Weekend Update Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Colin Jost

Ruth Bader Ginsburg… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with Colin Jost in his set]

Colin Jost: Supreme Court hearing on marriage equality, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg received a lot of media attention for her pointed comments. Here to explain is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg slides in]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Woo-woo-woo! The Ruth- the Ruth- the Ruth is on fire.

Colin Jost: Alright. Justice coming in hot.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Yeah. You better believe it, Colin. Yeah! [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] I’m ready to rumble, Mayweather-Pacquiao style. I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. I clean myself like a fly.

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Justice, Justice Ginsburg, let’s focus. Now, were you swayed by any of the arguments you heard on Tuesday?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Oh, they were useless. Useless! [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] Next time, I’m just gonna put a crumpled up black cocktail napkin in my place. Not gonna know what I’ve got. The arguments I heard, they were so weak. I just hope they’re not holding up Justice Scalia’s chair. Well, that’s a Gins-burn!

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost. Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing]

Colin Jost: Justice Ginsburg!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: What? What? Come on! I’m like a weird mole. I’m tiny but I could be dangerous.

Colin Jost: It’s a great point. Now getting back on track, the issue is really whether marriage equality should be up to state or federal governments. You know? You have states like Kentucky that want to keep their marriage bans.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Ah! Yeah! [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] Kentucky, yeah. Real 21st century state. I could call out that their most famous citizen is a friend chicken sales man who looks like he should be sipping iced tea at a slave auction. But I’m not gonna go there. And by there, I mean Kentucky! That’s a Gins-burn.

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost. Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing]

Colin Jost: Justice Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: What?

Colin Jost: You know, I have to say. You sound pretty confident you’re gonna win this case.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Oh, well, yeah I’m gonna win. I already won today. I was the jockey writing American farewell.

Colin Jost: Well, you’re a jockey too?

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Yeah. Down at the Derby, they call me Seembiscuit, coz all the fellows wanted to seem my biscuit.

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: You’re not gonna dance?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: I only dance when I’m joking, Colin. Well, well, if you really want, I’ll dance.

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing]

Colin Jost: So, Justice, should we be expecting a final decision from you guys?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Oh, yeah. It couldn’t happen soon enough. [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] I gotta push same sex marriage through before god remembers I’m still alive. The grim reaper, he came for me once, but I punched him and stole his robe.

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: And what’s next in this case? Is it the written briefs?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Well, written briefs. [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] You know what’s written on my briefs? “Baby gap”. Nobody’s safe from the fire, not even me. I just got Gins-burned!

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost. Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing.]

Colin Jost: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, everybody!

[cheers and applause]

Weekend Update Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Colin Jost

Ruth Bader Ginsburg… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with Colin Jost in his set]

Colin Jost: In a recent interview, 81 year old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated she has no intentions of retiring even though she is the oldest judge on the bench. Here now to comment is Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg slides in]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Woo! RBG in the house. Weekend Update, 2015, oh yeah!

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dancing]

Colin Jost: Wow, welcome. You seem very spry for 81.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Yeah, you’d be spry too if you had my morning routine. [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] 100 pushups, 100 laps in the bathtub, and then I do my P90X where I pee 90 times. You know, I might be the oldest judge on the bench, but that doesn’t mean I’m the closest to death. Have you seen Justice Scalia? It looks like he’s permanently hooked up to an IV bag of ball in the ice. Huh! Hey, Scalia, you just got Ginsburned!

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost. Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing again.]

Colin Jost: Justice Ginsburg, I gotta say that’s pretty harsh coming from you.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Yeah, I’m like a horsefly. You know, I bite hard and I look like a horsefly.

Colin Jost: Now, what about the State of the Union where you were caught sleeping?

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: No, I wasn’t sleeping. I was giving in to the weight of my glasses.

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg lower’s her head and sleeps]

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Um, sorry. Um, Justice Ginsburg?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: What? Oh, no. I’m sorry. [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] I was having a disgusting dream about Bruno Mars. He was Up Town Funking me.

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Oh, my god! No, no, no. No, no, no.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: I know it’s short, but I like my men like I like my decisions. Five-four. That’s a third degree Ginsburned!

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing]

Colin Jost: Jutice Ginsburg, come on! You know?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Colin, you know what? I’m living every 81 year old’s dream. [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] I get paid to sit on a bench all day and judge people. But, you know how weird it is to be 81 years old and actually have people listen to what you say?

[Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Colin Jost]
Colin Jost: Okay, well the Chief Justice of Alabama actually said he won’t listen to your ruling on marriage equality.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Uh! [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] I expect that from Alabama, you know? They never recognize the ruling on incest either. The verdict is in, you’ve been Ginsburned!

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancng]

Colin Jost: Oh, my god! Oh, no, no, no, no. RBG! RBG!

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: What? Look! It doesn’t matter what Alabama does, okay? [Cut to Ruth Bader Ginsburg] Coz when I get a hold of that gay marriage ban, ouf! It’s gonna fall faster than Madonna at the Brit Awards! They say justice is blind but anybody can see, Ya-burned!

[Ruth Bader Ginsburg starts dancing]

Colin Jost: No! Ruth Bader Ginsburg, everybody!

[cheers and applause]