Carl: And I’m going straight to church.

Janine: Guys, come on. Seriously? Let’s focus up, okay? We got a lot of business to take care of. Okay? Hey, how about this? “Denver City of Angels”?

Ego: That’s Los Angeles.

Janine: Oh my God, are you serious? Oh my god, no.

Bowen: Yeah, that’s famously Los Angeles.

Janine: Don’t be mean to me, okay? I can’t cry because the tears go back inside my head, and my brain will drown.

Boss: Your brain will drown? What are you talking about?

Janine: You know what? You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Today, you all put a woman’s body on trial.

Michael: You brought it up.

Janine: You know what? I came in this morning with a lot of great pitches. Pitches like “Denver, City of Angels.” “Denver, Keep Austin weird.”

Boss: You know, we can’t use that.

Janine: So I quit. And I’m leaving not in disgrace, but with dignity, elegance and class. I’m gonna be taking my portfolio with me. [grabs some cake]

Bowen: That’s coffee cake.

Janine: And of course, I will also be taking my jacket. [pulls out the curtain] And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I bid you all a Jew. [Janine walks and hits water cooler] Oh, oh my god. Allen. I didn’t know you were in here. You look amazing. See how easy that was? To pay a compliment to a friend?

Boss: Janine, that’s not a human being. That’s a water cooler.

Janine: I’ll leave you all with this. Life comes at you pretty fast. And if you blink, you just might miss it. And me? well, I’m not gonna miss a thing.

Boss: So, “Denver, if you blink, you will miss it.”

Ego: Yeah, I love that one.

Boss: You like that one?