Bridgerton Intimacy Coordinator

Phoebe… Chloe Fineman

Regé-Jean Page

Director… Kate McKinnon

Richie… Mikey Day

Randy… Pete Davidson

[Starts with Bridgerton intro]

[Cut to a scene of Phoebe and Regé-Jean]

Phoebe: It is you that I want, your grace. You and only you.

Regé-Jean: I burn for you, Daphne.

Director: And cut. Oh my gosh, guys. Amazing. Such passion that was great. Now, this next thing involves nudity and simulated intercourse. So, we’re going to clear the set. And Regé, Phoebe, we’ll have a brief rehearsal with the intimacy coordinator to make sure you both comfortable with the scene.

Regé-Jean: Oh, excellent. Is Paula back? She’s fantastic.

Phoebe: Yes, I feel very, very safe with her.

Director: Unfortunately, Paula had a covid exposure at her fund raiser for covid relief, but Netflix has provided backup. So, um, guys?

[Richie and Randy walk in]

Richie: Hey, how you doing? I’m Richie, the Intimacy Coordinator. This is my nephew, Randy, assistant IC.

Randy: Hey, how you doing?

Phoebe: Nice to meet you.

Regé-Jean: I think I saw you guys by the bagel table earlier. I thought you were lighting guys.

Richie: Oh yeah, close. Um, we work as special effects for years.

Randy: Yeah. Explosions, wind, gross-out stuff.

Richie: Yeah. But not a lot of people getting puked on on movies coz of covid. So, we took a Zoom and got certified to do all the sex scene stuff.

Director: That’s great. You seem very qualified. Now, any questions about script?

Randy: Ah, didn’t read it. Seemed like a girl show to me.

Richie: Yeah, but we get the jest. You two are brother and sister. You’re banging each other. Good stuff.

Phoebe: What? No. That’s disgusting. We play husband and wife.

Regé-Jean: Why would you think we’re playing brother and sister?

Richie: I don’t know. It’s Netflix. They got some dark stuff on there, you know what I mean? Now, Netflix requires modesty garments. We made available. We got a bunch of beave sleeves and dong bags here for you.

Regé-Jean: Are those clean?

Richie: Yeah. I mean–

[Randy smells them]

Randy: Yeah, yeah.

Richie: Yeah. And for the lady, we got these pasties which we invented, our design.

Phoebe: Why are they green?

Randy: Oh. So they can green screen in someone else’s nips.

Phoebe: Oh, thoughtful, but no thank you.

Director: Are you sure? Because there’s actually something to this. We could green screen in a guy’s nipples and then we could play this on any network.

Regé-Jean: Deidre, no! Look, not my nipples, no one’s nipples. No. Maybe we can just walk through the scene and you’ll see what we rehearsed.

Richie: Yeah, great. We’ll just observe, make sure everything’s kosher.

Director: Sounds good. Okay. Thank you.

[Phoebe and Regé-Jean get on bed]

Regé-Jean: So, Phoebe and I thought that if I shift my body this way, then I would cover her a bit more.

Richie: Yeah. Well, actually, you guys wanna tap out for a second? This might be better actually. [Phoebe and Regé-Jean get out of bed] Thank you. Now, Daphne, if you’re comfortable with it, [lying on bd] you’re like this, “Oh”. You know? You could just pop on to all force like this. [posing like porn’s doggy style]

Randy: And Bridgetown, you get behind like this. [posing like he’s having sex with Richie from the behind] Right? One knee down and one foot up. You know what I’m saying?

Richie: Yeah. And if you’re looking for a laugh, Daphne, you can say, “Shh, don’t let mom and dad hear.”

Regé-Jean: Right, we’re not brother and sister.

Richie: Right, right, okay. Here we go. Take it or leave it, okay? You go like this, Daphne. “Oops, wrong hole, dumb ass.”

Regé-Jean: Absolutely not.

Randy: Then he goes, “Oops, sorry”, but then you wink at the camera like, “It wasn’t an accident.”

Richie: Yeah. I mean like, that’s just fun.

Regé-Jean: Deidre, can you help us here? Please.

Director: Um, yeah. Daphne, she wouldn’t say, “Dumb ass”. She would say, “Wrong hole, your grace.” So…

Regé-Jean: No, no. Let’s not try that.

Phoebe: I mean, we might as well shoot to as like an option.

Regé-Jean: Phoebe, no. Deidre, I think we’ll be okay without these Intimacy Coordinators. We know each other’s boundaries. We’ll just do what we rehearsed.

Richie: Okay, great. Well, have a great sex scene. Have fun. We’ll be here. Excellent.

Director: Great. Well, if you two feel okay, let’s just try and shoot one. And, can we get the body make up folks in?

Richie: Yeah, that would be us too. Sorry, bunch of your crew were at that super spread of fund raiser.

Randy: Alright. Who’s looking for patchy. We got a bunch of fake pubes.

Richie: Yeah. Here we go.

The Adventures of Young Ben Carson

Elizabeth Banks

Richie… Beck Bennett

Sasheer Zamata

Ben… Jay Pharoah

Mom… Leslie Jones

Black Jesus… Kenan Thompson

[Starts with Ben Carson’s Book and the newspaper articles]

Male voice: The media went after him pretty hard even though he’s one of the most accomplished doctors in all the land. A true American success story. But I knew him before all that. Back when he was just another brother from the streets of Detroit. Back when he was young Ben Carson.

[Screen showing “The Adventures of Young Ben Carson”.]

Adapted from the stories of Dr. Ben Carson.

[Cut to Detroit in 1968. Elizabeth, Richie and Sasheer are talking in the street.]

Elizabeth: And he thought Richie would back down.

Richie: Yeah. So I told him, “Don’t listen to me. [showing his handgun] Listen to my two friends. Smith and Wessen.

Elizabeth: Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Sasheer: You think that’s bad. You ought to meet my boyfriend Ben.

[Ben walks in]

Ben: Did somebody say my name?

Richie: Ben?

Ben: Yeah, what are you doing in this neighborhood? Like a Muslin in the White House, you don’t belong.

[Cut to Elizabeth and Richie]

Elizabeth: Wait, what?

Richie: [fake laughing] You’re out there Ben, you’re crazy, man!

[Cut to Sasheer and Ben. Sasheer looks worried.]

Ben: Excuse me? What did you say about me?

Sasheer: Ben, don’t. Your temper. He’s mad now!

[Cut to Elizabeth and Richie]

Elizabeth: Really? He’s angry?

[Cut to Sasheer and Ben.]


Ben: [speaks calmly] I am hot with rage. And right now, I’m about to go off. I feel like I might have to cut you.

[Ben takes a knife out]

[Sasheer screams and runs away]

[Cut to Ben, Elizabeth and Richie]

Here comes with the quickness.

[Ben is moving slowly towards Richie]

Elizabeth: Quick! Stick out your belt.

[Ben hits Richie’s belt buckle with his knife and drops it]

Ben: Ah, man! Blocked by a belt buckle. This happens all the time.

[Mom walks in]

Mom: Ben, what are you dong?

Ben: Oh, my ma. We were just playing.

Mom: Get off these streets and back in the library. You’re going to ruin your future and end up in jail.

Ben: I can’t go to prison, my ma. People go to prison straight and come out gay. I’m not ready to be gay.

Mom: That don’t make no sense, Ben. And open your damn eyes.

Ben: Oh, my eyes are open, my ma. Wide and full of rage. Now it’s time to open your’s.

[Ben fetches a hammer]

Mom: Oh, damn! He got a hammer!

Elizabeth: Quick, put this belt on your head.

[Elizabeth puts a belt on Mom’s forehead.]

[Ben is about to hit Mom]

Male speaker: Halt!

[Ben looks around to see who it is]

Ben: Who is that?

[Cut to Black Jesus walking in. He is walking on smoke and wearing a white robe.]

Black Jesus: It’s me, black Jesus.

[Cut to Ben]

Ben: Amazing.

[Cut to Ben and Black Jesus]

Black Jesus: Open your eyes, my son. Why are you out here on the streets acting like a fool? You know I created humans like you to be the most evolved species.

Ben: But evolution isn’t real or we’d have the fossils to prove it. And those fossils don’t exist.

Black Jesus: Not so sure about that. But you still need to act right. You have a higher purpose, Ben. Someday, you’ll save hundreds of lives. Inspire thousands of kids, and make millions of people say, “How did he get up there?”

Ben: But black Jesus, I don’t have any friends. Will you be my friend?

Black Jesus: I guess.

Ben: Fantastic. Let’s go get our portraits painted together.

Black Jesus: Well sure, as long as you put it up in your house.

Ben: Alright.

[Cut to a picture of Jesus and Ben Carson doing high-five. Their bodies are drawn like in kid’s school.]

Black Jesus: And we were friends. Best friends. We went to Yale together. We separated twins together. We went to Egypt and saw the ancient grain silo. [Picture has Ben and Mom, and there are pyramids behind them.] That’s a lot of grain.

[Cut to Ben and Black Jesus]

Ben: Everything black Jesus said came true. I became respected surgeon and a multi-millionaire all in America that today is very like Nazi Germany.

[Black Jesus clears his throat]

Black Jesus: Oh, Ben. You crazy. Haha.

Ben: [looking disappointed] What did you say about me?

[Ben pulls his knife out]

Black Jesus: You gonna cut Jesus?

[Cut to The Adventures of Young Ben Carson outro]

[The End]