Trump Easter Cold Open

Jesus… Mikey Day

Judas… Molly Kearney

Donald Trump… James Austin Johnson

Male voice: Easter, the celebration of the resurrected Christ. The Bible tells us Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for Passover where his radical message of peace and love enraged the authorities. In the coming days he will be arrested, tried and executed. This he tells his disciples on their final evening together, a meal we will come to call ‘the Last Supper.’

Jesus: My friends, and Judas, hear me now for soon I will leave you and join my Father in heaven.

Bowen: We cannot lose your Jesus, we will protect you.

Andrew: They will never find you, Jesus.

Jesus: Alas, one of you will betray me.

Bowen: Oh, no.

Judas: What?

Jesus: It is foretold. Though I have committed no crime, I will be arrested, tried and found guilty.

[Donald Trump walks in]

Donald Trump: Sound familiar? Thank you so much. A famous, wonderful man arrested for no reason at all. If you haven’t put it together, folks, I’m comparing myself to Jesus again. And what better time than on his birthday, Easter? As we speak, I am being persecuted on a level the likes of which the world has never seen even worse than the late great Jesus. You know, many people are saying we’re very similar. We’re both very tall, very popular, and both frankly, white Americans. You know, Jesus did some incredible things. Some would call them miracles, in terms of fish, and with regard to bread. Lots of fish and bread. He rose from the dead on the third day, I would have done it faster, possibly two days. I think we could have done it a lot faster. But he had a good mind for business. Water into wine, pure profit. And he had big, big rallies just like me. And a lot of his followers got in big, big trouble just like mine. All because I told them exactly what Jesus would have said, “Get very violent and start a war.” And I’ve even got my very own Judas, Ron DeSantis. Ron DeSantis came to me tears in his eyes. He said, “Help me Mr. Trump, I’m gonna lose my election.” So I very generously pretended to like him. And then he did a Judas. And now he can’t even get the gays out of Disney World. It’s an awkward time.

Look at these guys back here. You just have to sit here frozen while I talk. Can you believe that? Mr. Jesus, quite a guy. But now people are saying perhaps I’m even better than Jesus because I’m a self made billionaire. And Christ was, let’s call it what it is, a Nepo baby. Okay? I mean, his dad was God. It’s pretty easy to start a religion when your dad is God. He did Good Friday. I said, “Why don’t make it great. We can make it great.” With me. We’ll be doing great Friday, perhaps even TGI Fridays? With the stuff on the walls and everything.

But we love Easter. We love hiding the egg, don’t we folks? We love hiding the little eggs. You know, I have many beautiful eggs from my time at the White House. And now the Department of Justice is saying Where are the eggs? We need the eggs back. But I hid them. They’re my eggs. They’re my eggs to take, okay?

So tomorrow I will eat by Easter hamburger with my family, or hopefully not. And then after that, they will come to me locked me away. Because just like Jesus, all I did was be friendly to a sex worker and now they want to put me in jail. But who knows folks? Maybe prison will make me even more popular like that guy back there. Jesus of Azkaban, that guy. Jesus of Azkaban, he’s called. And that is the story of Easter. Happy birthday, Jesus. Look at the fingers. He’s stuck doing the fingers the whole time. Weird choice with the fingers. Look at Jesus. So Happy Hanukkah too, all the pass overs. And all the Ramadan too. We love to say Ramadan? That’s right. But mostly, happy Easter because we like Jesus, right? Still frozen with the little hand. They’re not even gonna get to see the big line. Maybe if you break a big political character, you can see the big line. I’m going to do it by myself right now. So Happy Easter and live from New York, it’s Saturday night.

Making Man

Mikey Day

Zachariah… Beck Bennett

Isaiah… Kenan Thompson

Chris Redd

Anya Taylor-Joy

Ego Nwodim

Aidy Bryant

Zelda… Melissa Villaseñor

Kate McKinnon

Jesus… Kyle Mooney

[Starts with celestials designing human man in heaven. There’s a human man design. It has long hair, mustache and beard and hair all over his body.]

Mikey: Okay, so I just spoke with god and he’s ready to see our design for human man.

Zachariah: Nice.

Mikey: But he wants the team working on human woman to take a look first. So, what’s left to do here? Zachariah, where did you guys land on hair for a human man.

Zachariah: We’re putting it pretty much everywhere.

Mikey: Alright. You still want to put hair in the butt crack?

Zachariah: We like to try it. Yeah.

Mikey: Okay. Just be prepared to defend that choice to god because he will bring that up.

[Team working on human woman walk in]

Anya: Hey. We’re the human woman team. God said we should stop by. [looking at the human man model] Is this human man?

Mikey: Yeah. Come on in. Take a look. I think you’ll like what you see.

Ego: Hmm, okay. And is this final?

Mikey: Well, it’s not done done yet, but…

Ego: Yeah, good.

Aidy: Yeah. It’s interesting. I mean, I see it with one huge toe instead of five.

[the human man design had only one huge thumbs on his feet.]

Mikey: Well, like I said, this isn’t final.

Zelda: I think it’s cool.

Aidy: Zelda, don’t.

Kate: It’s got a lot of hair. Human woman doesn’t have nearly this much.

Zachariah: And human woman is going to be cold all the time. Watch.

Anya: By the way, I don’t know if you guys have heard but we have figured out how to have human woman make food for the baby.

Isaiah: Liar!

Mikey: Isaiah, please. I’m sorry, which part makes the baby’s food?

Anya: Oh yes. The two bumps on the chest. The name might change but right now we’re calling them squeezies.

Kate: Yeah. The squeezies make the milk and it comes out of the nipples.

Ego: May I ask what the nipples on human man do?

Isaiah: That’s an excellent question. The nipples are to create the illusion of a giant face to scare of predators.

Zelda: Cool. That’s really smart.

Aidy: Zelda, that’s enough.

Kate: Sorry, the nipples are the eyes and the mouth is what? The little hole there?

Isaiah: Obviously.

Ego: Okay, you know, maybe human man’s nipples could product milk too. I mean, that would be very–

Isaiah: [angry] They are there to create the illusion of a giant face. I mean they’re giving notes now?

Anya: No. It’s good. But sorry, what’s going on here? Are these reproductive organs?

Mikey: Yup. The dangler and the wrinkle pouch.

Ego: And is that final?

Mikey: Name might change. But we think god will dig the design. As you can see, the dangler uses three different colors of skin. And it can grow and shrink.

Zelda: Wow, that’s fun. Can we see it grow?

Aidy: Okay, Zelda, go wait outside. Go.

Anya: Now, what happens when human man runs. Does the dangler retract? Or…

Zachariah: That’s cute. No. It bounces around and smacks into his legs.

Kate: Won’t that hurt?

Mikey: No, the dangler’s extremely tough. He can squeeze it as hard as he wants. It will be fine.

Ego: And what about the wrinkle pouch?

Isaiah: Oh, that’s extremely sensitive. If you flick it, he will fall over and vomit.

Chris: That was my idea.

Isaiah: Yes, it was.

Kate: Okay. And this contraption can make the sperm needed to fertilize human woman’s eggs?

Mikey: I don’t know. It only makes about a billion a day.

Anya: A billion? What happens if they build up in the wrinkle pouch?

Mikey: Isaiah, you want to take that one?

Isaiah: He gets stupid and goes crazy.

Chris: That was my idea.

Isaiah: Yeah, it was.

Anya: Well, I guess this will have to do. Thanks fellas.

[walking away]

Aidy: What were they thinking?

Ego: Girl, they weren’t.

Mikey: Okay, don’t spin out, guys. We’re fine. Maybe we do five toes instead of one, but otherwise, I think we’re golden.

[Jesus walks in]

Jesus: Oh, the dudes.

Isaiah: Hey, what’s up, Jesus?

Jesus: What if I chill here? I feel like people avoid me because I’m god’s son or whatever. But I’m actually a pretty laid back guy.

Mikey: We’re really busy, Jesus.

Jesus: Oh, good. I’m actually supposed to meet some homies right now. I’ll get out of here.

Britney Spears Talk Show Cold Open

Britney Spears… Chloe Fineman

Lil’ Nas X… Chris Redd

Jesus… Mikey Day

Pepe Le Pew… Kate McKinnon

Matt Gaetz… Pete Davidson

[starts with show intro]

Female voice: Live from Las Vegas, it’s “Oops, you did it again”. With your host, Britney Spears.

[Cut to Britney Spears in her show set]

Britney Spears: Hey, y’all. It’s Britney, bitch. This is the show where we shine a light on social pariahs of the week. And I get to decide whether they’re innocent or [singing] not that innocent. And speaking of pariahs, shout our to our sponsor, Georgia – voted best place not to vote. I too have been put in the hot seat this week. I was accused of not writing my own social media captions. Ha-ha! That’s right. They thought someone else wrote – [cut the her tweet] “Who else finds the sea more mysterious than space?” Why do they think is running my account? Jacques Cousteau? Okay, my first guest tonight has been attacked by rare combo of Catholic church and Nike. Please welcome Lil’ Nas X.

[Lil’ Nas X walks in]

Lil’ Nas X: Hi Britney. I hope you don’t mind but I wore one of my casual look.

Britney Spears: You look amos. Now, I want to start with your new satan shoes. Is it true that they’re Nikes made with human blood?

Lil’ Nas X: Yeah, but I don’t know why Nike so mad. The whole thing is ‘just do it’. Well, I did it.

Britney Spears: People were also freaking out about your new video where you ride down a stripper pole to hell and twerk on the devil. Why are they so upset?

Lil’ Nas X: Because they’re closed minded idiots? People are afraid of me because I’m different. But really, I’m just your typical gay black country rap sneaker entrepreneur. I put my pants on like everyone else. One assless chap at a time.

Britney Spears: And what would you say to the religious folks who were mad that you gave satan a lap dance?

Lil’ Nas X: I would say – you know that wasn’t the real satan, right? It was a dude in a Halloween devil costume because the real satan doesn’t do music videos. So maybe, chill?

Britney Spears: So, helping people together, would you be willing to give a lap dance to god? Just to even things out?

Lil’ Nas X: Hmm. Okay, yeah. I guess.

Britney Spears: Okay, let’s do it.

[A man wearing Jesus costume walks in and sits. Lil’ Nas X twerts on him and gives him a lap dance.]

Wow! Happy Easter, everyone!

Lil’ Nas X: And should I again remind people, that was not the real god? That was just my friend, Gary.

Britney Spears: Thanks, Gary. Okay, my next guest has been cancelled and got taken out of the upcoming film “Space Jam”. Please welcome Pepe Le Pew.

[Pepe Le Pew walks in. He’s wearing a squirrel costume.]

Pepe Le Pew: Hello to you. I would kiss you all the way up your arm, but I realize that is no longer socially acceptable. So, I will shake your hand and say nice to meet you.

Britney Spears: See? You’re learning. Now, the original “Space Jam” is one of the best alien sports movie of all time. What was your part in the movie supposed to be?

Pepe Le Pew: Well, any good basketball family needs a horny skunk. That much we all know. So, my part was, get this, I see a basketball in a blonde wig. I make love to it for Britney Spears0-Britney Spears5 minutes before LeBron James taps me on the shoulder and says, “Bro, that’s a basketball.” Not my finest moment in cinema but it made the crew laugh. So…

Britney Spears: And how do you respond to people who say you promote a culture of assault?

Pepe Le Pew: Look, I’m an actor. The part you see me play on TV and movie, that’s not me. I would love to be at a point in my career where I could turn down project, but there are not a lot of part for an old French skunk. Every audition, everyone come down to me or Gerard Depardieu. And if you think I am problematic, the problematic Looney Tunes? Two words for you. Speedy Gonzales. And, you didn’t hear this from me, but FBI is 90% sure, Yosemite Sam was at the Capitol riot.

Britney Spears: Oh. So, Pepe, where do we go from here?

Pepe Le Pew: I’ve been doing the work. Reading books. Women are from Mars, skunks are from France. I realize that Pepe love women but what Pepe needs to do now is listen to women. And of course, I am in a treatment for sex addiction.

Britney Spears: Okay. Krrr! Our final guest is, as we said in the early 2000s, a hot mess, and as we’d say today, a full on sex pest, please keep your hands apart not clapping for Florida congressman Matt Gaetz.

[Matt Gaetz walks in wearing a suit]

Matt Gaetz: Hi, everyone. Gigity gigity goop.

Britney Spears: Now, who are you again?

Matt Gaetz: My name is Matt Gaetz. Like, Bill Gates, but with a Z at the end. Like a cool version for teens.

Britney Spears: Speaking of teens–

Matt Gaetz: Oh, we don’t have to speak of teens.

Britney Spears: No, ha-ha. Let’s. So, this whole story is so bizarre, so incredibly Florida that I need to get it straight. You were dating a 17 year old and brought her on trips across state lines.

Matt Gaetz: Allegedly.

Britney Spears: Prostitutes say you took ecstasy and had sex with them in Florida hotel rooms.

Matt Gaetz: Alleged– gigity goop.

Britney Spears: And your republican colleagues in congress say that you showed them nude photos of women you were sleeping with.

Matt Gaetz: Which is not a crime! Just horrifying!

Britney Spears: I don’t know, Matt. I think I can spot a teen predator when I see one. After all, I was on Mickey Mouse club.

Matt Gaetz: Argh! That’s ridiculous. People were just targeting me because I defended Donald Trump.

Britney Spears: And what has Trump said in your defense?

Matt Gaetz: Gigity squat!

Britney Spears: Do you think these allegations are going to hurt you in the next election?

Matt Gaetz: Weirdly in my district, they might help. But come on, I’m just like Pepe here. I’m just a ladies man.

Pepe Le Pew: Dude, no! I’m a cartoon skunk. You are a United States congressman. Be better, okay?

Matt Gaetz: You know what? Maybe I should do a lap dance too. That’d be fun, right?

Lil’ Nas X: If you come anywhere near me, just remember, I have hiphop friends and country friends, the Tupac relations that are guaranteed to own guns.

Matt Gaetz: Okay, point taken.

Pepe Le Pew: And if I may add– [Pepe Le Pew turns her back toward Matt Gaetz and farts hard]

Matt Gaetz: Oh, god! I kinda like it.

Britney Spears: And now, I am going to give my verdict. Lil’ Nas X, innocent.

Lil’ Nas X: Hell, yeah.

Britney Spears: Pepe Le Pew, not that innocent.

Pepe Le Pew: I accept. It’s time for a newly Pew.

Britney Spears: And Matt Gaetz, I’m not legally allowed to call you innocent or guilty, so I’ll just encourage everyone to [singing] judge him by his face. 

Matt Gaetz: Oh-oh!

All: And live from New York, it’s Saturday night!