Ruth… Kate McKinnon
Heidi Gardner
Mikey Day
Claire Foy
Chris Redd
Kenan Thompson
Leslie Jones
[NETFLIX commercial playing]
Narrator: This holiday season give the gift of NETFLIX and enjoy streaming shows like [Cut to small clip from Stranger Things, The Crown and Making a Murderer] “Stranger Things,” “The Crown,” and “Making a Murder.” And in 2019 we’ll have even more programming to choose from because we’ve gone crazy! That’s right. [Showing thumbnails of many series in NETFLIX interface] We’re spending billions of dollars and making every show in the world. Our goal is the endless scroll. By the time you reach the bottom of our menu, there’s new shows at the top. And thus the singularity will be achieved. How we doing it? Simple. We buy everything. Here’s a look at one of our actual pitch meetings.
Heidi Gardner: [Cut to Heidi in NETFLIX office giving presentation of her show] So this show is about a girl named Jimmy.
Mikey Day: [Cut to Mikey Day with a pile of money on his desk accepting Heidi Gardner’s show]Yes, here’s money. Go, make it.[Throwing money at Heidi]
Narrator: We’re even buying stuff from ourselves. We love [Cut to clips from movie, The Crown] Claire Foy as Queen Elizabeth so much, we’re sending her back to high school.
Claire Foy: [Claire Foy in high school] I’m in over my crown!
Narrator: It’s “Saved By The Crown.” We’ve got so many shows. Even we haven’t seen them all. Like “Kenny Meat Depot.” It’s been on for three seasons, and only one woman watches it.
Ruth: Hello. I’m Ruth, and I love “Kenny Meat Depot.”
Mikey Day: Thanks, Ruth.
Narrator: And hey. We still got movies, thousands of them — 12 of which you want to watch.
Mikey Day: We even made all the fake movies from “Entourage.”
Narrator: Betty Ian and Queen’s Boulevard. And we got reboots. Like our dark take on “Sabrina,” then you’ll love our “Greedy Family Matters” reboot.
Officer Winslow.
Chris Redd: Oh, la la my pet. [Kenan is drinking liquor from the bottle. He looks at Christ Redd] I love you.
[Kenan points a gun on Chris’ head]
Kenan Thompson: Get the fuck out of my house!
[Chris runs out of the house. Kenan shoots on the ceiling of his house]
Why did I do that?
Narrator: But don’t worry, we also got that comedy, like comedians in cars getting coffee or Leslie Jones in a van getting batteries.
Leslie Jones: [Leslie speaking out of her van’s window] Let’s go get some DURACELL. [Leslie is driving. She hits something] Oh, man, I think I hit that dude on the bike! [Leslie is driving away from the cops]
Narrator: It will take 12 human lifetimes to watch all of our content. So start watching now.