Weekend Update- Laura Parsons on the 2017 Oscars & Trans Rights

Michael Che

Laura parsons… Vanessa Bayer

[Starts with Michael Che in his set]

Michael Che: It’s time once again for our newscasters of Tomorrow segment, where a kid joins us to give the news from their perspective. So, please welcome kid actress, Laura Parsons.

[Laura Parsons slides in]

[cheers and applause]

Laura Parsons: Hello, Michael. What a thrill it is to be here.

[singing] News, talking about news
they say that it’s fake but that’s just happened
anything on news

Michael Che: That was adorable. Laura, you’re an actress, did you watch the Oscars?

Laura Parsons: Of course, I did. It was so exciting. [Cut to Laura Parsons]

[singing] City of stars
are you shining just for me?

That’s how people sing in Hollywood.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura Parsons]

Michael Che: Yeah, very good. Did you see any of the winning movies?

Laura Parsons: Well, I didn’t see ‘Moonling’. My mother says it’s too grown up for me. But I know it featured brilliant performances, amazing cinematography [in loud voice] and a sea side handjob!

Michael Che: Wait! Hey, I don’t know if you should be saying that. And where did you even hear that term? Where did you learn that?

Laura Parsons: Well, someone wrote in on the wall of our school bathroom. And speaking of school bathrooms, Trump just rolled back rights of transgender students to use a bathroom of their choice. Isn’t that terrible?

Michael Che: Yes, that’s right. But do you know exactly what that issue is about?

Laura Parsons: I think so. [Cut to Laura Parsons] Some people think you should choose which bathroom you use based on your gender identity. But the government [in loud voice] wants to lift up your skirt and judge your ding-dongs!

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura Parsons]

Michael Che: Laura! Do you even know what transgender means?

Laura Parsons: I think so.  [Cut to Laura Parsons] It’s when you look down at your privates and say “Why I ought to.”

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura Parsons]

Michael Che: No. No. Let’s talk about something that’s not even in the news. Have you seen any good TV shows lately?

Laura Parsons: I sure have. Do you like prank shows, Michael?

Michael Che: Not really.

Laura Parsons: Well, I do. I love all kinds of pranks. [Cut to Laura Parsons] Except last week when a woman was tricked into spraying Kim Jong-Un’s half-brother [in loud voice] with nerve toxin.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura Parsons]

Michael Che: How do you know–

Laura Parsons: [in loud voice] The prank was murder!

Michael Che: Laura, I feel like I say this a lot. But let’s talk about something way lighter. What about something from your life?

Laura Parsons: Well, I’m going to visit my grandparents soon.

Michael Che: That’s very nice.

[Cut to Laura Parsons]

Laura Parsons: Luckily, they live in a beautiful condo and not one of the thousands of nursing homes that’s been cited for elder abuse and [in loud voice] sexual assault.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura Parsons]

Michael Che: Laura!

Laura Parsons: You might wanna google it [in loud voice] before nana gets raped!

Michael Che: Alright! That’s enough. Thank you for being here, Laura, you– you did great. Thank you so much.

Laura Parsons: I did? [singing] Pa-pa-pa pa-di-pa-pa
And that’s in the news

Michael Che: Laura Parsons, everybody. Very good. For Weekend Update, I’m Michael Che.

Colin Jost: I’m Colin Jost. Good night.

Weekend Update Laura Parsons

Laura Parsons… Vanessa Bayer

Michael Che

[Starts with Michael Che in his set]

Michael Che: It’s time once again for our news casts of Tomorrow segment, where a lucky kid joins me to read the news. Tonight we have the young actress who is in the upcoming Nickelodeon movie ‘The Lunch Bunch Detectives’, here’s Laura Parsons.

[Laura slides in smiling]

Laura: Hello, Michael. It’s so great to be here.

[singing] News, talking about news
Hey, Michael Che, did you hear today,
it’s all in the news

Michael Che: That’s so sweet. So what’s going on in the world this week, Laura?

Laura: Well, Michael, looks like Donald Trump is going to become the republican nominee for president.

Michael Che: That’s right. And frankly, some people are very upset about that.

[Cut to Laura]

Laura: I’m not sure why. So many people like him. Like governor Rick Perry, Hulk Hogan, and [shouting] the KKK.

Michael Che: Okay. [Cut to Michael Che and Laura] Laura, do you know what the KKK is?

Laura: Um, little bit. I saw them on TV. [Cut to Laura] My mom says they wear their sheets all the time so they’re always ready for bad.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: Yes, that’s true.

Laura: [shouting] And they want everyone dead except whites.

Michael Che: Laura! I think that story is too adult for you.

Laura: Sorry Michael. [Cut to Laura] Like old man Cronkite used to say, “I don’t make the news. I just read it fellas.”

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: Okay, but Laura, don’t you have any stories that are more appropriate for you age group?

Laura: Oh, I know. Kids love apps. Personally, I love Candy Crush app. Sweet. [looks at Michael Che and smiles] [Cut to Laura] But studies have shown that apps like Tinder and Grindr have led to increased cases [shouting] of STDs.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: STDs? Where did you hear that?

Laura: I’m not sure. [Cut to Laura] I think STD stands for Seriously Terrible Dates, [screaming] because every one has herpes.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: Laura! Do you even know what herpes is?

[Cut to Laura]

Laura: Sure do. It’s when your down stair says, “Ai-yai-yai.”

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: Okay, Laura, do you have any fun news?

Laura: How about this? KFC just released a nail polish that makes your fingers smell like chicken. Yum.

Michael Che: You see, now that’s a cute story.

Laura: Speaking of smelly fingers–

Michael Che: No! That’s enough. Thank you. You did a great job but I think it’s time for you to go.

Laura: Great job? Wow. Thanks Michael. [Cut to Laura] Guess I’m a hit.

[singing] And that’s in the news.

[Cut to Michael Che and Laura]

Michael Che: Laura, everybody.

[The End]


Weekend Update Laura Parsons Says News

Michael Che

Laura Parsons… Vanessa Bayer

[Starts with Michael Che in his set]

Michael Che: We recently asked a few kids to audition for our news casters of tomorrow’s segment. This week’s winner is a 12 year old actress who starred in the upcoming Disney TV movie Three, Two, One Recess, here’s Laura Parsons.

[Laura Parsons slides in]

Laura Parsons: Hello, Che. It’s so great to be here.

[singing] News, talking about news
Hey, Michael Che, did you hear today?
it’s all about news

Michael Che: Okay, so far, so cute. Alright, now do you have some headlines for us Laura?

Laura Parsons: I sure do. Are you ready?

Michael Che: I am.

[Cut to Laura Parsons]

Laura Parsons: This week Donald Trump said he wants to create a database of Muslims which many on the left are comparing to what happened in Nazi Germany.

[Cut to Laura Parsons and Michael Che]

Michael Che: Alright, that’s a very adult story Laura. Do you have– do you even know what you’re talking about at all?

[Cut to Laura Parsons]

Laura Parsons: Not really. No, I just memorized the script. Like they say in newsies, I don’t make the news, I just report it fella!

[Cut to Laura Parsons and Michael Che]

Michael Che: Alright, well do you have anything with little laughter?

Laura Parsons: Sure! Study show that thanksgiving excitement is on the rise.

Michael Che: Well, I like that.

[Cut to Laura Parsons]

Laura Parsons: Also on the rise, the death rates of middle age white Americans which has skyrocketed due to substance abuse and liver disease. The only time death rates were higher was a small spike in the 80s due to AIDS!

Michael Che: Laura!

[Cut to Laura Parsons and Michael Che]

Laura Parsons: Speaking of AIDS, do you know Charlie Sheen?

Michael Che: Oh god!

Laura Parsons: He is so funny, and he’s got HIV!

Michael Che: Do you even know what HIV is?

[Cut to Laura Parsons]

Laura Parsons: I sure do. It’s when you’re whole body goes, “Oh boy!” Speaking of boys, Jared Fogle.

[Cut to Laura Parsons and Michael Che]

Michael Che: Oh! Okay, Laura! Laura! I think we’re good. You did a great job. You really did.

Laura Parsons: I did?

Michael Che: Yes.

Laura Parsons: Great. Extra, extra, I did a great job.

[singing] And that’s in the news

Michael Che: Laura Parsons, everyone!