Beck Bennett
Pledge… Andrew Dismukes
Austin… Chris Redd
Matt… Bowen Yang
Gael… Mikey Day
Alex Moffat
Pete Davidson
Daniel Kaluuya
Kyle Mooney
[Starts with a group of college boys hanging out]
Beck: Oh, Pledge!
[Pledge walks in wearing a baby hat]
Pledge: Yes, Ford.
Beck: Go to the Pi Phi sorority house and take a number two in their downstairs bathroom.
Pledge: As you command. Oh, man. Those girls are so pretty.
[Pledge walks out]
[Austin walks in]
Austin: Yo, second dose, mother-suckers. It’s official! Austin is vaccinated!
All: Yeah!
Matt: We need to celebrate.
Gael: Yeah. Yo! I have a bomb idea. Weekend before finals, we should rent a house in Tahoe.
All: Yeah!
Matt: If we do that, I will do coke. Okay? I know I was super anti-coke earlier in the year, but I’ll do it. Someone else has to buy it though.
Alex: Okay. Let’s Airbnb a bombass place.
Pete: Ay, should we tell Brit and those girls to come?
Daniel: Yeah. We could invite our moms.
Austin: [shocked] You said moms?
Daniel: Yeah, it’s mother’s day weekend, man. What better way to celebrate than spending time with their sons? This is dope! Let’s do it!
Kyle: Yeah, I’m not really feeling the mom aspect of the plan. But I like everything else.
Gael: Yeah. Alright, we doing this then. I’ll start looking for a place.
Kyle: I’ll text them honeys, let them know Tahoe’s going off.
Daniel: I’ll get a Facebook group chat going with the moms so that they can connect with each other.
Gael: Yeah. Maybe hold off on that chat because I don’t know if the group’s feeling the ‘mom’ thing, dude!
Beck: Oh, yo! Dude! Oh my god! Yo!! T-shirts that say ‘Sigma Delta Tahoe Trip 21.
Kyle: That’s so baller! Rolling up in our shirts like, “Sup, Tahoe?”
Daniel: My mom’s a size medium.
Matt: Yo, my mom will say she’s a medium but get her a large.
Gael: Yo, stop! I don’t know how the ‘mom’ thing is gaining traction. Right? No moms, right?
Pete: Yeah. Everybody Venmo me 50 bucks and I’ll make a Cosco run. What do we want?
Alex: Beers, pal. Like Bud and fancy one like Amstel.
Beck: Yeah, get one of those big plastic vodka handles too.
Daniel: And maybe grab like, a couple of 24 packs of Activia for the moms.
Pete: Oh, good call. What flavor?
Kyle: Ayo! Brit’s asking me if the girls’ moms are invited too?
Daniel: Hell, yeah! More moms, the merrier.
Gael: Yo! No! No more mom talk. Because the more the mom stuff comes up, the more the moms become the part of this plan in everyone’s head. This is a Sigma Delta trip. Alright? Let’s focus. So, Thursday night, we get there. Like, we drop our bags. I feel like we go out right away.
Alex: Yeah. Boys’ night out!
Austin: Yeah. Because the moms are going to be tired from traveling. So they’ll probably want to chill at the house.
Daniel: True. Specially if someone’s flying in.
Gael: Guys, stop.
Beck: Oh, hell yeah. You can rent a pontoon boat for Austin0 people.
Matt: [hyper excited] Yes! Yes! Let’s ride one. We have to. Let’s ride one. Let’s do it. Let’s do it.
Beck: We will, Matt. Chill.
Pete: Hey, do pontoon boats have sun shade thing on the top? Because my mom won’t go unless she sits on the shade.
Daniel: Yeah. My mom wouldn’t be feeling that direct sun either, man.
Gael: Yeah. It doesn’t matter if they’re not feeling it because they’re not coming, right? You’re not going to want them there by the way when we’re chilling here in our house for the weekend! [showing everyone the rented house on laptop]
All: Oh! Yeah!
Daniel: And Jinx! I give you the moms on a group FaceTime call.
[puts the video call on TV]
Moms: We are so excited!
Kate: Brad! Honey, you look skinnier. You eating?
Aidy: Dylan, you need to sleep more. You look exhausted.
Cecily: Gael, I’m going to wear a two piece bathing suit. Will that embarrass you?
Gael: I mean, I don’t know. It kind of would, mom.
Cecily: Well, I’m wearing it!
Daniel: This weekend’s gonna be epic!
Gael: No! No, it’s not, dude! It’s gonna suck!
[Cut to picture of Gael and his mom enjoying the party getting drunk.]